He Walks // DreamNotNap

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| platonic |

[8357 words]

**content warnings: being lost, corpses, mentions of death**

Author's note: I am very proud to present this one-shot to you all! I had the original idea for it around October-November 2021, and I feared that it would always remain unpublished, but throughout this past week, I revitalized this one-shot to make sure that will not be the case! :D I hope that you all enjoy it!


Before Sapnap's arrival at Phantom Island in the Antarctic Ocean, he received an envelope which contained his ticket to visit the island's only town. None of Sapnap's family or friends understood why he wanted to spend an entire week in one of the world's most desolate locations, but Sapnap has always been thirsty for adventure.

Huffing impatiently as the boat sways under his boots, Sapnap hugs his thick jacket closer to his shoulders. Even when wind does not blow across the deck, freezing air still penetrates his layers of clothing.

Beyond the boat, the weather is fair. Overcast skies, calm ocean waves, and a looming gray smudge in the distance welcome the boat to Phantom Island. No country has ever claimed this land as its territory because its climate is so extreme that no human life can survive here without shelter and technology.

Sapnap has traveled to cold places before, like Poland during winter and the Arctic circle during autumn, but he has never visited a place as isolated as Phantom Island. Exhilarated, he views the island from the deck as the boat nears its destination. Gloved hands melt the frost that covers the deck's metal railing. Sapnap's quick, excited breaths billow past numb lips as the boat slows down to stop at the island's only port.

Sapnap hears a splash as the boat's captain tosses an anchor overboard beside a rickety wooden dock. He lifts his chin to listen as the boat's loudspeaker crackles to life and a voice announces,

"Good afternoon to the other guy who's on my boat right now! This is your Captain Sylvee speaking. Welcome to Phantom Island! As a reminder, you can explore the town as much as you want, but do not go beyond the boundary line unless you have a guide. Everyone hates that rule, I know, but I won't sit here without warning you about making a dumb decision that will be your last." After these warnings, Captain Sylvee ends the announcement. "Anyway, thank you!"

Eager to explore Phantom Island despite its dangers, Sapnap departs from the boat onto the dock. He sighs with relief when the wooden planks do not sway under his boots.

With a bulging backpack weighing heavily upon his shoulders, Sapnap steps onto the town's main gravel pathway, where he sees a sign overhanging the dock that says,

Phantom Island's Current Population: 12

Beneath the overhanging sign, Phantom Island's sheriff George waits to meet the newcomer. Wearing a thick parka and a badge, he is the island's only form of law enforcement. After checking the visitor's travel documents and boat ticket, George directs him to his temporary home.

"Go this way, then turn left when you pass the medical center," the sheriff instructs, gesturing with his arm toward the small town. "Then the hostel will be on your right." He raises his eyebrows inquisitively at Sapnap, ensuring that the visitor understood the directions.

"Awesome. Thank you." Adjusting his backpack's straps, Sapnap dips his head politely to the sheriff and begins to walk forward.

"Oh, wait, one more thing!" Narrowing his deep umber eyes against the wind, George asks, "Did the boat captain tell you about staying within the boundaries?"

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