Chapter Fourteen: JAILBREAK!

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Warning: Gore, body horror and swearing imminent. Reader disgretion is heavily advised.

Waiting for the sun to go down was pure agony that day. I glance towards a window, hoping to see the full moon only to be disappointed by the fact that it's not even sunset yet. I grumbled as I glanced at the Huggy Wuggy themed wrist watch that Kissy gave me, "Damn it. Come on, I want out now." I could feel the anticipation of the evening boiling under my skin and quills. I was careful to stay away from anything with a reflection because I didn't want to give away my intentions of escaping... and I didn't want to risk someone seeing my reflection and realizing that I'm not human.

Thankfully, Huggy was a bit ignorant on what I was planning on doing. He only asked about what I was going to eat for dinner and that was it. Even though that giant toy was trying his hardest to seem friendly and mischievous, he failed to take into account that I missed Sonic so much that the pangs kept me up at night. I had to hide my tears now because I was just a quill length away from freedom. I noted the sun sinking over the horizon and I knew that freedom was close. (Come to think of it, Huggy Wuggy's not exactly the brightest candle on the menorah. He hadn't figured out that I had a spiky secret under my human facade).

After what felt like an eternity, the sun finally set. I quickly hid in the gift shop, my heart pounding. Damn it. He might have seen me. Or he might come at me. It was obvious that I didn't think this through. I glanced towards the window, my breathing hitched. The moon was up, and now this was my moment of truth. I sucked in air just as the change began.

It started with a hot, sticky, disgusting feeling in my insides. Then it expanded to full heat in my chest. I held my breath, hoping the pain would subside. I was an idiot for doing so since my bones started breaking in my ribcage. I bit back screams of anguish as I felt myself grow taller. "Fuck!" I finally managed to spit out. While I was plotting my escape I forgot one important detail about the werehog transition: the pain that goes with it. My hands felt as if they were smashed with a hammer and I hear the sound of fabric ripping. I bit back a howl as I glanced at my feet. My sneakers became spiked platform heels with cleats. "OW..." I managed as the final bit of my transformation happened. My muzzle felt as if it was beaten to a pulp. My teeth stabbed me, and I finally let out a roar of pain.

I pricked up an ear, listening for any sound of a chase. The vents were silent. I glanced towards a broken window. Hmm... I could get out of here this way. I thought as I leaped past the broken glass. Then I hear Huggy yell, "What in the name of Elliot Ludwig was that!?" I did not bother to listen in. I glanced towards the wrought iron gate and broke the lock with a punch. 

Then I booked it on all fours. The sounds of the toys fighting grew distant, and I finally slowed down. I panted as I made my way to the nearest river. "Holy...!" I breathed. I quickly dipped a hand into the water. It felt cool, wet and inviting between my oversized hands. I took a sip and that was when I heard a twig snap. I stood up and ran again. I howled, then I pricked my ears to listen for the familiar sound of my Alpha.

I didn't hear anything. All I smelled was nature. This meant that I have a serious issue that needed to be addressed: I have no way of getting to Sonic. I growled in dismay, then I remembered something important; I had a therapist named Dr. Weahagu. I turned my nose to the sky and howled. Then I was off running again. The trees blurred past me as I ran. I found myself next to a familiar building after a while of running near the highway. I slid past the automatic doors, and let my eyes drink in a familiar sight.

It was a doctor's office. The floors were white, the walls were white, and the ceiling was a pale grey. I glanced at the receptionist, who was cowering behind a desk. I can't say I blame her, though; she probably have never seen a werehog in her life (outside of Sonic Unleashed, that is). I read a plaque that was on a wall:

Dr. Maurice Weahagu, PhD

Autism Specialist

I growled in disgust at the name of the doctor who was my therapist. I don't have good memories of the doctor, to be frank. Then I breathed in, taking in the scent of scared children, chemicals and a faint, familiar odor. I breathed in again just as the man I feared entered the room.

I growled, my fur raised. Dr. Maurice Weahagu looked just the same as I have remembered him. His sunglasses gleamed in an evil way, his hair was salt and pepper with hints of dark blue in his hair. His teeth were as sharp as mine, and right now, he was scowling. I finally spoke, growling in a desperate time and adding a whine to my voice to convey my sadness, "Dr. Weahagu! You have to help me! Sonic did this to me, what do I do now that-!?" I interrupted myself, sniffing the air delicately. I caught a whiff of a familiar scent that left pangs in my heart. I breathed in the scent, hoping I was imagining things.

He patted my arm, asking, "Do I know you, my dear?"

"Yes! I used to be a patient of yours! Alison Black!" I finally exclaimed out of frustration. I heard a thump, but I paid it zero mind. "Remember? You used to perform tests on me and call me your favorite-!"

The doctor held up his hand as a means to get me to shut up. "Ah, yes. It's good to see you again, my dear. Come into my office, my lab rat... Although I think you are a tad too big to have that nickname now." The doctor ordered, ushering me in. His comment about my height and general size stung. I bit back the urge to claw his face off from that comment alone. As soon as I was in that dreary office, he locked the door and scolded, "You just made my assistant faint."

I growled, now officially annoyed by the fact that Dr. Weahagu was not being very helpful at the moment, "Not my fault. I would have fainted too, if I saw a giant fucking werehog enter a place where I work!" I emphasized my point by gesturing to my furry body and cleated platform shoes. I was about to begin talking again when I caught that same scent. This time, it was stronger. "Are you wearing any cologne?" I asked, rubbing my nose. The scent of cologne was bothering my nose and it was driving me nuts.

"Yes, my favorite lab rat, why?" The doctor replied, asking in a suspicious manner.

"I smell something familiar about you underneath it." I replied as I got closer. I leaned in close to the doctor and took another breath. I froze, my fur stiffening. There was no denying the overly sweet scent underneath the doctor's cologne. It was the scent of a Werehog Alpha. I realized, my fur stiffening.

I swiped the doctor's glasses off of his face. He tried to hide his eyes, but I was quick to grab him. I pulled his arm down and finally had a good glimpse at the color of his eyes. They were emerald green, the same shade of green as my Alpha's eyes. I realized. Dr. Weahagu hissed, "Give them back. My eyes are very sensitive to this light, my dear!"

I replied, my voice low, "That was for exposing me to this light. I know who you really are now, Alpha Sonic."

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