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Dirt plastered the four children and the befuddled Professor as they were ushered into McGonagall's study

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Dirt plastered the four children and the befuddled Professor as they were ushered into McGonagall's study.

A screech alerted Cassie to the presence of her parents and she was being pulled into her father's tight embrace as her mother wrapped her arms around Harry and Ron.

Explaining how they had managed to rescue Ginny, the Weasley twins allowed Harry to recount the story, offering their input occasionally. Adrenaline had worn off ages ago and Cassie was desperate for a bath and her bed. Attempting to get some of the grime of her hands, she was scrubbing her robes across them when she glanced up and caught two pairs of eyes watching her.

Both Dumbledore and her mother kept glancing between her and Harry. An unspoken conversation passed between the two adults before Molly shook her head and looked away. Pretending as if nothing had happened, the Weasley matriarch smiled at her eldest daughter before kissing the top of her youngest daughter's head. All members of her family were safe.

Dismissing the other people in the room, Dumbledore peered down at the three twelve-year olds before him. Each one had incredible strength and though their courage was displayed in different ways, they balanced each other perfectly.

"Each of you will receive Special Awards for Services to the School and two hundred points each will be awarded to Gryffindor."

Eyes widening slightly, Cassie would've been satisfied with clean clothes, a nice dinner and an extended weekend. She never expected to receive some kind of award when she had been acting purely to save her own sister. Opening her mouth to say as much, she was silenced when Dumbledore praised her for helping Harry deliver the final blow.

"Without your strength, Harry might never have defeated him entirely."

Cheeks turning pink, she shuffled uncomfortably on the spot, grateful when the attention was taken off her and placed on the oblivious Professor. Giggling slightly, Cassie clapped a hand over her mouth in horror at the idea of laughing at someone else's misfortune in front of the Headmaster. It might've been a trick of the light but she could've sworn she saw a brief smile on Dumbledore's face before he asked Ron to deliver Lockhart to the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey wouldn't be able to retrieve his memories but she could make him comfortable and safe until someone from St. Mungo's showed up.

Left alone with Harry and Dumbledore, Cassie was unsure if she should leave as well when Dumbledore offered both children a seat. Content to sit and listen, she was horrified when Dumbledore suggested that Harry could have similarities with the dark wizard. Hearing Harry discuss how the Sorting Hat had wanted to place him Slytherin, she recalled her own Sorting.

"But, Professor, if Harry can speak Parseltongue because there is a piece of Voldemort inside of him then why can I?"

A brief flash of shock registered in Dumbledore's eyes but with the blink of an eye, it was gone. Offering up the excuse that it was possible for a descendant not of Salazar Slytherin to be able to converse in the tongue of the snake but it was rare. Hoping this was enough to satisfy the girl's curiosity, Dumbledore turned his attention back to Harry.

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