Chapter 10: I'm Out of Time, Poppy!

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Warning: Swearing imminent. If you are sensitive to strong language, then I have to ask you a serious question: How in the f did you get through ten chapters? Granted, not all of them have cuss words, but I have to ask because I sometimes forget to put a language advisory in some chapters. I'm going to have to edit those warnings later so that your virgin eyes don't get bombarded. Have a nice day.

The first thing I did was run out of my room like a maniac. I ran into Sirius's room, slamming the door open. Sirius sat up, his eyes huge at the sight of me. I ran straight to his toy box, digging through it. "Mommy!" Sirius sobbed, "I'm sorry!" I kept flinging toys aside until I saw something green and shiny. I narrowed my eyes, digging out this unwelcome toy. I pulled it out, glaring at it.

It was a green robot with glowing yellow eyes. I was careful to place it down, and I turned to Sirius and yelled, "Where did you get this!?" I cradled Sirius close as he whimpered. I took a few steady breaths and asked again, softer this time, "Sirius, where did you get this toy from?" I asked, keeping my voice low.

"P-p-playtime f-factory." My dear Sirius stuttered, his hazel eyes shining. "I didn't m-mean t-t-to! It was s-shiny and c-c-c-cool! A-and h-he was b-b-broken! I took him home to f-f-fix him up!" He whined into my chest. I patted him gently, murmuring words of comfort in his ear.

Then I looked at the robot and smiled softly. I had to stop to admire Sirius's handiwork. The screen eyes glowed pleasantly, and something told me he would make a great inventor. I understood now why he stole the toy: he wanted a friend. I cleared my throat and told Sirius, "I wouldn't have come tearing in here and being loud if you just told me that you took something without asking. But don't worry, dear. I worry about you. Promise me you'll talk to me next time." I added, giving a small, knowing grin. He grinned back after wiping the tears off of his face.

Then I jogged into Leia's and Vanellope Rose's room and headed straight for the toy box. I lifted the lid to find a plastic dinosaur inside. It was red and orange in color and the eyes were blue. I glanced towards their bed to find miniature Huggy Wuggy plushies on their bed. "Oy, vey." I sighed. They were blue and pink respectively. Then I glanced at the bed. Both of my little girls were holding the plushies in their arms. Their hazel eyes were wide, and they tried to hold the plushies closer. I reassured them, "I'm not taking your little friends away. But I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Sirius: Just ask me next time. Don't ever be scared to fess up to a mistake." I slipped my disguise ring on and added, "Keep them. But let the sick feeling in your stomach be your guide." 

My baby girls nodded, leaving two rooms left for me to check: Thalia's and Mary Anne's. So, I jogged into Thalia's room and glanced around. My gaze finally landed on two cat toys having what appeared to be a tea party. One of them looked like a blue cat. It had two shades of blue and its' tongue was hanging out. Its' beady black eyes shone at me. The other cat looked like something I found on Tumblr. Her wings were a light blue, along with her eyes. Her body reminded me of a mix between a ginger she cat and a bumble bee. I shook my head in disbelief, and I exhaled, "Seriously?"

I never gave Thalia toys like this. I usually give her dolls, not cat dolls. I made a mental note of this. Then I turn to see Thalia enter. Her freckled face had a horrified expression, with her grey eyes wider than saucers. I reassured her, "It's cool. Just ask me next time." I patted her head and left, my stomach now in knots. So if the so called flower is not with Thalia... then who-!? I interrupted my own thoughts as the sick idea settled. No... no! Not Mary Anne! 

I raced to her room and opened the door. I rummaged through her toy box, coming up empty handed. "Mommy? What's going on?" Mary Anne asked, her voice soft. I turn to see her hazel eyes shine at me. Her feet were bare, and her eyes gleamed with curiosity.

"Mommy needs to find a doll. I think it's called Poppy." I replied briskly, hoping that I was not too late.

I watched as Mary Anne shook her head defiantly. "Poppy does not want to go back." She grumbled, kicking the ground.

"Excuse me?" I felt dumbfounded. That was, until Mary Anne strides over to her closet and pulled out the prettiest doll I have ever seen in my life.

The first thing that caught my attention was the doll's eyes. They were blue, almost electric blue. Her eyes were almost a little bit too real for my liking. Her lips were frozen in a small smile. Then I noticed her dress. It was light blue, covered in frills, and reminded me of those Victorian style dresses. I gawked at her red hair, surprised that the doll looked so pristine. But that wasn't the biggest shocker.

As I drew in closer, I breathed in the scent of poppies coming from her hair and my eyes narrowed with suspicion. Poppies don't have a smell! I realized. The doll blinked, then she did something that shocked me. "Hello. I am Poppy Playtime. But you can call me Poppy." The doll said in a soft, way-too-sweet voice.

"Hello back. I'm the mother of this fine little lady who you are with. And right now, Huggy Wuggy is pissed at me because you left." I retorted, placing a hand on my hip and trying to act as stern as I could without scaring her. "Why are you here?" I demanded, keeping my voice even. I added, keeping my tones more civil, "Huggy is worried sick about you."

Poppy cleared her throat in a lady like way, then she replied, "She opened my case."

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