Chapter Nine: Huggy Wuggy Has Nothing On Me... Literally

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Warning: Body horror present, along with themes of apparent torture. Reader discretion is heavily recommended.

I have to admit, the first thing that I noticed after Sonic released me from his bite was how large the moon is. I was kind of transfixed, not really wanting to look away from the glowing orb in the sky. Then my head began to hurt. Maybe I'm overthinking it and it's just me imagining things. I reasoned. Then I felt my insides getting larger, snapping all of my ribs. "OWW!" I screamed, doubling over. I couldn't speak as my guts felt as if they were swelling in size. The throbbing in my head was pushing me almost to black out mode. I couldn't breathe, since my lungs decided to grow bigger, too.

Sadly, blacking out was a luxury that was mercilessly dangled from me. I felt hot, itchy and tight everywhere. It almost felt worse than the pain itself. But it gets worse. I could feel fur sprouting in places I never knew existed... especially in places where (ahem) the sun doesn't shine. My muzzle felt as if it was being broken. 

I hear bones crackling in my face. "Ugh..." My voice was definitely changing... it sounded deeper, more growling, and ravenous. My arms felt as if someone snapped them. "Someone!" I croaked, feeling unable to breathe. "Help... me..." I pleaded, but nobody was listening. Instead, Sonic was just staring at me from a distance. My arms and legs were changing, I could feel the bones rearranging themselves. 

I glanced at my feet as it felt like the bones down there were being smashed and expanding too. I worried that my shoes were going to explode like firecrackers. But I worried for nothing. Instead, they just grew with me, gaining cleats and sharp things on the strap. Unfortunately, my gloves didn't do the same in kind. I thought I was going to have fingerless gloves... but NOPE.

My gloves exploded like cherry bombs. The last of the transformation was about to happen. I felt my nails become longer. Cleaning these will be as fun as a sandpaper dildo. I thought to myself as I stood up shakily. I tried to talk. "Wha-!?" I covered my mouth. My voice was softer, deeper, had a graveled tone to it, and sounded lustful. I howled at the moon, surprised at how loud and full it felt. Then I hear awed murmurs around me. I froze, then I glanced around. I was surrounded by other werehogs. I gently patted my new fur, surprised at how warm it is. For clarity, I always complain to Sonic about being too cold. But what I heard next made my stomach perform swan dives.

"Welcome to the pack, Alison Werehog!" Sonic's voice boomed loudly around me. Then I felt other werehogs grab me, chanting my new name like a mantra. Then Sonic whispered, "Now, my princess, what do you want to do?"

I grinned with my fangs showing. I howled, then I yelled, "Daddy, let me begin the hunt!"


The next morning, I felt exhausted. I yawned, then I stumbled out of our room (Airalain and I share a room, you dirty minded freaks! Get your mind out of the gutter). My head hurt, and just when I was about to finish my breakfast and be with my daughters and son, I hear Sonic say, "Alison?" I whirled to face him, and Sonic appeared to be in a horrid state. His green eyes had bags underneath them and his quills were sticking up in different angles. "Did you let me bite you?" Sonic asked, his green eyes glaring under the dulled color.

"Yes...?" I answered in a hesitant manner, not sure if that is going to throw Sonic in a tailspin or put him in a very bad mood. Sonic's scary when he's cranky. I'm not going to sugar coat how scary he gets when he's exhausted and in a bad mood. Think of what would happen if you were to do something stupid (say, trespass in a toy factory full of toys that want to eat your face and kill you) and then lie to Sonic about it.

"Why the FUCK did you do something like that!? Didn't I warn you!?" Sonic yelled, his green eyes full of fire. I flinched, half expecting Sonic to hit me and half expecting Sonic to throw something at me. He did no such thing; instead, he took a shaky breath and murmured, "Very well, my daughter. I suppose you had your reasons." 

I nodded, replying silently, I wanted to protect my kids from Huggy Wuggy... or worse. I felt horrible, that was, until Sonic sighed and murmured, "Very well. Go to bed." I tried to argue, but Sonic made it plain as day that he didn't want to listen to my excuses by glaring at me. Chaos, he's scary when he's mad. I noted as I hurried to bed.

I fell asleep, and the worst nightmare happened. Blacking out was surpisingly easier now that I was bone tired.

 I was back inside of that toy factory. This time, I was at the Huggy Wuggy podium. I was frozen to the spot where Huggy Wuggy stood. I couldn't move. Then I hear someone say feverishly, "Ah, Experiment 1006. He is the most sucessful. Isn't he wonderful?"

Dark Gaia on a stick, no. Huggy Wuggy is not wonderful... at least, not my memory of the blue fuzzball. If the voice was asking this before I bumped into Huggy Wuggy in his present, scary form, then I would gladly say that he is adorable. The last time I was near Huggy, he tried eating my face and my kids. Speaking of... I glance to my right to see a lab. I see five different colored Huggy's. Right next to them are my five kids, their hazel eyes full of fear. Of course, I couldn't do anything about this since I was petrified where I stood. Then the dream shifted back into the nightmare I had.

Instead of the werehog stepping out of the shadows after picking a fight with the Make a Friend machine, my five kids shuffled out of the shadows. But they were not what I remembered them as: they were all pale, lifeless, and had no eyes in their sockets. "Mommy... you didn't save us." They moaned, reaching for me. 

I screamed, and I noticed Huggy streaking out of his area like a skinny dipper. He quickly dismembered them, screeching. Then he turned towards me. "Pumpkin pie..." He began, then he wrapped both of his arms around me. I could have sworn that his tone sounded almost sympathetic under that plummy voice. I screamed; there was no way in the pits of Dark Gaia that I will submit to this! "No flower, no freedom. You're out of time, pumpkin." Huggy's voice was blunt and to the point. I knew I didn't have much time left to search for Playtime's "flower," whatever it was... then I found myself strapped to a table.

"Commencing Experiment 1008. Hopefully she'll be cooperative this time." I hear Eggman's voice laugh. I tried to scream, but I could only watch as that hand stuck a bright, glowing blue liquid into my arm. I screamed...

I woke up nearly having a panic attack. I checked my surroundings and relaxed. It was just a nightmare. I reminded myself. But it did nothing to ease the panic in my chest. I glanced over to my calendar and asked, "How long was I asleep?"

Airalain called back from her bunk bed, "You have been asleep for nearly three days." The panic in my chest rose. Huggy Wuggy gave me three days to find his "flower" and here I was, sleeping like a lazy hedgehog. Which means that today is a do-or-die search for the flower.

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