Chapter Six: The VHS Tape

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Warning: themes of gore, torture, swearing and disturbing thought imminent. Reader discretion is highly recommended. Read at your own risk.

Twenty minutes later, Sonic brought out a dusty looking VCR. He dusted it, grumbling, "Whoever sent that VHS tape clearly has zero knowledge of the Internet." His quills were covered in a thin layer of dust. He blinked his large, green eyes at me, then he paused to dust himself off. His sneakers gleamed in the dim light as he set up the VCR. I held back a giggle, since even though Sonic was technically born in the 1990's, he never said anything about knowledge about tech. "This is no laughing matter, Alison." Sonic growled.

"Hey! You look out of place hooking up a VCR!" I pointed out, trying not to laugh again. But finally, Sonic's TV flickered, showing the strangely familiar blue screen. He pushed the VHS into the VCR, then he turned to me and gaped. I made a couch cushion fort and set up a blanket to make it look more awesome while his back was turned. "Alison." He scolded, finally laughing. I felt very warm and buttery inside every time Sonic laughs for some reason.

"Sorry. I always have an urge to make one every time I think of VCRs." I apologized, then Sonic shook his head. His grin was on the cocky side as he slid next to me. "Daddy... I'm nervous." I murmured as the tape started to play. Sonic only squeezed my hand as a response.

It started out innocently enough. "Hi there! My name is Leith Pierre, and I am head of Innovation here at Playtime Company! I'm about to show you a new friend! He's huggable, lovable, and will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside!" A man announced, his face clean shaven. I liked the sound of his voice. "Let me introduce you to my friend, Huggy Wuggy!" 

Then it cut to a jingle commercial. First, we see the outline of the blue beast, then we hear the jingle.

"His name is Huggy! Huggy Wuggy!" Then we can see a cartoon Huggy Wuggy. If my encounter with that furry blue son of a bitch didn't happen, I'd say he's adorable. His bowtie was especially dashing as he hugged cartoon kids with his long, lanky blue arms.

"When he loves you, he'll never stop!" Then Huggy opened his mouth and laughed, clapping his large yellow hands together to show some sort of joy. I saw his teeth, which were round, cartoonish and cute in this commercial. His laugh was also cute and cartoony when you think about it.

"Your friend, Huggy! Huggy Wuggy! He'll squeeze you until you-!" Then it went sideways really fast. The tape cut out, showing the real Huggy Wuggy with his Leviathan mouth problem. He winked, straightening out his bowtie. Even though it was just a flick, I felt really uneasy.

Then I heard a voice say, "Third log, in relation, experiment 1006. The prototype seems to be serviceable. We'll see how he does after the commercial."

Then I hear another voice whisper, "I quit! I'm marrying Brenda and leaving this shit hole! What you did to one of my coworkers was horrible! You fired him because his back hurt for more than ten minutes!"

The first voice, which was cold, cruel sounding and soft, snarled, "Daniel, you keep your mouth shut on what you've seen! We are working on a new vessel, Project 'Kitty Cat 2.0.' And if you don't behave, you will be the next experiment!"

I gasped, recognizing the voice of the other voice. It was my birth dad's. Daddy continued, "I will leak it all!"

The first voice growled, "Shut up. Get back to work!" 

Then it cut back to Huggy. It seemed to take place after the fight in the Playtime area. He had one long arm in a sling, and his eyes were dark with a bloodlust. There was blood on his fur, making Sonic.exe look like he was wearing cheap theater blood that you can get in a Halloween shop. "Pumpkin. You want to know more about your father, Daniel Mark?" Huggy Wuggy paused, expecting me to answer eagerly. I was silent, and he continued, "Well, your father's departure had been the cause of the final log, which resulted in the Incident. If you fail to bring me my flower back, I will take you away from your adopted daddy just so that he knows the exact same anger and pain I do." He breathed, straightening his bowtie as if it was crooked. "I'd love to introduce you to my dear wife, Kissy." 

Then he turned the camera to another figure. The figure looked like Huggy, but this Huggy Wuggy clone was definitely pink instead of blue. She grinned at me, flashing her own Leviathan mouth at me. Huggy continued, "So, which will it be, pumpkin? To become one of us? Or the return of our flower? If you run out of time or refuse to give us back our flower, we're coming for you!"

The pink Huggy elbowed him, calling, "I think we should give the Headmaster of STH Academy a big kiss!" Her voice was a falsetto singing voice. I look at Sonic, my eyes huge. Then Kissy continued, "Isn't he wonderful?" She wrapped a pink arm around the blue nightmare and giggled, flashing her teeth. Kissy would put the vampires from Supernatural to shame, being that they were sharp, covered with drool and deadly looking. "Huggy Wuggy, Kissy Missy wants to give our new daughter a big kiss!" She purred, then she placed one yellow palm to her lips. I thought she was going to do something along the lines of biting her yellow hand off. Instead, she just blew a kiss.

"See you soon, pumpkin! TTFN, as your young ones say! Ta-ta for now! You'd fill your dad's shoes quite well, Alison Black!" Huggy giggled goofily, waving a giant, yellow hand in what I perceive to be a mocking wave. Great, now Huggy Wuggy had to go and bastardize Tigger. Then Huggy Wuggy turned to his wife and asked goofily, "What's the time?" 

Kissy Missy replied, her voice a mocking falsetto tone, "Playtime!" Then the VHS tape flicked to a black screen. I guess we reached the end of the fucked up tape.

I glanced at Sonic again. I didn't realize how tightly I was gripping his apricot shoulder. I kind of forgot that Sonic was right next to me. "Shit! What do I do now!?" I exclaimed, causing Sonic to flinch. I apologized after he glared at me.

"Alison Hedgehog! Look at my eyes." Sonic instructed, failing to answer my question. I glanced at his eyes, and I bit back a scream. His eyes were now gold, his pupils narrow. "I'll make you into a Werehog so that you can defend yourself!" Sonic whispered, his voice now a low growl. I scrabbled backwards, then I glanced outside. I could only think, No... no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Sonic can't be a werehog! It was a full moon outside, and Sonic stepped out of the pillow fort. He closed his eyes, breathing in sharply as if he was in pain.

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