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╭━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━╮Hypnotic, hypnoticYou're leaving me breathlessI hate this, I hate thisYou're not the one I believe in    ╰━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━╯

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╭━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━╮
Hypnotic, hypnotic
You're leaving me breathless
I hate this, I hate this
You're not the one I believe in
╰━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━╯

Scratches littering their hands, Hermione and Cassie grinned proudly at each other. The ball of orange curled up on Cassie's bed, however, glared at them with distaste. Most nights, Crookshanks fell asleep at the bottom of Hermione's bed but in the day, he had a particular affinity for Cassie's grey blanket. Not only was it soft but it smelt cosy and comforting. It hid him from the world. Unfortunately, despite how deep he had buried himself into it, it hadn't hidden him from the cheerful girls. Two yellow eyes watched their every movement. A string of red tinsel had already been tied around his neck - the cause of the red marks marring Hermione and Cassie's hands.

The redhead was already dressed in her annual green sweater that her mother knitted each Christmas. Per tradition, a silver C decorated the front of it. When they had woken up, presents had already been placed at the end of their bed. The two witches had eagerly ripped them open before they began torturing the ginger cat. In the small pile of gifts, Cassie had received two mysterious presents. Wrapped in brown packaging paper was a book filled with advanced healing spells. Neat cursive had been printed on the inside of the front cover.

'Whilst I forbid you from coming anywhere near me during a full moon, I admire your thirst for knowledge. I hope this will help aid you on your quest to become a Dragon Healer. Happy holidays, Cassie.'

A paw print had been scribbled in the bottom right hand corner in lieu of a signature. The sight of it made her giggle. Remus Lupin had officially obtained first place in the battle for favourite Professor. After all, McGonagall had never bought her a Christmas gift.

The other parcel remained a complete mystery. A small tag had been attached but all it contained was her name, 'Cassandra'. Nobody called her that other than her mother when she was in trouble, and the twins when they were attempting to wind her up. Inside had been a lily, trapped in a jar. She had watched it wither up the moment her hand touched it, only for it to blossom to life a second later. Initially, her traitorous mind had drifted to Malfoy, seeing as he was prone to buying her unnecessary yet thoughtful gifts. Except Cassie knew for a fact that he had no idea what her favourite flower was. And that was because she swore that she hated flowers.

Only two weeks earlier - whilst alone in the dormitory - she had started ranting to herself about the stupidity of gifting someone flowers. All they did was die and why would you give someone a dying gift? Flowers are not a sign of lasting love. They are simply a form of a cheap apology that isn't truly meant in the long-run. Yet somehow, someone had known that and found a way to combat her issue with them.

Crookshanks gave a long yawn when the bushy-haired witch reminded the redhead that they had gifts to give to the other half of the Quartet. Perhaps if he kept his eyes closed for long enough - and looked cute - they would leave him be. Alas, that was not the case as Cassie scooped the angry cat into her arms. Carrying her fellow ginger down the stairs, Cassie chuckled as this meant Hermione was left to try and carry the presents downstairs. Robbing her friend of her joy, Hermione cast a levitation charm instead of attempting to pile the gifts into her arms.

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