Chapter Eight: It Just Gets Uglier from Here

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Warning: Strong themes of weight gain, sex and mild gore present in this chapter. Strong language advisory. Reader discretion is highly recommended. Especially if you are not fond of seeing anything gain weight, talk about anatomy, or reading about someone else getting bitten. You've been warned, and please don't say that I have not warned you of any of this. If you can stomach gore or sex, great. If not, then do me a favor and turn away. I like you enough not to cause discomfort.

As Kayla lead me away, it hit me as to why she was so familiar. "Kayla? Aren't you Airalain's crush?" I asked, causing the werehog to chuckle.

"Yes, dear. Your twin sister is a werehog too." Kayla replied, her fangs flashing. Then she glanced at me. "The Alpha's right, since you could use some fattening up. But don't worry, dear. I can get you good and fat in no time." She rasped in my ear, causing me to shiver. "My gift is especially good for you." She wrapped a long arm around my waist, and she sighed in a blissful manner. "You want to have some delicious sex, dear?" She asked this question so quickly that I didn't catch on to what she had said initially.

"What?" I asked, stunned that a creature like Kayla could ask me such a straightforward question such as that.

"Do. You. Want. Some. Sex?" She repeated herself, forcing me to gaze up.

"Yes." I agreed, wondering what she could possibly do to me. I could hear her chuckling in my ear.

"Good. Werehog love is incredibly fattening for a hedgehog, dear." Kayla purred, her curly fur pressing against me. "My orders are to get you nice and fat before the full moon is in the center of the sky." She rasped. "You are going to be plumper than a tick when I'm done with you." She chuckled in a wicked way in my ear. I didn't want to know what she plans on doing to me. Is she going to stuff my face like a turkey? I wondered. I felt her pull me into a room. It was a very pretty room. The walls were a pleasant shade of pink, the bed was heart shaped, and there was a window on the far wall.

Kayla rasped, "What first?"

I blinked, then I replied, "What do you want?"

Instead of replying, Kayla grabbed my waist with a fierce purr. I squeaked, which was a mistake in on itself. She pulled me in close and slid her tongue right between my lips. What the-!? Mmmm.. not going to lie, but this is really nice. I found myself thinking as the werehog's tongue slid right into my mouth and tasting the inside. I felt incredibly warm and toasty inside. I never thought I'd say this, but this was quite tasty... considering that I've consented to being fucked by a werehog in a literal sense.

Try swallowing. A different voice purred in my head. And I obeyed, suckling on that tongue and letting my tongue discover more of her. Atta girl. The other voice coaxed, dripping with honey. Doesn't hurt to have a good time, does it? Your lips and thighs feel as if they have been sculpted for a werehog, dear.

Absolutely not, and this does feel right. I agreed, then I remembered something. Wait a second... am I bisexual? I wondered. Then I turned to Kayla and asked, Why are you doing this with me?

Her response nearly broke my heart. Kayla replied as she fondled one of my breasts with her oversized hand, Because I always had a crush on you and your twin both. I was too scared to come out of the closet as a hedgehog. But as a werehog... I feel more confident. I hugged her tightly, then I realized why I was doing this to myself in the first place: to protect my kids from whatever the fuck is threatening my family.

I told her briskly, "Let's get this over with."

Kayla leaped backwards, her fur puffing on end. Her face flushed, then she mumbled, "Am I exceeding your limit?" She poked me, commenting, "I think that you are fat enough to bite. Let me see what my Alpha has to say as to if you have fattened well or not." I giggled when she poked me in the waist. Then she glanced down and gasped, "You are not going to see the Werehog King looking like that." I glanced down and to my embarrassment, I was naked. Kayla giggled, grabbing a dress out of a wardrobe. It was quite pretty. It was a very light blue, with diamonds embroidered into the chest. She urged, "Try it on. A pretty dress for a pretty hedgehog like yourself?" There was a bit of a sing song tone to her suggestion.

I tried it on and gasped. Kayla was right: the hedgehog I was gawking at in the mirror was drop dead gorgeous. I purred, "I'm ready to see him." Instead of fear, I felt at ease with the thought of being a werehog.


I felt my knees knocking together. I wondered if becoming a werehog would protect my kids, and I also wondered if Huggy Wuggy would run away from me while letting loose a string of four letter words. Can't tell. I decided, chuckling at the thought of a giant, blue, Leviathan Sour Patch kid knockoff yelling in a goofy voice, "FUCK THIS SHIT, I'M GONE!" But my guess is that Huggy Wuggy would probably flash his own Leviathan grin at me just to show that he's bigger, tougher and meaner than me.

My frivolity was gone the minute I gazed at Sonic. His emerald green gaze pierced my own eyes, and I glanced down at myself. I was definitely chunkier, but at least it was not too ugly. Sonic reached across the room and lightly squeezed my waist with his oversized hand. I gasped, again sharply reminding me of how similar Sonic is to Huggy Wuggy... especially in this form. It's not hard to see the similarities: both of them are blue, alive, got long arms, and would leave you in a world of hurt at best. "Alison." Sonic purred, "I'm very pleased that you have decided to join us." He pulled me into his grasp, and he grinned at me in a crooked manner. His fangs glowed as he whispered, "This'll hurt."

That was when I felt something sting me hard in the throat. "OW! FU-!" I began to yelp, but that was when I heard Sonic chastise me telepathically. Alison. Watch your mouth. Nyx, I missed saying that to you. I hear Sonic rumble telepathically. I felt him drinking my blood, begging, My, oh my, Al. I must have all of you. Sonic begged. "T-take some." I managed.

Then I felt him get his fangs out of my throat. "Look at the delicious light of the full moon, dear." Sonic ordered softly. Being the dumbass I am, I obeyed.

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