Chapter 10, Nerves

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I didn't want to have to choose. But I couldn't ignore the fact that I was extremely cold and not warming up at all. Then I remembered what happened when I first came here.

I had had a nightmare and Bucky and Steve combined were able to hold me down so I didn't injure anyone. "I- Could they both stay? When I f- first c- c- came here, they were able to h- hold me down wh- when I had -d a nightmare."

Stephen frowned. "You shouldn't be this cold, even after using your powers." He paused, seeing my confused look. "Sorry just thinking out loud. Yeah as long as they don't have any responsibilities they can both stay."

He then opened a portal, "Don't bug me unless it involves Tony, Eclipse or the end of the world. I need to look for something." He then walked through and the portal closed behind him.

I looked at Steve and Bucky, not sure what to do. It was my shivering body that roused us from the awkward moment.

Steve immediately went over to my dresser opening up the first drawer. Which happened to be my underwear drawer. I stifled a laugh as he blushed and quickly closed the drawer.

He opened the second drawer and saw the few outfits I had. His blush disappeared and he frowned, "Don't you have any warmer clothes? These are barely suitable for fall let alone winter."

"I survived last winter." I knew my clothes weren't the best but they were all I could afford. Bucky came over to my bed and sat down.

"Have none of us taken you shopping to get more clothes?" He questioned. I shook my head. I was extremely cold now. I could tell that I wasn't warming up at all, I was just getting colder and colder.

Trying to be as sneaky as possible I scooted towards the middle back of the bed. But as I shivered more and more I abandoned all secrecy and jumped under the covers, huddling in a little ball.

"Woah doll! Calm down!" Bucky exclaimed.

"F- f- f- fuck y- y- you. I- I- I'm c- c- c- cold." I said, my teeth chattering. I was cold and tired, they better not tell me what to do.

I felt the bed dip as they both came over, one on each side. "Sorry doll, no fucking toda-" Bucky began before Steve cut him off. "BUCKY NO."

I laughed at the interaction. They were both underneath the covers now. Two arms wrapped around me from the left, one metal. A small gasp came from him, "Wow babygirl, you weren't joking when you said you were cold. Steve she's freezing."

It was when Steve scooted closer that I noticed that they were both shirtless. "Why the fuck are you guys shirtless?"

"Eclipse." Steve said warningly. "Enough swearing. Peter doesn't swear which means you don't need to."

I looked up at him, mad. "I will swear whenever the fuck I want. You aren't my dad. Again, I will repeat, why the fuck are you both shirtless."

"Because even though I'm holding you, with my body heat almost directly against you, you are still shivering and freezing cold. Listen doll, we aren't trying to intimidate or scare you so if that's the case then let us know and we'll put our shirts back on." His voice was soft in my ear and once he was done talking he moved my hair and kissed my neck.

It wasn't that I was intimidated or scared, well a little, but it was more of a 'they look really good and I want to kiss them but that would be awkward and I don't know how they would respond because I don't want them mad at me even though it would be because they took of their shirts which makes sense because I am still freezing cold' type of situation.

Although I was still shivering it was slowly becoming less. I turned my head towards Bucky, "Why do you both mostly call me doll and babygirl?" Bucky smiled, "Because we're Brooklyn boys, doll."

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