Chapter Nineteen: Whack a Wuggy is Therapeutic

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As I crawled through the vents, I got a sense of deja vu. I felt like I have definitely been in that kind of situation before: It was the nightmare I had of a werehog chasing me through the vents of Playtime Co. I decided that it was a good idea to just keep moving. Then... I got lost. Of course, getting lost had to happen. It's almost a stupid trope, to be painfully honest with you. As I crawled, I found myself in what looked like a rejected toy aisle. 

I glanced around and found a knock off Easy Bake Oven. I remembered having one of these as a kid and burning my finger inside of one of these. I also remembered the hospital visit. That didn't deter me from finding my love for food. I miss Sonic's cooking. I remember, feeling the familiar pang of loneliness. Maybe I'm missing Sonic a bit more than what I care to admit. I peeked behind the oven and found a scripture that I couldn't make out. Maybe it was the bad lighting.

Then I found a toy that made me almost chuckle (key word, almost). I read the memo about why this toy was rejected. "Laughed right out of the meeting room" seemed almost too accurate.

Then I remembered that I didn't sleep at all. So I closed my eyes and began dreaming.

I dreamed that Sonic was getting more agitated. His quills were stiff as he paced. "Damnit! Full moon!" He cussed under his breath, then he doubled over. His moan was deep as he transformed into the Werehog. He blinked, and I noticed that his eyes were now yellow. He breathed in and yelled, "Airalain!"

Airalain came running, already a werehog. "Yes?" She inquired, her fur puffed up.

"Find Alison. I have huge plans for her when she gets home." Sonic ordered, his voice now a musical purr. He brushed off some imaginary dust from his fur.

Airalain must have been feeling either really brave or really stupid. She hung around and asked, "What plans?"

Sonic turned around and chuckled, his fangs gleaming in the moonlight. "I need her to lure Amy Rose to me. Her scent is tempting me. She's my mate but I haven't performed the mating ritual on her yet." He licked his chops and howled at the moon. "She will be my Luna by the time I'm done with her!" He snarled. "I have the perfect plan." He whispered something in Airalain's tufted ear, then Airalain shivered.

She muttered, "Give me a second."

I yelled, "I'm at the Game Station in fucking Playtime Co!"

I wake up to a looming shadow peering at me. I grabbed my glasses and put them on to see the towering visitor. I breathed in relief since it was only Mommy Long Legs. Her green eyes were narrow, and a hand was on her hip. "Sorry. I got tired after wandering around for hours." I explained, hastily standing up.

She relaxed, and I noticed that I was in the game station again. "Head to Whack a Wuggy. Don't get lost again."

I grinned, then I decided to do something stupid. I teased, "I can't help being a Wandering Jew! Be honest. How many times did you lose me when I was learning how to crawl?"

"Were you implying that I was a bad mother?" Her tone sounded pissed.

"No! Seriously, I wandered a lot as a baby!"

"To be honest, you getting lost didn't really happen at all, but you certainly kept Huggy busy!" Mommy Long Legs responded with a chuckle.

I'm going to be honest, I kinda wanted to backhand Huggy for the asshole stunt he pulled. So maybe Whack a Wuggy is going to be my equivalent of therapy. Mommy Long Legs glanced at me, and she exclaimed, "Mommy almost forgot to get your grabpack! You dropped it earlier!" She handed me my grabpack (now equipped with a green hand), and she plopped it into my arms. Then that spider lady pulled her vanishing act, her bouncy hair disappearing behind her.

I jog down the stairs, and I was met with the sight of a closed room with holes in the wall. FUCK. I thought. I listened to the instructions and I prayed that my Whack a Mole skills were good enough to let me get out of this game in one piece. Mommy Long Legs called from somewhere, "You used to lose the game on purpose when you were two. You'd hug the toys whenever you won. Now have fun."

I'm pretty sure that a game that doubles as a death trap isn't considered fun. Just saying. So when the Huggy's came out, I started slapping. "Get back in your hole, you Leviathan Sour Patch Kids!" I yelled. "I liked you better when I was a baby!"

Yeah, I was pretty damn rude to all of them. You know that George Carlin skit about "Seven Dirty Words You Shouldn't Say On TV"? I spewed out every last one on the list as I was hitting the Wuggy toys... And then some more.

When the game finally ended, Mommy Long Legs scolded, "Naughty. I should make you play that game again, but I'm not because that's the rules. A vent opened at the side and her hand poked out with another piece of the code. "Take it."

I didn't need telling twice. I grabbed it, then she mumbled, "I have other ways to play with you." I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that just because I'm a dirty minded hedgehog. I hear the mini Huggy's grumble, "I'd like a little revenge on that nasty girl."

I took this as the opportunity to shapeshift into a mini Huggy Wuggy. I peered in and crawled through. "Pardon me for asking, but what girl?" I asked, intentionally mimicking them.

The red one replied, "That human girl who used such foul language with us. Geez, Cobalt. Keep up!" He added, "I don't know what Poppy sees in that blue haired brat." Mmm, juicy info.

"No clue what you are talking about, but I gotta go." I made my exit hasty, but I got more information. Poppy Playtime was definitely using me, and I have the perfect way to get my revenge.

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