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Hogwarts at Christmas was the greatest thing the eldest Weasley girl had ever seen

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Hogwarts at Christmas was the greatest thing the eldest Weasley girl had ever seen. 9ft trees were in almost every other room, tinsel hung from every corridor, snow fell in the Great Hall, and almost everyone was filled with holiday cheer. The only thing you had to watch out for was the mistletoe that refused to let you go until you kissed the person you had been trapped with; be it on the cheek, the mouth, or the hand.

Sat at a table in the Hall, snow falling onto the pages of her book, the female twin listened as her twin taught Harry how to play Wizard's Chess.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione gasped as Ron's piece destroyed one of Harry's.

Many times Cassie had been goaded into a game of Chess with her twin, and due to his insane strategy skills, she hardly ever won. Therefore, she refused to play with him anymore because she didn't like stroking his ego with each loss.

"I see you've packed." Ron noted, nodding to Hermione's suitcase.

"I see you haven't." She shot back.

"Mum and Dad are visiting Charlie in Romania so we're staying here."

"Nice of them to take us." Cassie muttered, not even moving her eyes from the book before her.

Having adored her older brother, Charlie, for the majority of her life, Cassie was rather bitter that she wasn't going to see him. She had missed him and the little facts he always gave her about dragons. In fact, he was the reason she also wanted to be a dragon healer, much to her mother's horror.

"You two can help Harry then. He's going to be researching Nicholas Flamel."

Having missed the conversation, the other three had informed Cassie that the thing Fluffy was guarding, and Snape was trying to steal, was somehow connected to Nicholas Flamel. The only issue was that none of them had figured out who Nicholas Flamel was.

"We've looked a hundred times!" Ron protested.

"Not in the Restricted Section." Hermione smirked, giving Cassie a hug goodbye. "Happy Christmas."

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Being the only female in the First Year Gryffindor Girls dormitory was a blessing. Being able to fall asleep without having to listen to the gossiping of Lavender and Parvati was blissful, and waking up without hearing the panicked shrieks of girls who were having a bad hair day, or makeup not going right, was heaven.

Shoving her feet into her slippers and dragging a comb through her hair, Cassie grabbed her pile of presents before trudging downstairs to where her brother and Harry were already sat waiting.

"Merry Christmas, boys." She smiled sleepily at them.

"Merry Christmas, Cass."

"I see Mum made sweaters again." Cassie noted, seeing the maroon one already on her brother.

"Yup." Ron grimaced. "Here's yours. Oh, Harry, Mum made you one as well."

"I've got presents?" Harry asked, shocked.

Unwrapping her sweater, Cassie smiled at the familiar green colour. 'To match her eyes' was what her Mother said every year. Pulling it on, Cassie's smile widened as she saw the joy on Harry's face as he beheld the dark blue jumper Molly Weasley had made for him.

Handing Harry his present from her, Cassie felt tears spring to her eyes once she saw the intense gratefulness in Harry's own green eyes. And her heart broke a little as she saw the 50p his family had given him.

Letting out a chuckle, Harry gave the freckled girl a hug for the 'Glasses Repair Book For Dummies'. She had gifted Ron a new Chudley Cannons scarf as his last one was falling to pieces.

From Ron, Cassie had sweets, that he had stolen the moment she had opened them. Hermione had given her some muggle books titled 'Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit' with strict instructions as to 'start reading them right away'. Fred and George had gotten her a new necklace with a phoenix charm that spread its wings every now and again.

Finally, the last present left to be opened was one of Harry's.

"Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well."

"What is it?" Ron asked, through a mouthful of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans.

"Some kind of cloak."

Slinging it around his body, Cassie had to blink a couple of times before registering that only Harry's head was visible.

"It's an Invisibility Cloak!" Cassie exclaimed, remembering the tale of the Three Brothers. "They're so rare!"

Looking at his friends, Harry knew exactly how they were going to figure out who Nicholas Flamel was.

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Figuring it would be safer if only one person went whilst they got used to the cloak, Harry had elected to go search the Restricted Section whilst Cassie and Ron went through all of Cassie's magical books to see if they could see any hint of Flamel.

Staring at her twin, Cassie felt more appreciative of him and the life she has. Yes, her family were poor and life was hard for them but she was so lucky in comparison to some people. Only having seen a glimpse of how hard Harry's life was with his aunt and uncle, Cassie had never felt luckier for the love and kindness she had grown up surrounded by.

Even though she and her siblings teased each other, and pranked each other, and called each other names, she knew they would be there for her if she ever needed them. And she knew she'd never even have to ask, they'd just be there. Shaking her head as her brother claimed all the words were hurting his brain, Cassie decided she would look out for Harry the way he deserved. She would be his family now.

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