Charmander's Choice

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Rain poured down.
Ari clutched Eevee in her arms. The Evolution Pokémon would've gotten soaked atop Ari's head, but Ari's body provided shelter.
Ari, Misty, and Brock sprinted across the muddy paths, seeking the nearby Pokémon Center. Ari made out a weak light in the dark, like a small flame. The source was a being curled up on a nearby rock.
Ari instantly recognised it. "That's a Charmander."
"It looks like it's in pretty bad shape," Brock said.
Charmander forced itself to sit up when they approached. His eyes were hostile; despite his weakened state, Charmander attempted to shoot fire, but only coughed up a little smoke.
Brock seized Charmander, wrapping it in his raincoat. "A Charmander can die if its tail flame is extinguished."
"It's going to be ok, Charmander," Ari assured the Flame Pokémon. At her words, Charmander ceased his futile resistance against Brock's grip.
The Trainers redoubled their effort to locate the Pokémon Center. Ari didn't remotely relax until they were inside the doors.

Brock placed Charmander on the counter. "Charmander needs urgent attention," he stated.
Nurse Joy was highly affronted. "It is incredibly irresponsible to leave a Charmander in the rain-,"
"It's not ours," Ari informed her. "We found him like this."
"He's mine," said a male voice.
Ari turned around. The speaker was a boy not much older than her. He had a short, stocky frame and curly brown hair. Both he and the Mankey on his shoulder were soaked to the skin.
The boy sprinted to Charmander's side. "Is he going to be ok?"
Nurse Joy had her Chansey load Charmander onto a stretcher. "Hopefully, he'll pull through."
The boy didn't stop shaking as Charmander was taken away.
Brock donated his raincoat to Charmander's Trainer and led him to a chair.
"I'd been looking everywhere for Charmander," the boy lamented. "Thanks goodness you three found him."
"It was the only right thing to do," Ari said. "I'm Ari, by the way. This is Brock and Misty."
"Cedric," the boy introduced, shaking their hands.
"Why was Charmander alone in the rain?" Misty asked.
Cedric blinked. "Do y-you want the truth?"
"No, we want to fed a bunch of lies," Ari said sarcastically.
Cedric gave a shaky laugh. "The truth is that my Charmander ran away," he sniffled. "I caught him using Mankey a while ago. It was a stroke of luck, really. Charmander's way stronger than any of my other Pokémon. He isn't exactly fond of following my orders, because I'm such a weak Trainer." Tears mixed with the raindrops on Cedric's face. "Sometimes, he'd vanish for a little while, then turn back up again with a few little injuries. He never stops trying to Battle. But this morning, Charmander was j-just gone. When he wasn't back an hour later, I figured he'd finally decided I was holding him back." He buried his face in his hands. "I'm not good enough for him."
Ari consoled Cedric. "I just might know a way to help you."

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Cedric said nervously.
Ari chuckled. "When it comes to strengthening Pokémon, I'm never wrong."
"Never?" Repeated Misty.
Ari ignored her.
It was the morning after the scare with Charmander. They had gathered on the battlefield outside the Pokémon Center to help Cedric learn to Battle with his fully recovered Charmander.
Cedric and Charmander's first opponents were Brock and Zubat.
Cedric released Charmander from his Poké Ball. Charmander ignored his Trainer in favour of sizing up Zubat.
"Zubat, use Wing Attack," Brock commanded.
Zubat's wings glowed white, and he flew towards Charmander.
"Use Scratch," ordered Cedric. Charmander's claws successfully kept Zubat at bay. "Now, Ember!"
Instead of spitting some small Embers, Charmander roasted Zubat with Flamethrower, defeating Zubat.
Brock hastily returned Zubat to his Poké Ball.
"Charmander, that's not what I wanted," Cedric scolded.
Charmander dismissed Cedric, only briefly acknowledging his Trainer with an annoyed expresion.
Ari bent down and spoke kindly to Charmander. "Charmander, there isn't a point to these Battles if you won't listen to Cedric. When I Battle you, I'm going to go all out. That's what you want, right?" Charmander nodded. "I'll only do that if you work with Cedric, ok?"
An ashamed Charmander returned to Cedric. Brock joined Misty in watching the practice.
Ari selected a Poké Ball. "Bulbasaur, I choose you!"
Her newest Pokémon appeared on the battlefield. "Bulba!"
"Ready, Bulbasaur? Use Vine Whip!"
"Ba-saur!" Bulbasaur reached for Charmander with his vines.
"Dodge it!" Cedric instructed. Charmander stepped out of Bulbasaur's range, then pelted Bulbasaur with Embers when directed by Cedric.
"Tackle, Bulbasaur!" Bulbasaur Tackled Charmander hard, making Charmander stumble. Charmander responded with a Fire Spin that Bulbasaur barely escaped.
"Hang in there, Bulbasaur," Ari urged.
Bulbasaur blocked Charmander's Ember with Razor Leaf.
Charmander was getting into the spirit of the Battle. Unprompted, he attacked with a Flamethrower that Ari's Bulbasaur couldn't withstand. Ari was forced to return her Pokémon.

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