Chapter Three: Anger

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Warning: Gore warning and mild language. Reader discretion is advised.

I raced out of there, my vision tinged with red. Nobody messes with my children and gets off Scott free on my watch. Sirius! Leia! Vanellope Rose! Mary Anne! And Thalia... oh Thalia! Hang on, dears, Mama's coming for you! I thought, seething. I enter the ring portal, keeping the name of the company clear in my head, Playtime Co.! I ran through the portal, my heart beating too fast. The logo was kind of reminiscent of toy companies that I was used to seeing. But the building itself, although pastel, was also faded as hell. It felt abandoned.

No matter, I was quick to break a window to squeeze inside. Inside, there was a painting on the wall. It looked like the rip off Muppet from my nightmare. It read, Welcome! I snorted, sarcastically stating, "Pff, this is my welcome wagon? Where's the poor sap who has to sit here?" Then I spot something green and square. I examined the thing with my gloved fingertips. "Leith Pierre? Sounds French." I commented as I turned the VHS tape in my fingers. My fingertips fumbled as I got the tape inside. Then I watched it. I didn't see much, sadly. All I saw was what looked like a dim, yellow smear on a black background.

As the tape began to play, I started jogging around, trying to figure out where my children are. I called their names, ready to punch a wall. I snarled at the painting on the wall, "What're you looking at?!" I ran to the right, ducking into a wing that read, Gift shop. "What's new, pussycat?" I asked saucily, kicking the ground with my shoe. Then I looked around the brightly colored room, seeing toys that I never got as a little girl for some reason. The train above me circled above my head like a halo. I admired the colors, but the wonder ended the minute I glanced to my left. I squinted, not sure if I was going crazy.

I saw something green lying on the table. I picked it up and gazed at the figure. It was a tiny, green robot. It looked broken, as if someone had stomped on it. That was not what caught my attention, though. What caught my attention was the red smear right underneath it. I ran a finger against the wood and licked the red stuff. Almost immediately, I tasted something coppery almost from the get-go. I wrinkled my nose at this, knowing what the red substance is.

I spat, disgusted. Then I gazed at the broken boxes of the monster, and I read the box of one undamaged toy: "Huggy Wuggy." Damn it. I thought, glaring at the knock off Muppet. "Going to go Leviathan on me, bastard?" I growled at the box, kicking it as hard as I could. "That was for giving me nightmares." Then I walked back to the main lobby and groaned. There was a blue handprint that was located way too high even if I spin dashed. I smiled wickedly, busting out a piece of chewing gum. I chewed it rapidly, then dug out my thermite kit. I grabbed a Huggy Wuggy box, tore off a piece and quickly made myself some angry clay. I stuck it to the door, stick a piece of cardboard in my home-made angry clay and lit the match. I ran away fast, then I heard a loud boom... along with the sound of metal clanging to the ground. "Holy fuck." I whispered. I entered the room.

I'm pretty sure that this room was made for children. It was full of different colored doors, and it was pretty big. In the center of the room is the blue bastard himself, Huggy Wuggy. I whispered, "Not you." I pressed the button and flinched as a generic 80's jingle played. Then I decided to see if I could try the thermite trick again.

Just as I was about to place the chewing gum on the door labeled "Power," I hear a goofy, male voice ask, sounding like a bad 80's cartoon, "What are you doing, pumpkin?"

I jumped out of my skin. Then I glanced around, realizing that I was alone. I burst out laughing, replying, "I'm going crazy talking to myself here." Then I muttered, "Hopefully I got enough thermite."

"Let me get that for you, pumpkin. No need to destroy doors with that sticky stuff. I don't like getting it in my bowtie." The goofy voice purred lazily behind me. I whirled on my heel, half expecting to see Sonic screwing with me. I was alone... save for the Huggy Wuggy statue. I glanced up at the sound of something metallic. I saw a key in the hand of the Huggy statue. That was not there before! I panicked, remembering the story Sonic told me about the time he encountered ghosts in a haunted mansion. I shoved the gum in my mouth, then I scrambled up the statue. "Careful, pumpkin. I'm ticklish... but you do look familiar. Especially in the face... I've seen your face before." The goofy voice commented.

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