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Misaki watched as her father glared at her with a glum look of defeat. A satisfied feeling buried itself in her mind.

The battle had been long and tiring, but they had managed to win it. Now her father would be in the mercy of the court.

Her father was being taken away right in front of her as the guards violently took the tyrant away from their sight. The battle had been won, and her mother could now rest in peace to know that they'll be alright.

She sighs as in relief as she watched their retreating backs. "About time." Kaito, her brother, murmured to them as Misaki regarded him with a nod. "Truly.." She whispered. Her body, tired from the fight, collapsed on her as she fell in a heap. 

Asuto had been a selfish manipulative man whom had just so happened to be a murderer as well. His charges would not be lightly punished ones. For all he knew he could be brought to an execution, though it was unlikely it was still possible due to the !murder factor in his crimes. 

Misaki hoped for the best and prepared for the worst. Whereas the worst could be their father being declared not guilty of his actions and coming home with a welcome from his many colleagues, not including them of course.

Tired as she was, she finally retreated to her room. After a hot bath and a bit of discussing with Hikaru, she was asked to take some rest. Laying down on her bed, she found herself falling fast asleep almost as soon as her head hit the soft mattress.

She slept soundly. The battle had exhausted every part of her. By the time, she had woken up the next day it had already been past noon. The surprise and freedom she felt in not having to be woken early was one of great comforts. Moving towards the door, she grabbed a plush robe to cover herself so she could head down.

She shuffled into the kitchen to see that her siblings had just woken up as well. It seemed everyone was as tired as ever. No one wanted to do anything today it seems. They all were overly exhausted but also very satisfied with their work.

Their father had finally gotten what he deserved.

Hikaru was sipping his coffee while his siblings started digging into the pancakes. The room was now filled with utensils clattering and munching noises; mostly from Natsuki.

After eating to their fill, they discussed about their father's most likely punishments. "It could be life imprisonment." Kaito suggested as the others nodded with agreement.

"But it could always be death." Hikaru murmured to Misaki who blinked unsure if those judges would make such a charge towards the ex-emperor, who still had as much power of other connections such as courtly judges and leaders.

"He could still be pardoned for such things, you do realize so." Misaki was hesitant to bring up this unthinkable truth, but it was better to be prepared for the worst than unprepared.

The silence between others who were stunned at this. It was true, they all knew so. Asuto Yukimura could be pardoned for his wrongdoings. Especially if he gave the judges a deal towards it.

"Then.. we shall beat him to it." Hikaru gave a simple nod in agreement to the point that Narcissa gave.

"That's a good idea." Kaito replied, his eyes looking towards the other two had not casted their vote on the matter quizzically.

"It's.. not bad." Natsuki started for both her and Misaki. "But it is risky. What could we offer that father couldn't? It's a lot to risk..."

Hikaru gave a frustrated sigh as he stood up. "Well we'll just have to try." Leaving the room, triggered an entire conversation or most described argument between the twins who were annoyed with each others' opinions on the matter. Due to this Kaito stood up and left going after Dianna most likely.

Misaki gave an shaky exhale as she thought of what could be a mistake in their plan of bribing the judges. Suddenly an idea managed itself towards her. Standing up, she startled the twins with her movement when she left.

She knew her father like anything thus she knew what he'd do to disobedient people. After all, wasn't she the exact person whom he had trained to do his dirty business?

She found her way to Hikaru's office. There he sat writing a letter for the judges. Pen spinning in his hands as he thought of more ideas to place in the letter. Its contents already had most of their intentions and requests, but he wished to add a bit more to tempt those unruly judges.

Misaki gave a tap on the door to tell him she was here. Eyes lifting, Hikaru's met her own. "Misaki, is something wrong?" He stared blankly at his sister who now sat on the chair in front of his desk.

"I have an idea." Misaki's eyes glowed with excitement at the thought of her plan. Then, she started discussing her plan to which her older brother seemed surprised about.

If the plan they had before was risky, this one would exceed everything that was risky about the first. "Well, it's not a bad one, but we must remember what happened to them when they did this." By they, he meant the Misherus who now stepped out of their throne.

"I know..." She whispered. A mere mention of the Misherus gave her pain. The remembrance of the friend she had had in that family was not a good one. So was the remembering of her hugging the other female who laid unmoving. Tears were and are threatening towards the matter.

"So.. are you sure this will be worth it?" Hikaru took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. They all felt pain in the remembrance of the death of the youngest Misheru, who was their friend and a loyal retainer.

"Yes.. if anything, this will be for her." The judges they were to do this plan to was also the judges who declared the dead one's pressuring charges.

Hikaru gave a sigh and he nodded. "Alright."


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