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"Get him on the table! Gently! I need another IV!!"
McCree groaned loudly in pain has he was tossed around by nurses. I was pushed out of the way but I kept trying to hold him.
"Let y/n be! Focus on applying pressure to his gut!" Angela said ordering the nurses around. "I need to cauterize his arm.
McCree suddenly screamed in pain. He thrashed his body around. The nurses tried to grab him.
"Gas him now! I need him still!"
A nurse placed a mask over McCree's face.
I grabbed his head trying to calm him down.
"Jesse! Its ok. You're gonna be ok!"
The gas slowly knocked him out. Angela began to cauterize his wounds. The whole rough let out a long sigh.
"I must perfom surgery immediately." Angela said.
I looked at her and nodded. She took him into another room and started to operate. I watched the entire time. Several nurses passed me offering to patch my wounds but I wouldn't move. Not for a second. An oxygen tank was brought to me to filter out smoke, but I still sat there an watched them operate on him. Angela took a large lazer and began to cut the bone protruding from Jesse's arm, well what was left of it anyways. In a few hours they had finished the operation and Jesse was taken to another room to rest.
"He's stabilized."
"I've never seen him sleep so soundly."
Angela turned to me holding her clipboard.
"You should get some rest too Y/n."
I turned to face her.
"I won't leave him."
Angela suddenly turned away and started to sobb.
"Angela? What's wrong?"
She turned back.
"It's Genji. I heard what had happened so I went to search for Genji. I found him, but he is in shreds. I tried to look for other people but if I searched any longer Genji would perish. So I took him back here, but now I don't know if I can save him.
"Genji is alive?!" I said surprised.
"Barely. His parts have been damaged. There is very little of his human body left.
"Can I see him?"
Angela nodded. I followed her down the halls of the hospital to a locked room. She put her hand up to the scanner.
"Access granted."
The scanner flashed green as she opened the door. We went into a dimly lit, cold room. In the center was a large table. Genji's body was scattered across it. His mechanical arm was hanging off of his body by thick wires. Same with his legs. His other arm was cut at the elbow and his hand layed next to his head. His eyes closed and a large mask was over his mouth and nose. Many wires were coming out of his abdomen and many rubes were coming out of his body. Some with different colored liquids all dangling from the ceiling through different devices.
"Oh my god!" I screamed.
Angela continued to sob. She stepped around the table putting her hands on each side of Genji's head.
"I hate seeing him like this! Why! Why him!" Angela exclaimed.
She tilted her head forward sobbing into Genji's face. I walked around the table to comfort her. She wrapped her arms around me crying into my shoulder.
"Listen to me. He's going to be fine. I'm going to help fix him. We will fix him."
"Thankyou y/n."
"For now I think you need some rest. We both do."

Later I returned to Jesse. He was still sleeping. I checked his bandages then sat next to him. I held his hand and looked at him for a long while.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you Jesse. I swear I'm going to make Talon pay for this."

I woke up with my hand still in Jesse's and decided to check on Angela. We were both pretty shaken up. In her office I could see she had fallen asleep at her desk. On the desk were some blueprints for a new body for Genji. Only his mask had been drawn up. I shook her awake. She woke up and took a quick breath in before looking at me blankly.
She had bags under her eyes and shivered like she was scared. Must've had a bad dream.
"Are you ok?"
"I'll be fine."
I motioned at the plans.
"Would you like some help with that?"
She giggled.
"I guess I could use a professional in weaponry."
"No problem." I said.
I went to the other side of the desk and we began drawing the plans for a new suit. We eventually came up with a very intricate design. Angela stared down at the plans longingly and then up at Genji's disassembled body. There was hope behind her eyes and eventually she cracked a smile. I gave her one last hug before I went to go check on McCree.

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