Searching // DreamNotFound

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*Author's note: this story is inspired by a thread fic by Persie SoftDayDreaming on Twitter! The link to the original thread fic is here: . I hope that you all enjoy!*


421 AD.

Earth receives surprise visitors. A single extraterrestrial ship, full of alien explorers and scientists, hovers far above the atmosphere.

After traveling through the universe for thousands of years, slipping through wormholes and scouring the galaxies, the population of aliens aboard the spaceship has dwindled to only a few dozen individuals. Every alien can live for thousands of years, and the adults aboard the ship have dedicated most of their nearly immortal lives to finding a new home for the ship's youngest members: two small infants who will soon become the last survivors of their species.

In a desperate act of love, two alien mothers bless their children with an infusion of lead into their cells to prevent radiation damage, then they eject the two infants from the ship in small escape pods.

After ejecting the escape pods, the ship disappears into space immediately... too soon for the explorers and scientists to realize their hasty mistake.

As the two escape pods plummet through Earth's atmosphere, they accidentally separate in midair, then they fall apart.

One of the pods tumbles north, blazing a fiery trail until it lands upon an island which will one day become Great Britain. The other pod lands hundreds of kilometers away in a wild spruce forest which will one day become part of the Czech Republic.

When they emerge from their escape pods, the two alien infants find human families. The aliens learn human languages, they adopt human cultures, and they choose human names: Dream and George.

Neither Dream nor George realize that they are not supposed to be alone.

Upon the completed formation of their human skeletons at the age of 26, Dream and George stop aging. They begin a long stretch of inhuman immortality with one subconscious goal in mind.

The two immortals do not know that they must search for each other. They only know that they are searching.


Vienna, Austria. February 1805.

Dream hides his true form well, but his disguise does not fool everyone.

A carriage driver's hands clutch leather reins tighter as their mighty horses rear with panic. The animals sense danger in Vienna's bustling city streets. The horses detect an outsider, an intruder, a fraud among the crowd.

"Woah, steady!" The carriage driver struggles to calm the frightened beasts as they snort and whine. From the open window of a nearby apartment building, a pet dog sticks its head beyond half-closed curtains. Baring its teeth, the dog barks incessantly at a man who strolls along the cobblestone street below: the same man who unintentionally scared the horses.

"Sorry, sorry!" Dream offers a gushing apology to the carriage driver, the horses, the dog, and to all of the pedestrians who witness the confusing scene. Ducking his head, he presses a knitted cap closer to his fluffy hair as he hurries along the sidewalk and away from the panicking animals.

Incidents like these are why Dream usually isolates himself indoors during the daytime. None of his Austrian acquaintances suspect that he is not like them. The people only see a young man who must have accidentally spooked a dog and a pair of carriage horses, but their assumptions are inaccurate. Dream is neither young nor a man.

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