24 7 11

He's been here for 24 hours and he still had no idea where he was.

The butler refused to say anything.

"It remains a secret until Lord Damien says to tell you." Was the last thing the butler told him before leaving him alone.

"Can I at least come out of this damn room?" He asked.

"I'll ask him. Although no doubt it's going to be a no." The butler had said.

And truth be told until now he still had not received an answer.

He was anxious.

Could it be that he was kidnapped?

Fuck you, Levi for thinking you can trust the man.

Someone barged into his room at that moment.

A man with black hair and dark red eyes.

"Are you Levi?" He asked.

"I am." Levi said. "And you are?"

"Death. Please follow me." He pulled actually dragged him out of the room and through the halls.

"Are you even sure he's the reason why my sister is emitting energy?" Damien retorted.

"Probably. We aren't sure yet."

Damien huffed. "Seriously?"

"One in 10, Damien. You know it's a start." Death said.

"Um. What are you two talking about?" Levi asked.

"Just come on." But, before they could leave a woman with brown hair and crimson eyes came into the room.

Death looked at her, shocked. "Suprema Jade...." He bowed.

"Now is not the time." Suprema Jade snapped. "Is she really dead?"

"No. Just a lie to keep the Kingdoms from worrying and fighting for the throne." Damien sighed. "Should've known you were smart enough to come here."

"Who's he?" The Suprema stares at Levi, who was not even sure what was happening.

"Levi. Meet Phoenix Jade." Death said. "The Suprema."

Levi bowed. "Pleased to meet you Miss."

"Pleased to meet you too." Jade says. "Now where is she?"

"We were just about to head there." Damien admitted. "Come on. Follow me."

They went through the dark hallways which led to a long flight of stairs.

Finally, Damien stopped at a door. "Here." He pushed it open. "This can only be opened by who I allow."

"Interesting." Jade said.

There in the middle of the room there was a stone bed.

Which had something on it.

"Twilight...." Damien said. "I've brought guests."

Levi looked confused. "I'm sorry what is that?"

Jade looked like she was about to cry.

Death took off the cover that covered whatever was underneath it.

Levi stared at the woman that laid on the stone bed.

He couldn't say anything.

She was beautiful.

"Twilight. This is Levi. And of course you know Jade. They have come to see you." Damien mumbled, crying.

"What killed her?" Levi asked.

"A woman, hungry for power."

This is what I think they look like!



I don't know if that's correct! But, you can tell me if it is <3

See you in the next chapter!

rise of the phoenix.  ∿  applyfic.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora