Vermillion Vengeance

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Team Rocket were in shock.
They had watched Ari Battle Lt. Surge through the Gym's window. It seemed they were the only ones who couldn't defeat the twerp.
The group lingered outside the Vermillion Pokèmon Center.
"Maybe Eevee's not worth stealing," Jessie suggested. "If you consider how her Trainer couldn't beat that Raichu."
"We could steal Raichu," Meowth suggested.
Jessie and James slapped Meowth.
"We're here for that epitome of an Eevee," James insisted. "Not something as banal as an ill-tempered Raichu."
Team Rocket knew they should focus on stealing powerful Pokèmon - they wanted to believe Ari was stronger than Surge, because that would mean Eevee was powerful, too.
"The stronger the twerp, the better Pokémon ripe for the picking!" Jessie declared.
James suddenly presented two pink pompoms with a flourish. "I just remembered, I packed these from my closet."
Jessie was already picturing the perfect cheerleader disguise. "What else do you have in that closet?"
James smiled - mostly so he wouldn't have to answer, and reveal how many dresses he had prepared for female disguises.

Ari dreamt of the fateful night she met Eevee. Her seven-year-old self had heard an unearthly male voice in her sleep, beckoning her towards the river. She didn't even know where she was going - she just ran through the night, as fast as her legs could carry her. When she saw Eevee, collapsed and soaking, she didn't as she climbed down the ledge, determined to come through for Eevee.
She had always loathed the idea of dissapointing her Pokèmon.
Ari's eyelids fluttered open. She had fallen asleep on the Pokémon Center floor. She realised Eevee was curled up on her lap - the door was open just wide enough for the Evolution Pokémon to slip inside. A perfectly healthy Bulbasaur was curled up against her legs.
She stroked Bulbasaur, purposely gentle to avoid waking him. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong, Bulbasaur."
A single tear escaped her. Perhaps sensing their Trainer's distress, Eevee and Bulbasaur awoke, regarding their Trainer with concern.
One of Ari's Poké Balls opened on its own. Before Ari knew what was happened, Squirtle blasted her in the face with Water Gun. Ari didn't scold Squirtle. He was telling her to get her act together.
Butterfree, Clefairy, and Charmander also emerged. The former two joined Eevee and Bulbasaur in snuggling with Ari. After a moment, Charmander swallowed his pride and joined in, followed by Squirtle, fearful of being left out.
Ari felt whole again. She and her Pokémon - they would support each other.
She reflected on her Battle with Surge, and it was as if her brain had been working all night, concocting a revenge plan.
Ari ran into the waiting room, did some quick research, then told Misty and Brock to follow her.

Ari found a practice battlefield near the Pokémon Center. She explained her plan to Brock.
"Lt. Surge's has raw strength on his side," Ari said. "His Pokémon can defeat any of mine in a few hits. If I can't overpower them, I need to outlast them."
Brock smiled. "From the look on your face, you have a plan?"
Ari nodded. "Clefairy has plenty of tricks up her sleeves. And Bulbasaur - that's where you come in. I want to teach Bulbasaur Leech Seed."
Leech Seed, a Grass-type Move that plants a seed on the target, and slowly transfers its vitality to the user. Bulbasaur is capable of learning Leech Seed, Ari's Pokédex confirmed.
Bulbasaur stepped foward, his face determined. Eevee, Butterfree, and Clefairy cheered, while Charmander watched intently, and Squirtle seemed dismayed he wasn't the one training.
Brock sent out Geodude. When Geodude attacked with Mega Punch, Bulbasaur caught the attack with his vines.
"Come on, Bulbasaur. Picture that Raichu slowly having its energy drained away. With your Leech Seed, we can win this Battle," Ari encouraged.
Bulbasaur grunted from the strain, but a couple seeds emerged from its bulb, and stuck to Geodude, trapping the Rock Pokémon in thin vines that sapped his health.
Ari could tell the Move needed working on, but it was a start.
Grinning, Ari held out her hand for a fist bump. Bulbasaur met her fist with his vines.
They trained until Geodude was so enfeebled by the vines that he couldn't escape, and had his strength sucked out of him.
One Pokémon Center trip later, Ari was ready to stand and face Lt. Surge, Trainer to Trainer.

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