Part Twelve: I Kissed a Girl... Monster?

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I inched backwards away from Kissy, not looking away for a second. I read somewhere that you should never take your eyes off of a predator. I don't know if killer toys count as predators. I managed to get myself out Mary Anne's room, and I smirked at the giant, pink monster that was shuffling towards me. Ha! She can't fit in the door, and she's too slow! I thought with a smirk.

My smirk and my cockiness vanished the instant she bent down and ducked under the doorway. Her legs seemed to fold in, and her black eyes briefly broke contact with me as she ducked into the other room. I let out a whole slew of Mobian curse words as I scrambled backwards, including "Son of an Iblis Trigger!" "Chaos on a Stick, no!" and a classic, "Chaos damn it!" I guess my creative use of profanity didn't impress the Leviathan pink Sour Patch Kid in the slightest.

She chuckled, then she was quick to grab me and wrap an arm around my waist. "Dear, aren't you full of beans and vinegar?" She questioned as she lifted me at eye level. That was when I decided to do something stupid.

I replied evenly, "How did you know I ate a chili dog with French fries for lunch today?" (Side note: I add vinegar to my French fries.) I figured, Since I am fucked, I might as well go down with the best last words. I braced myself for being crushed to death. I squeezed my eyes shut and started counting the number of seconds ticking by in my head. There was silence. I swore I could hear a pin drop. Then I felt her begin to squeeze. "I thought you wanted a kiss!" I yelped, "Kissing me while I'm unconscious is considered a form of unwanted touching!"

Kissy stopped squeezing long enough to reply, "Oh, is that the case? Pucker up, buttercup. Kissy gives the best-est kisses in the world. Hold still for Mommy, will you? You'd get the best if you stayed still." Her red lips were now closing, sheathing her fanged mouth. I decided that the best course of action would be to impress this kissing monster with my own kissing abilities. I let her come in close, then I kissed the top of her large lips and slowly began kissing her entire mouth. I gently scratched under her chin, and I heard a soft purring sound. I felt her turn towards the stairs and start walking. "Oh, Huggy! You picked a good kisser! I don't know if she's a good hugger." Kissy addressed someone behind me.

I turned around behind me to see Huggy gaping at me. I stared the blue monster dead in the eye and told him, "Hedgehogs don't make good huggers. We're covered in spikes." Then I emphasized my point and flicked off my disguise ring. I felt my quills growing in, and I felt Kissy Missy drop me. I forced myself to breathe in as my transformation ended. "You have been warned." I told the giant toy monster in a cocky manner. I noted that Huggy's red lipped grin grew to expose more of his teeth. I'll admit, Huggy Wuggy would be an orthodontist's worst nightmare. I'd say that Huggy is an autistic kid's worst nightmare as he wrapped both arms around me. "You're going to be in a world of hurt, Mr. Wuggy." I warned.

Huggy replied in his goofy voice, "It is worth it." Then he squeezed me so tightly that I blacked out. I began to dream at this point.

I dreamed that I was in Sonic's study. It was daytime, and Sonic was in there. His quills glowed a rich blue color, but his eyes glowed with a green fire. His eyes were resting on his bed as he demanded, "What happened? Where is Alison Hedgehog?" I turn to see my five little dears cowering in fear at the sight of Sonic. I could easily tell that he was pissed. He glared, snarling, "WHERE IS SHE!?" Then he slammed his hand against the desk with a force that would make a werehog proud. If it was not a dream, I'd say that the concern Sonic must be feeling for me would be very sweet. Then Sonic slouched over on his bed and murmured, "Please. I must know so that I could negotiate with Huggy." His facial features twisted into something that appeared to be a grimace, and I realized something: Sonic thinks that he sounds stupid saying Huggy's name.

"The pink monster took her away and left this thing on my bed." Mary Anne peeped, grabbing something from behind. I knew exactly what it was: it was a VHS tape. It looked yellow, and I could not make out what the tape said. Sonic plucked the tape from Mary Anne's hands and read silently. Then he growled, and shoved the note to the floor.

"This is not helpful. I'm sorry." Sonic said, then the door burst open. Sonic turned his head quickly towards the door and addressed the rude barging hedgehog, "Airalain, what is it?"

"Daddy! I can talk to her! In fact, I am going to address her right now!" Airalain beamed. Then she turned towards me. "Ali May, where are you?"

"I don't know yet. I'll let you know the next time I dream." I told her.

Airalain appeared to be enraged about this. "You were knocked unconscious, weren't you?" She demanded, her quills stiffening. I knew that I needed to calm her, then I came up with an idea.

"You have been inside of my head the first week as a hedgehog, right?" I asked her, ready to spring my idea.

"Yeah, and?" She pressed, her black lip gloss puckering.

"Think about Make a Friend machine! Think Catbee! Think werehog! Think Huggy Wuggy." I emphasized the importance of that last word, hoping that Airalain would do as she was told. I felt something soft prod my side. "I don't have time!" I exclaimed. I could only watch as Sonic's face blinked. I hear something screech in my ear. It sounded almost like a mixture between a wildcat and a cougar...

I sat upright... and found myself gazing at Huggy Wuggy. His grin was just as ugly as ever, but that was the least of my worries. I slowly let myself stand up and I observed the room. It was small, but felt homey. I noticed that I was laying right on top of Huggy Wuggy. I stood up, immediately apologizing. I glanced around the room and realized I had a problem: there was only one way out, and that would be the vent on the ceiling. I whispered, "Where... am I!?"

Huggy chuckled, then he replied in a lofty manner, "Pumpkin, you are in my room. You are going to spend your nights in here. But you need to get ready for school. It's PLAYTIME!"

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