[stab wounds]<angst>

439 23 4

spoilers for november 28th lore


-slightly gory detail
-s a d


Ranboo gasped as the sword stabbed right through them, causing them to fall to their knees as they could feel something warm gushing out from right under their shirt. They looked down with blurry eyes and saw blood.

They started to laugh.

Blood. That's funny...

There shouldn't be blood, but there is. Why is there.. Why... Why did...

They could hear Techno scream their name as they looked up at him with tired eyes. They felt so tired. Maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt.

Techno held them in his arms, yelling angrily at someone. Who was he yelling at?

Ranboo looked around and saw the blurry outline of Sam standing above them. They looked back at Techno as they remembered something. They slightly opened their hand as they saw the crumbled photo of Michael sitting there.

Sam still had Michael...

Ranboo shoved the photo into Techno's hand, hoping he would understand. Techno nodded and started to walk off, looking over the photo. Ranboo watched him walk away, their eyes growing more and more sleepy.

Such a funny little feeling. It was weird. It felt familiar - like they've felt it before - but they couldn't remember. Very strange..

They glanced up when they saw two figures walking towards them, letting out a ragged breath. A tired smile grew on their face when they saw it was Tubbo.. Oh! And look, it's Michael too!

Ranboo smiled even more, reaching out for Tubbo and Michael as they held their hands out for them. They took Tubbo's hand and held it with a small smile, happy that Michael and Tubbo were here. They whispered that they were so tired and Tubbo whispered that Ranboo should sleep.

Ranboo could feel Tubbo petting their head as their eyes finally shut and their final breath left their lips.

Ranboo laid there, a pool of blood underneath them and reaching out for somebody who wasn't even there. Reaching out for somebody who wouldn't have known about their death unless someone had told him... Reaching out for the goat boy they called their husband. Only for him to not have even shown up...

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