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(A/N: Warning the current chapter might be boring, i was suffering from writers block and i just force myself to write.)

3rd person's point of view:

Annie's face flushed as she saw how Armin looked at her. "H-hey ready to go?.." she nodded about to walk off, something on the side caught her eyes.

"Am i supposed to use that?" She muttered pointing to the same colored hat besides the suitcase were Armin's clothes were settled.
One of the maids gasped nodding silently to her.

She carefully placed it in her head, trying to not to messed up her hair. "There you go- we must go as soon as possible, it might take a few minutes.." the maids bowed before escorting the two blondes out the chopper.

Once her crystal eyes caught sight of the crowd she cowards, she stopped on her tracks before pulling the hat to cover her face. Armin on the other hand much likely hated the action, his gentle hands carefully lifted the hat.

"Dont do that, you're covering the beauty of your eyes.." his alluring voice shocked her, she bobbed her head before taking a breathe.
"Okay..i won't do that then" she reach for his hands- which he willingly gave her.

Their hands intertwined as they walk back to the man. Everyone got quiet as they saw the couple, their footsteps seem to be the only sound heard except from the whispering if the other girls, who started to talk about Annie.

Armin saw Dawn scowling as they approached, his lips curve into frown as she started to charge. "Go away Dawn! Leave now!" Annie yelped as Armin dash infront.
Her pale green eye's squinted a sly smirk grew on her mouth.

"What's your name again- Armin..why would you hang out with her? She's just a no good poor girl, have you seen what she wears? Awful!" She mocked the smaller blonde.

Armin's eyes turned stone cold his fist clenching as Dawn's mocking laugh filled the air. "Yeah sure Dawn, 'I'm poor' I'm not gonna live up the standards of the rest- you know nothing about me..better shut that mouth of yours before i break your jaw"

To everyones surprise their eyes casted at Annie who was confidently smirking.
Dawn started to stutter as the rest of the students found her as a bit of the laughing stock, very much knowing how she acts.

"Ugh you useless piece of trash Annie!" Dawn huffed before stumping away like a five year old having a tantrum. The crowds cheered once the green eyed girl was out of sight.

Her eyes caught a view of Armin, a pround smile plastered on his face. "Dont smile like that it's a bit creepy Mr. Arlert " his lips formed a line as his brows furrowed.

"Well Ms. Leonhardt, if you want to play it that way then i won't mind. I'll win this little game of ours anyway or another.."

Her brows rose after hearing his words,
"Oh you're on-" her words got cut off as  one of the gourds yell.

"The chopper is good to go!"
Annie's mischievous smile on her face as she passed Armin, she leaned a bit closer before whispering something in his ears. Leaving the poor boy flustered.

"Don't test me Arlert.."


"Annie! You're finally here!" An ear piercing scream greeted the two as Armin held his hand out for the blonde to take.

The smaller blonde grimaced as she was met with a bone crushing hug, she gasped feeling the air leaving her lungs as the light red blonde haired friends of hers hugged the life out of her.

"H-Hitch! Let go o-of me.." she managed to breathe out, though the other girl didn't seem to have heard her. "I missed you so much! It's been months!" Armin sweat dropped seeing how Hitch was killing Annie, about to pry her away from the small blonde someone beat him to it.

"Stop that Hitch you'll kill her.." Pieck hits her with a thick book she was currently wielding. The light red haired hiss as her grip losen setting Annie free. Once her foot hit the ground she shoved Hitch away fixing herself.

"Y-you're such an annoyance.." she growled pulling the bits of her hair back, her head shot up as it felt something came in contact with it.

Her head swerve eyes trailing upwards seeing the oceam blue eye's gleaming as it looked at hers filled with curiosity. Her throat ran dry not even a single word uttered before her ears perked up hearing a someone interrupt.

"Ahem! The meeting remember?" Hitch reminded, both Armin and Annie's face burned red as their eyes leave each others vision.

"Y-yeah s-sure let's go.." stumbled Armin as he went in first leaving the girls alone.
"So he's your boyfriend then, he does have good looks Annie" she growled as she walked away from them, muttering insults under her breath.


Annie's point of view:

As i entered the halls the sound of my heels hititng the marbled floor echoed. My eyes scanned the place, large spacious halls filled with various paintings, sculptures, and plants.

"I see this is your first time here.."

I caught the sight of brunette hair from the corner, instantly i knew it was Eren just sneaking around. "Yes i haven't been here- or even went out that much even. So buildings as majestic as this is a rare sight" he nodded his head as his hands roamed a certain sculpture.

His eyes beaming with familiarity, most the things here i suppose are already old.
"Is you're curious we can take you to a small tour of the place" he said as he's hand was out stretched pointing at a huge wooden door.

"I'll keep that in mind thank you"

That doors carvings are very odd..


Once Eren pushed the doors open, i was greeted with a bunch of unfamiliar people in the room, who are mostly elders. I bowed seeing Eren do the same, my father stood up signaling me to take a seat near Armin.

Mikasa smiled but a frown appeared after a while, she sat across from me though her eyes were glaring at someone else. I followed her and saw a small blonde sitting besides Eren smiling at him kindly.

He on the other hand nodded slightly,
I leaned besides and whispered. "Armin who's she? The one besides Eren.." he hummed as i pointed besides us.

"Oh that's Historia Reiss, one of the kings daughters. She's the crown princess after her sister who sadly passed away when she was little.." I see..Historia what a familiar name.
As he was done explaining i gave him a nod and focus my attention to the rest.

"Well it's great to see the young prince and princesses attending this fine afternoon.
This might be a shocked fir the youngsters as we suddenly called them in. But worry not, to all who's curious about the sudden meeting here" the man with blond hair started, as my father and a black haired man also stood up.

"We need to discuss a growing threat amongs us..."

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