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Armin's point of view:

about an hour later we still aren't home yet, since butler Frank needed to drive the rest of them to their estate. I didn't mind waiting though.

"Well that's was the last of them" he said getting inside the car, we just drop off Hange back to their estate. now it's going to be atleast a half an hour drive to my estate from here.

"I hope you didn't wait that long young master" he told be before staring the engine, "I dont mind butler Frank, plus i like visit some of the estate's once in a while" i said looking out the window as the car pass, it's rare for me to visit them before. Since i was to emerge in my studies.

"It's nice to go out sometimes, i feel a bit bored back home" i confess, since both my parents are busy most of the time, that leaves me alone most nights.

He hummed in reply and didn't ask more, a peaceful silence hang over us, my mind slowly drifts off to what's going to happen to night. I hope it wont be that awkward like the last time.


"Hey Armin? Wanna race?" Ask Eren who was coming near me, i hesitated our clothes aren't fit for such thing.

"I-i don't think that's a wise idea...Eren"
I told him unsure, he seems to find my panicking amusing and started laughing.
"Come on, nothing bad is going to happen" he pestered me until i agreed.

"Fine fine, is Levi also in this?" I ask looking for him, maybe his inside with Mikasa and Hange? Who knows it wont be fair without him.

"Haven't seem him around, so maybe it's just the two-" Someone slap a hand on Eren's mouth before he can even finish talking, "I'm here Jaeger brat, what do you want?" Levi ask releasing Eren.

He gasp trying to catch his breath, he look behind and smiled.
"There you are Levi! Good now come on" he said before pulling both of us near the stables.

Levi looks down at him questioningly, "Are we going to race? You could have said so in the first place Eren" he told him before grabbing one of the horses.
"Aren't both of you worried? We could have gotten clothes use for riding" i said before hopping on the horse.

They brush is off saying it's fine, "Ready set go!" Erem yelled before hitting the reins.

I sighed i dont think this is a good plan, i let them go first and just tail behind them.

They started to get faster and faster, i on the other hand rode slower than them but it does have speed to catch up with them.

"Jaeger! Heads up!" I snapped my head up front, Levi was yelling at Eren to stop but it seems that he couldn't hear him.

My eye's widen he's going to hit one of the targets for gun shooting! "Eren! Stop!" I yelled making the horse go faster, he turned to me waved. This idiot really can't hear us!

"Eren! Watch out!" I heard Mikasa yell, i look back and they all came out. They probably heard Levi and I yelling.

Before i can even look back, a crash filled the air. I stop and look at him, he doesn't look good maybe we should call a doctor?

I hope he didn't get a major bruising, we ran to him instantly. Levi grabbed his horse trying to calm it down before Hange went to help him. I walked closer to the bushes where he crash.

Hearing a hiss in pain got me to breath in relief, i pushed pass the thorny bushes and i saw him sitting up rubbing his head.
His clothes were ripped up and he has some leaves and sticks on him, he basically looks like a bird nest.

Mikasa also ran to me, seeing him like made her eye's widen and rush to him. I sweat drop, of course he wont listen to my reasoning. This just got him nothing...i sighed, why must you need to be this stubborn Eren?

"Eren!!" They yelled coming closer to us, aunt Carla came and push me back gently.
She started to ask him is something else hurt or does he had a broken bone, i chuckled at bit at her overprotectiveness.

Uncle Grisha came after a few minutes, he grabbed Eren pulling him on his back before leaving the place going inside to treat his wounds.

"What didn't you listen to Armin Eren?" He ask grabbing the scissors to cut off Eren's suit, he just looks away ignoring his fathers questions.


I chuckled remembered how the rest of the night went after that incident, Eren wasn't able to come to school since he sprained his ankle and needed a few weeks for it to properly heal. He was stuck with his tutor for two week's until he came to school with crutches.

"Master Armin? We're here, do you want me to-" i cut him off before he can even finish, "No butler Frank i can walk inside, no need for you to come inside the gate" i told him before exiting the car, before i close the door i bid my goodbyes to him.

After he left i went inside, "Oh! Sir we didn't know you'd be home early" one of the maids said stopping what she was doing for a second, i told her about the dinner for tonight and the rest of their plans.

"Ohh well i see, let me get your bag for you Sir" she said before gabbing my school bag going upstairs, i didn't even get to say that i can do it myself.

"I didn't need you to take it for me.."i mumbled before walking off, i do feel a bit guilty that they always do that when we can do it ourselves without their help.


I was about to walk out my bathroom wearing my bathrobe, but noticing my hair was still wet even though i use my towel, i was drying my hair before i get to pick my clothes for tonight.

I was humming a song using the hair dryer trying to dry my hair a bit quicker, i heard my closet door open and close. But each time i just brush it off not minding it one bit. When i finally walked out, i saw clothes laying neatly on my bed.

I was about to ask one of the maid's if they did it but my closet door closed, revealing my mother?

"Mom? Did you do this?" I ask pointing the clothes, she chuckled before answering me. "Well yes, why it there something wrong with it?" Her tone was surprising to hear, it was demanding?

I started to panic waving my hands up in the air signaling her no, she rase her eyebrow looking at me suspiciously before leaving my room.

I sighed in relief, i glance back at the things she prepared. It wasn't bad at all i was just a bit startled since she doesn't tamper with any of my things, especially clothes.

"Well i might get change now than later" i mumbled before getting dress, i put on my black pantsuit and whete button up.
Fixing my tie before putting the corset vest on.

This is going to be an interesting dinner...

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