When Love Triumphs Over Indifference // KarlNotFound

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[2924 words]

Author's note: Please remember that this story is completely fictional! It is meant to represent a concept and to send a message, not to depict the actual lives of the content creators!


Karl opens his mouth, but no sound emerges. He waits impatiently, tapping the floor with his feet beneath the dinner table. He stares at the plate of steaming pasta and vegetables before him while he picks at his manicured nails.

Across the room, Karl's husband George piles food onto his own plate in the kitchen. He does not seem to recognize his partner's insecurity yet, or if he does, then he does not know how to handle it.

When George finally turns around and carries his plate of food to the wooden table, the married couple begin to eat dinner in silence. Tension hovers in the air between them. George must know that Karl wants to say something, but he fears that he will be useless at consoling his husband if the problem is emotional.

Eventually, however, George does not stand from his seat after he finishes his food. Instead he pushes his dirty plate forward slightly and clears his throat. "What's wrong, Karl?"

"Nothing is wrong, really," Karl admits. "I just wanted to discuss something with you."

"Go ahead." George's deep umber eyes search his husband's face. He scratches the scorpion tattoo that hides under his shirt sleeve: it is a subtle sign that he is nervous.

"I know that we've been happy with just the two of us so far." Karl's belly churns, but he has already advanced this far, so he might as well finish what he started. "But would you ever want to have more?" Karl must say exactly what he means to avoid any misunderstandings, yet his throat dries with anxiety until he reveals, "I really want to adopt."

"You mean, like, adopting a pet? A cat or a dog?" Already George appears squeamish.

"A pet might be nice, but really, I was thinking we could - I don't know -" As George's eyes drill into his own, Karl becomes disconcerted. Breaking his gaze away, he loses his grit. His voice weakens until it is a mere whisper. "I hoped that we could adopt a kid."

If George were still eating dinner, he probably would have choked on his food. His eyes widen with shock as he sputters, "Like, you mean a child? Adopting a child?"

"Yeah," Karl breathes. His throat feels dry and now he regrets mentioning the topic, but it is too late to turn back now. "Would you ever like to adopt a kid?"

Karl is not surprised, but still disappointed, when George appears less than thrilled. In fact, his husband seems to suppress a grimace as he asks slowly, "Why do you, uh, suggest that?"

"Well, I know you doubt yourself because of, you know-" Karl shrugs hastily. He does not want to mention any details of George's childhood; his husband strongly dislikes discussing his past. "But you already decided that you want to be better, remember? We could adopt a kid, raise them, love them... everything!"

George's reluctance remains, but this time he sags with guilt. Witnessing his husband's fervent attempts to convince him, he tries to soften his tone. "Listen, I don't think I would be good with a kid, and I think you should know that by now." He does not accuse Karl outright of being in denial, but clearly he believes that he is unfit to be a dad.

"George, it's alright if you're insecure," Karl tries to reassure him. His heart hurts. "Obviously I have no experience being a dad yet, either. That's why we'll both practice and read parenting books before the adoption, so we'll know how to be dads! You'll do great, trust me."

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