Chapter Twenty: Shit Show

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I was about to begin walking to Statues when Mommy Long Legs called out, "Mommy almost forgot. I would love to make my second wish." I cocked an eyebrow, surprised. My human form was beginning to itch. "I wish you could play a little bit longer."

I grin, snapping my fingers. "Your wish is my command." I feel that awful warmth seep through. Then I hear something coming from the Statues area. I was stunned at that. My first thought was, Cave in! I need to get these toys outta here! Then I decided to investigate.

I scamper down to the Statues area and swore at myself. The other end has caved in, which was a problem in on itself because that meant one thing: no escape. Then I hear the sound of static. I turn to see the video giving out instructions. I peer into the shadows, noticing a dog like creature in the back. But it looked like the dog thing had the head of a pug and the body of a caterpillar. "Aw, shit." I mumble. My human skin was getting uncomfortable, but unfortunately Mommy Long Legs chose this exact moment to monologue.

"I was distraught to see Danny and Brenda leave. Brenda was always asking me for tips on being a mommy. But Danny always avoided me for some reason... Mommy never got to know why. They all left Mommy alone to die. Mommy didn't deserve that! If anyone deserves to die alone... It's you." Mommy Long Legs lamented, slinking off into the shadows.

"You cold hearted spider-bitch! My father was terrified of spiders, and I know why, you pink asshole!" I spit at nobody. Then I hear something that sounded like the sound of a marching band. "Fuck everything!" I yanked my disguise ring off and started running. The pain was somehow even worse. I can hear my bones crackling, and it felt like I was stabbed with knives. I knew I was a hedgehog again when I heard fabric tearing. Then the lights came on. I froze and peeked over my shoulder. "Shit."

Shit indeed. The dog faced thing was marching towards me. It sounded like the sound of spiders crawling. "Screw it."

The dog thing opened it's mouth and asked, "Are you a cat?"

"I'm a hedgehog."

"You're a cat."

I bit my lip out of pure annoyance. The lights went out and I took off running again. I managed to skip everything and I used my high jump to clear the window. I hear the sound of glass shattering and I turn around. I was in an observatory of some kind. I didn't fuck around and find out what Playtime was hiding.

I peek over to a corner to see a hole. "This might be a tight fit." I hop down and breathe. "That could have been a shit show." So I start jogging through the labyrinth of corridors.

I hear Mommy Long Legs call out, "Okay, Alison. Mommy's decided that you won! You can come out of hiding now!" Since I love stirring the shit pot, I keep my mouth shut and continue jogging. That was proven to be a stupid idea since Mommy Long Legs changed her tone... Drastically. "How dare you disobey your mother! How about you die and Mommy gets to watch!?" I knew Spider-bitch snapped when she began cackling like a motherfucking mad woman.

I shout back, "How 'bout no!? You didn't give birth to me!" Oops, maybe I shouldn't have sassed that spider. I hear something scuttling and I booked it. I jogged by a poster that depicted Mommy Long Legs with a family. An idea sprang to mind. I pictured the blue body, the hat, the mustache. My bones cracked and my limbs felt like Stevia. I peeked at myself and nodded in approval.

I continue walking, surprised that this new form let me change into that. That was when I collided right with Mommy Long Legs herself. She looked pissed. Her eyes were glaring at me and she demanded, "What trick is this!?"

I pin her against the wall. Her expression goes from pissed to confused within the course of two seconds. I told her, "Calm your Spicy Ranch Doritos. We're going to play one last game." Then I kiss her on the mouth. She froze, then tried to kick and buck. "It's called Truth or Dare." Then I started the round. "Okay, Mommy Long Legs, truth or dare?" She froze again, her expression going from confused and pissed to realizing exactly what is going on.

Her voice got quiet. "Truth." She finally stated.

This is my opportunity to pry shit open. So I asked, "What happened to get your limbs tangled up in a knot?"

She shouted, "You CHEATED!"

I reply evenly, "How did I cheat?"

She spluttered, "You- you...!? I don't know! I know that you did!" She slammed herself against the wall. I kept holding her tightly until she started getting more hostile.

"Round isn't over. Truth or Dare?"

The pink spider lady grumbled, her eyes now more realistic and wide, "Dare."

"Take a chill pill."

Mommy Long Legs whipped her head at me and screeched, "YOU LOOK LIKE MY DEAD HUSBAND, YOU CHEATED AND I TRIED TO PLAY FAIR! HOW CAN I TAKE A CHILL PILL!?" She tried to thrash out of my grip but I remain unyielding. She finally weakened herself, panting.

"Are you ready to continue?" I ask.

She muttered, kicking her left, pink shoe, "Yes."

"Truth or Dare?"


"What do you know about a worker named Daniel Black?"

"He was hilarious, but h-h-h-he hated me *hic* and Daddy Long Legs! He was *hic* the best worker here!" She hiccuped.

"That was because of a bad experience with a tarantula before he met you." I told Mommy Long Legs. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare?" I was breaking her walls down. I knew exactly what I was going to do.

"Have a seat. No tricks." Mommy sat down, eyeing me. I wrap my limbs around her and began braiding her bouncy hair. "I'm sorry... For unknowingly cheating." I murmur, tying the braid up with a bow that I found. "On an unrelated note... What kind of makeup do you use? It looks fabulous on you!"

Mommy turned her head, her eyes back to normal. "Oh, you tease! Mommy forgives you. Don't cheat again." Her tone made it clear that she was going to do worse if I disobeyed. "I use Jane Cosmetics. But what do you use? I smelled that scent on Brenda."

"Urban Decay."

Mommy Long Legs blurted out, "What are you, Alison!?"

I was taken aback. "What? Whaddya mean?" I ask, surprised. Shit. She knows too much. I shouldn't have changed into Daddy Long Legs.

"From the fact that you have taken on my dead husband's appearance, I need to know the truth. What are you? What happened? Who did this!?"

I couldn't keep it a secret anymore. So I shrank down back to my normal appearance and replied, "Just a hedgehog that can shape-shift if threatened."

"Who did this!?" Mommy Long Legs was looking frantic. "It looks painful! Mommy pities you!"

I breathe in, patting her gently. "Sonic the Hedgehog turned me and my twin sister into this." I told her, staring her dead in the eyes.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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