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SCREAMS echoed through the dead night.

"You're dead. Stay that way." A voice whispered. The air grew thick as it suffocated me. So this was it. I am nothing, but dead meat. After all these years of endless fighting, surviving, even begging to stay alive it all comes down because of one small mistake.


There was no doubt I had made a mistake. Trusting nobles who did not bother do anything when the time came for war. Thinking I could trust the clans to do their part. The Yukimura clan were kind enough, I had enjoyed their time and loyalty towards me especially Misaki's sisterly behavior. Meanwhile the others; Tsuki, HellFire, Damaris, Kurayami.... Misheru... To think they were worthy of such a trust was a mistake in itself.


The clans have stabbed each others' backs for centuries. Everyone fighting for the crown and only the crown. My own brother even. Fought for the crown and killed me off, using the other clan as an excuse for my said death. Damien did not care about me. Why would he? Hardly anyone does. Should it be a blessing I died.

The setting shifted once more, and the world turned into a winter wonderland.

It's cold... Tears forming in my eyes, I wiped them away angrily. No time. The best thing I could do was hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. Being in the Underworld meant demons, and these won't be the normal demons I had fought with back in the human world.

This meant demons that could murder, and destroy worlds with just a blink of an eye.

A strike in the heart was what I felt next.


I was being used. My body was being used as a vessel towards the Demoness. The being of immense importance here in the Underworld. Due to this I was never able to take full control. The pain in my heart, pounding of my head, my powers are being sucked away from my own soul.

The Demoness had gained full control of my body. 'You're dead, stay that way.' she knows what I am, and she knows how to break me.

Nothing, but dead meat...

Or as my people would say.

A rose that has withered at long last.

That's me, isn't it?

Is it?


Every minute I spend in here, is the more my sanity loses it.

A way to get out. I've been here before, I can seek what I wish to seek. Suddenly the feeling of starvation was overcome. Just as I thought of hunger, the setting shifted into a dining room with food lined up on the table. The spirits rose and sat on the chairs, posing themselves as faceless men and women. Nobles I assume.

Then, it hit me.. my mind controls this pace. To test my said theory, I brought up the idea of sleeping. This caused the setting to shift once more, entering a world with peace and sleep. I was in my bedroom. Back home.. Not quite.

Momentarily, I was by the door. Twisting knob I found that it opened with ease.


Demons loomed around. Some beautiful to perfect their deceiving attitudes, others hideous as if they were not the most favoured ones.

The gore sight of a just eaten human, who had fallen due to foolish actions made me sick. So I was trapped in the world of the damned. How ironic since I am quite damned myself.

Lips pressing in a firm line, I stood to blend in the shadows. Running in the back alley I found the only way out. A portal to the Overworld. Biting my lip, I realized that there were so many demons awaiting there as if they were awaiting a sudden breakout.

Chewing the bottom of my lip, I took off to the other way. There was a need for a distraction. Why were there so many demonlings roaming around that specific place?

My answer was answered a moment later, a hand firmly grasped for my wrist as I was pulled against a chest.

Death Tsuki...

An unfamiliar sound freed from my mouth as I fell on top of the male.

Death Tsuki was the male who had been the reason for one of my deaths. Each death was coordinating to one life.

My first life was left with a not so pretty death that involved my father killing me himself.

Second was Damien's reign of power. He had sold me to the HellFires to do as they please, and I died there of childbirth.

Third, I killed myself due to the heartbreak I had towards the marriage between Death Tsuki and Arianne Damaris. Quite a foolish action, but it helped me leave the pressure of others. Plus the fact that if I hadn't Damien would've gave me away to Akuma HellFire once more.

And lastly the fourth death, the death that has yet to close. I had tried to survive. I didn't try making Death love me, I gave no mind to Damien, paid no attention to any of the people who tried killing me in the early lives I had. All that to be blown away by a small mistake. Thinking they'd help me fight a war I can't win.

A/N: I've decided that my work on this thing can't go to waste

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A/N: I've decided that my work on this thing can't go to waste. Therefore I will continue this, but will most likely change the original plot a little. Thank you all for reading this either way.

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