Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

The trial had begun after a few days. During this moment, various animals poured in because they were curious to see the perpetrator and the victim. All animals were sitting according to their own species.

At this point, Arthur's throat has healed and he was back to talking. Not in full sentences since he fears for his vocal cord. He recalled the words of the police chief, his friends and his parents. Even so, Arthur knew there was so much to be done and this trial with Genji is just a small obstacle.

He was listening to the entire courtroom that consists of nervous herbivores and boisterous carnivores, judging by their tones. He tried to estimate how many animals were there but it was difficult considering that he is small. Arthur wished he could hang upside down to rock himself while listening to music to soothe his soul and tea to calm his nerves.

For now, he will have to wrap his wings around himself like a makeshift blanket.

"Now, this is an odd case, I must say!" the judge silenced the room with a single tap on his gavel. "A herbivore attacking a...I'm not even sure if the bat's a carnivore since he has teeth. Anyways, we have this young buck, Genji to the stand."

There were a few whispers, making Arthur fluff up his fur.

What he didn't know was that there were a few other bats in the courtroom too. Most of them were curious since it was rare to see a bat in court or made it to the news outlet. The bats that were gathered were of brown, black and a mixture of orange.

Not only that, a few members of the Shishigumi were present wearing their casual clothing, his parents and a handful of Cherryton students with the principal was there too. Ten was sitting next to Dr Kirk, who was in-between her and Dr Conner; and . Most of the animals were baffled by the mixed species sitting together.

"That bat has been nothing but trouble since he transferred to Cherryton," Genji sniffed. Murmurs were made amongst those present. Arthur slowly unfurl his wings, hoping that he was facing at where the sound of Genji's voice was.

"And how has he been troubling you when he can't even see?"

"Well...He's been scaring most of the students with those bug-eyes of his, stealing my girl under whatever Vampyrum spell he has hypnotised her with and let's not forget how weird he talks with his babbling."

Arthur droop his ears, unsure of how to react. Was he really that off-putting and he did not pick up the subtle hints all this time?

"Plus, his music is too distracting day and night! He nearly ruined the harlequin rabbit name and my entrance to university!" the harlequin buck rambled on, pointing a finger at a very horrified Arthur. The Honduran white bat was slowly recovering from his self-deprecating thoughts about being a burden, only to be rammed with a snip about his music.

It wasn't the first time he was told that his music was rubbish but to be revealed in court was something he wouldn't want to experience again. He could just stop making music if it bothered everyone so much. It's rather rude if anyone doesn't tell him upfront.

"Hey, who are you to say that?!"

"Order! Order in the court!" the judge hit his gavel again to silence the building uproar in the courtroom.  " I don't care about your personal vendetta with him or his circus of a family. Does the perpetrator have any evidence we can all see to argue against this buck's statement?"

One by one, Arthur was listening carefully to his parents telling their statement, Aoba's, some of the Cherryton students and the principal. To him, he was swivelling his ears to listen to the only one he needs right now.

'Mizuchi...' Arthur thought to himself. 'Where are you? Please help me, I'm scared!!'

Arthur took a deep breath and told his side of the story. At this point, the court and beasts can believe whatever they want. All Arthur wanted was a cup of tea and Mizuchi by his side. He figured that she and her friends were probably busy for their university.

The silence of the courtroom was making his ears picked up ringing sounds. Arthur held his stomach with a hand-wing. A tensed atmosphere with the constant ringing in his head was going to overwhelmed him. During his speech, he picked up on a few remarks such as:

"I think he's innocent  since he's blind."

"Don't be fooled! His other senses are heightened to commit such crimes!"

But all of that were paused when the doors of the courtroom opened, hearing collective gasps amongst the beasts. Arthur may not know what they look like but he knew who they were. From what he could gather, there were some video evidence on the night Genji attacked him and how the poor Honduran white bat was close to giving up.

He could count how many times the clock was ticking since it felt like the trial went on forever!

"Y-you c-can't prove that!" Genji stammered, hearing the rabbit suck his teeth in frustration. "Those beasts are criminals! You can't trust a criminal compared to us. We're proud harlequin rabbits and our species is rare compared to the rest of the rabbits!"

"But assaulting a blind animal?!" he heard a feminine voice countered. "That's low, even for a herbivore!"

"He was going to suck on her blood!"

"Do I have a-"

"Silence!! I have heard enough," the steady voice of the judge immediately silenced the room. He reminded Arthur of Sameer's dad when he was back in Gryphon Cross. Only difference is that this judge needs to raise his voice to control this cacophony.


Another day was needed before the judge could make a final statement. For now, Arthur will be returning to the hospital for another night. During that time, he was grateful for his parents to be around.

"You were brave out there, son," Dr Kirk patted him on the head. Ten was sitting by the young Honduran white bat's side on the hospital bed. Arthur's fur fluff up in embarassment.

"I only did what's right."

"And you did," Ten encouraged, placing her son's two fingers on her swollen belly. This made Arthur smile a little bit. "I'm sure your siblings would agree with me too. Any ideas if they are boys or girls?"

Arthur shook his head. "I can't tell and neither does dad. But what's important is that the babies and you are alright, mum. Thank you for having a small snack with me of shortbreads and tea."

Both of his parents hugged him, feeling one of them kissed him by the ear.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot!" Dr Kirk's voice made Arthur perk up. He felt something thrusted into his two fingers. His eyes widened in shock.


"I asked Aoba to collect your harmonica from your dorm. I thought it might keep you company for the night since music has always calmed you down besides a spot of tea, of course!"

"But...I can't play it," Arthur whispered, still tracing the instrument. "There are other patients here that might not like this sort of noise."

"You can play for a little bit," Ten encouraged, ruffling his fluffy fur. "I think these beasts would appreciate it if you play something to ease the tension of this hospital. The harmonica's was your grandfather's, wasn't it?"

Arthur nodded. "The very one he would play amongst the flowers. That was how Nana met and fell for him. Right, dad?"

Dr Kirk laughed, his face was clearly embarrassed. "It is."

While the family was sharing some moments together, a figure was standing at the doorway, head tilted to listen. He was clearly baffled by what he had witnessed and heard.

'I might bring this bat and his family for dinner at my rooftop. I wonder if they do like carrots, since their son is dating a rabbit.'

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