Get Those Buns Over Here // DreamNap

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[1385 words]


Sapnap knows that his behavior is suspicious, but he almost wants the daycare's other employees to guess the truth. Surely his coworkers have wondered why he insists on ordering deliveries from the same local bakery every time that he can.

Whenever the daycare holds a birthday party, a staff party, or even when the daycare wishes to reward its students for good behavior, Sapnap claims that the best gift is a batch of fresh honey buns from Sunrise Smiles Bakery.

Despite this reasoning, other daycare employees frequently question if there is a second reason for Sapnap to order honey buns from the same bakery every time.

"I like to support local businesses just like anyone else, but aren't there plenty more local bakeries in the area than just this one?"

"Sure, Sunrise Smiles' honey buns are delicious, but why not try a little variety?"

"Maybe Sapnap is actually friends with the bakery owners?"

These questions raise good points. Actually Sapnap would like to order food from other local businesses. However, if he did not order from this particular bakery, then he would not see his favorite delivery driver anymore.

Whenever Sapnap orders boxes of honey buns from the Sunrise Smiles Bakery, the company sends their sole delivery driver Dream to deliver them.

Dream and Sapnap are incredibly busy. Both of them work two jobs with few days off from work. Therefore, they can only maintain their relationship if they find creative ways to meet during their shifts at work.

Because of Dream and Sapnap's subtlety, the daycare employees do not notice any secret glances between them as the daycare's children squeal with delight at the sight of honey buns after a long day of playtime. Sapnap's coworkers do not realize the significance of his slick comments that both he and Dream are incredibly good with children and would be excellent fathers one day.

Today, even if some employees might suspect the truth, they did not openly discourage Sapnap from ordering honey buns from Sunrise Smiles Bakery.

When a familiar delivery van enters the parking lot outside, it ignites a chorus of excited cheers from the toddlers in the daycare. Instantly all of the children recognize the bright green van and the smile painted on its side.

"It's Dream!"

"We're getting honey buns!"

"I want a chocolate one!"

Several children rush to hug Sapnap's legs; by now, they know that it is always him who invites Dream to bring the baked goods.

"Alright, everyone, make some space!" Signaling for the toddlers to stand back, Sapnap crosses the daycare's decorated floor. As he opens the front doors, a gentle gust of air touches his face and warmth swells in his heart.

The Sunrise Smiles Bakery van stops beside the concrete curb. Although parking directly in front of the daycare is technically prohibited, no one has ever protested against Dream's deliveries.

Hopping out of the driver's seat and opening the van's back door, a man dressed in khakis and a tan button-up shirt leans into the backseat. Carefully drawing out two pink boxes, he stacks them on top of each other. Expertly balancing the boxes on one splayed palm, the delivery driver uses his other hand to close the van's back door again. When the man turns around, his friendly smile contrasts against his tired eyes.

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