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Brushing the dust off her grey cloak (that had previously belonged to Percy), Cassie was the second person to go through the Floo, and now she patiently awaited the arrival of her siblings, parents, and Harry

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Brushing the dust off her grey cloak (that had previously belonged to Percy), Cassie was the second person to go through the Floo, and now she patiently awaited the arrival of her siblings, parents, and Harry. Except Harry never arrived. All the Weasley's appeared but Harry had yet to turn up.

Predictably, Molly immediately began panicking, the older twins made inappropriate jokes, and Arthur remained the level-headed one. Splitting the Weasley family into separate groups, they began searching Diagon Alley in the hopes that Harry had only strayed one grate too far. Eventually he was found by Hagrid and safely returned. Racing ahead of her panting mother, Cassie rushed over to her friend to ensure he was alright but then saw Hermione, and completely forgot about her concern for the dishevelled boy.

"I have missed you so much!" She exclaimed, pulling Hermione in for a squishy hug. "Summer has been absolute hell without you. Luckily, being grounded gave me time to read all those muggle books you sent me, and I have so many questions!"

Immediately, the two girls dived into a rapid conversation about books and the characters contained within them.

"Great. There's two of them." Ron muttered, earning himself a sharp glare from his twin.

As the now larger group climbed the stairs to Gringotts, Harry informed the trio of who he had spotted in Borgin and Burkes – Malfoy and his evil father.

"I'd love to get Lucius Malfoy for something." Arthur said with a wicked smile adorning his face.

"You be careful, Arthur. That family is trouble. Don't go biting off more than you can chew."

Molly had given Cassie the exact same speech at the beginning of the summer after learning that Cassie had served detention in the Forbidden Forest with the Malfoy heir. And that they had exchanged harsh words. She had warned her eldest daughter to stay away from him and not provoke him. In other words, don't mess with wizards who had far more power and authority over you.

"So, you don't think I'm a match for Lucius Malfoy?" Arthur asked indignantly.

"If you ever need any help. Daddy, I happen to be an expert in annoying Malfoy's." Cassie said cheekily, earning herself a slight clip around the ear from her mother.

"Don't encourage him."

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Once money had been carefully handed out, the Weasley/Potter/Granger group dispersed into smaller groups going about their business. Fred and George hurried off to find Lee Jordan, their best friend and partner in crime. Molly and Arthur hurried off to get Ginny any first year supplies they had forgotten. Percy disappeared without a trace. The Golden Quartet treated themselves to some ice cream as they wandered down the alleys, popping into shops here and there so as to collect some last minute bits and pieces for the fast approaching start of school.

Second Year was no different to First Year aside from the fact that Second Years could play Quidditch, and they weren't filled with Sorting Ceremony anxiety.

Entering the joke shop, Fred, George and Lee Jordan stole Cassie from her friends so as to ask her for her opinion on some pranks they had begun planning. After all, she was the mastermind behind most of their escape plans (the successful ones).

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As she entered Flourish and Blotts, the eldest Weasley girl couldn't help the small smile that graced her light pink lips. Inhaling the smell of new books greedily, she drank in the aroma with thinly veiled glee. It was her favourite smell. For her twelfth birthday, she had been gifted with a candle that filled her room with the smell of books when lit. It had soon become her most treasured possession. However, her joy at being surrounded by so much literature was quickly shattered when a familiar, slimy voice reached her ears.

"Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?" Draco Malfoy sneered. "Famous Harry Potter. Can't even go into a bookstore without making the front page."

"Jealous, much?" Cassie taunted, coming to stand by Harry's side despite not having a clue as to why Malfoy was agitated.

Having walked into the bookstore later than the rest of the group, she had missed the fiasco with Harry and Gilderoy Lockhart. Something she would later be relieved about as she failed to understand the world's obsession with the self-obsessed wizard.

Unfortunately, Ginny decided to defend Harry, which only resulted in more cruel words for the young girl and Harry. Noticing the small group gathering around his friend, Ron shoved his way through the crowd and over to Harry before looking disgusted upon seeing the pale blond hair that belonged to Malfoy Junior.

"I'm surprised to see you in a shop, Weasley. I bet your parents will go hungry for a month to pay for all this."

"And you won't be able to eat for a month when I'm through with you." Cassie threatened, pulling Ron back before her made a scene in the middle of her most beloved shop.

As if the fates were against her, both her father and Lucius Malfoy chose that moment to seek their children out. The two men exchanged looks of slight repulsion upon seeing the other. After making one comment too many about the Weasley Family and its company, Arthur launched himself at the wealthier wizard, knocking him to the floor. Cheering on her father, the green-eyed girl was rather disappointed when Hagrid pulled them apart.; Malfoy and his father deserved to be knocked down a peg or two. Attempting to scrape his dignity back together, Lucien straightened out his robes before flouncing out of the store, beckoning Draco.

"You really should ditch the Mudblood." Draco whispered in Cassie's ear as he passed the redhead.

"Go to hell, Malfoy," she spat back, turning on her heel to storm away.

Sticking his foot out slightly, he snickered when she stumbled over it, falling to the side. He stopped smirking when she staggered into Harry's side and the dark haired boy wrapped an arm around her to keep her upright. Glaring at the retreating boy's back, Cassie vowed the she would ignore her mother's 'words of wisdom'. Cassie didn't care how much power or money Draco Malfoy had, she would make his life a living nightmare.

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Snuggling under her covers, she tried her hardest to ignore the rays of sun filtering through the poorly closed curtains, she tried to ignore the excited voice of her annoying little sister, and she tried to pretend she couldn't hear her mother demanding she get out of bed.

"Cassandra Lillian Weasley, get up right now, young lady!" Molly screeched, yanking the duvet off of her eldest girl.

Ignoring the groaning and protesting, she hauled Cassie out of bed and forced her into the shower and turned it on, Cassie's pyjamas still on. The poor girl's yells as the cold water washed over could be heard throughout the whole house.

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