Mystery at the Lighthouse

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Ari felt great; she had two Badges, and five Pokémon she was training everyday.
But navigating Kanto... not her strong suit. In Ari's defense, a surprsing amount of Kanto consisted of monotonous forest and grassland.
"The road's gotta be somewhere," Ari complained.
"Everything's somewhere," Brock said.
"Ari, have you gotten us lost again?" Misty asked.
Ari didn't respond. She pulled out her Badges, presenting them to Eevee. "Pretty impressive, huh?"
"You didn't earn those Badges," Misty said. "You got them because Brock and my sister felt bad for you."
"I did earn them," Ari responded through gritted teeth. "These aren't pity Badges."
Misty shrugged. "I was winning until Team Rocket showed up."
Ari drew a Poké Ball. "Want to test that theory?"
"Chill out, guys," implored Brock.
Ari looked away from Misty. She might've been starting to like Misty, for her nerve and experience, but since the revelation in Cerulean City, everything Misty did rubbed Ari the wrong way. She knew she was being petty - but she felt no motivation to try and forgive Misty, either.
"You never give me a break," Ari told Misty.
"You never stop bragging about those Badges. You want to compete in the Pokémon League, but you don't even have a full Party of six Pokémon yet."
"At least I caught them fair and square," protested Ari.
Misty laughed. "Caught? Eevee was your Starter Pokémon, Butterfree was a stroke of luck, and Clefairy, Bulbasaur, and Charmander all chose to follow you. Real Pokémon Trainers Catch their own Pokémon."
"It's not unusual for most Trainers to capture twenty or thirty Pokémon, though they can only keep six on hand," Brock added.
"I'll show you both I can do it! I'm going to be a Pokémon Master!" Ari sprinted away to search for Pokémon before Misty or Brock could stop her.

Ari stopped at the forest outskirts. There was a beautiful beach, with lustrous sand and a sparkling ocean that reminded Ari of Cerulean City's coast.
Ari noticed a Pokémon scuttling across the beach. Krabby, the River Crab Pokémon. A Water-type. It lives near the shore. Its average height is about forty centimeters.
This particular Krabby was a runt, but that didn't bother Ari.
"Just watch!" Ari said to Misty and Brock, who had just caught up. "I'm sure this one will put up a fight, even if it's shrimpy."
Krabby raised its pincers threateningly.
"I didn't mean to insult you, Krabby, you're a cute little- AGH!" Krabby had pinched Ari's hand with Vise Grip. She flailed so much that Eevee deserted her head.
Ari grabbed a stick with her uninjured hand and charged. Krabby reduced the stick to wood chippings, but the distraction allowed Ari to lob a Poké Ball. Krabby was sucked inside, but quickly broke free, pinched Ari's nose, and escaped.
Ari collapsed, clutching her face. "I failed," she bemoaned. "And I'm never breaking anybody's nose again."
Brock ignored the latter comment. "Every Trainer messes up sometimes. Besides, I'm sure your friends and family would be thrilled at your progress."
Ari perked up. "You're right. There's got to be a phone around here somewhere."
"I'm more worried about having to camp out again tonight," voiced Misty. "I'm sick of sleeping bags!"
Eevee spotted something. "Vee! Eevee!" She indicated a towering lighthouse Ari had neglected to notice.
"A lighthouse! Every lighthouse has a keeper, and they'll have a phone!"
"There'll probably be some extra beds to give me my beauty sleep," Misty said.
"And they can give us directions," reasoned Brock.
Ari laughed. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

The lighthouse door was engraved with Pokémon pictures. Ari only recognised some among them. She rung the bell.
A male voiced answered immediately. "Who's there?"
"Excuse us, sir. We're travelers and we're lost," Brock explained.
"We need to use your telephone, please, sir," Ari followed politely.
"We've been camping out, and would appreciate comfy beds," Misty said.
"I could use your kitchen to cook, and I'd be more than happy to cook for you," Brock offered.
The lighthouse keeper replied, "Can you cook without using tofu?"
"I can cook lots of things without using tofu," Brock confirmed.
"I've been eating nothing but tofu since my cook went on vacation." The voice was clearly relieved. "Come in!"
The door opened.

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