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"How long?" The girl in front of them asked.

"2 months... More or less." Emily nods at her brother's words.

"How's the kingdom?" Typical Sorana... Caring more of the kingdom than herself...

"Alright." Damien said. "But, that shouldn't matter right now. What should matter is whether or not you're alright."

"For the last time, Damien. I am fine." Sorana growled at him. "The Kingdom is more important than my well-being."

Damien sighed in frustration.

Damn the elders who made her have this kind of thinking. Emily thought quietly. If they hadn't taught her that the kingdom was the most important thing to the rulers.

Sorana's eyes glowed red and the white part of her eyes turned black before going back to normal. Sorana held her head in pain. "I can't hold her...."

(The eyes look like this)

(The eyes look like this)

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"Sorana... The demon... What's happening with it?" Emily asked.

"The Phoenix enhanced the Demon's strength... They're fighting for my mind... The Angel cannot hold them anymore." Damien looked Emily and she pats her sister's head.

"Stay calm. We'll think of something."

Sorana's eyes turned to its scary state once again and she teleported out of the room.

Damien rose from his seat. "We need to warn the guests."

"... She isn't herself."

Damien shook his head. "No, she isn't."

Emily murmured. "All the more reason not to tell them."

Damien sighed. "No... All the more reason to warn them."


They managed to get everyone to understand the situation. Most of them were confused of it but there was no time to give them more details.

Keith showed up and bowed slightly. "I've found her.. She's in the courtyard."

"Let's go." Emily nods.

They found her sitting quietly in the courtyard.

Damien held made a gesture that meant stop and walked toward her. "Sorana?"

Her head turned and she smirked slightly. "So you've brought guests. Very well then." She made a sword with her powers. "I'll see them through."

rise of the phoenix.  ∿  applyfic.Where stories live. Discover now