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"Suprema?" Jade looked up at the sound of a worried voice. The face of the messenger held the thought of grave news coming from this parts.

"What is it?" She asked, her heart beating faster as she realized that there was a letter in the person's hand. This meant one thing. News from the Misheru... No, it was the Damaris Empire now. A place filled of tragedy and madness from the Damaris clan's greed..

"A letter from the royal family. They wish for you to swear fealty above anything else, Suprema." Fealty... They killed Sorana and exerted their violence towards her empire and wish for her to swear fealty? What in the message of her attempt to regain the strength of the Misherus did they not understand?

"I see." Her voice could barely as make emotion. A thought of the wish for peace treaty between traitors was a heavy and miserable thought. Only an idiot of a empress or emperor could do such and expect a clean and happy ending.

"How?" She asked with annoyance. "How could they assume we'd swear loyalty to them after their trickery? No one is swearing fealty here. No one." Her eyes were blazing with a fiery gaze as she dared the messenger to say more. The messenger stumbled back and left with no more to say. This would start a fight. A fight she'd try hardest to win.

"What's her current status?" This question was brought up amongst the Ax'as. The question of how was their Suprema. Since the recent attacks from the rivaling empire she, Jade, took a hit in the mental side of things. Pressure had gotten to her and she couldn't do anything to prevent it.

"She's fine." A hushed response from the replacement of a Commandress was given. The new commandress had been placed quite hesitantly due to the loss of a certain other Commandress that Jade could barely remember without feeling a pain inside.

"Oh God...." One of them whispered remembering the day when the Suprema could not handle it so much that covered her face, her fingers hiding her tears that fell with a continuous fall until she managed her emotion down. No one could figure out a way how to make the leader feel better.

Now here was Jade. Staying in her comforting room, where the memories couldn't dare come out, could it? A failed attempt as everything came back when she thought more. This haunted her like h*ll knows it did.

They were being asked to swear fealty to those damn Damaris. A thing that would never happen. A thing everyone knew Jade would rather die than do. And the thing Jade will die never doing.

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