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Professor Flitwick was a short wizard, but a wonderful teacher

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Professor Flitwick was a short wizard, but a wonderful teacher. At the moment, he was teaching his class how to levitate objects.

Sat behind Draco, Cassie waited until he levitated his feather before casting a charm that made it fly around the room uncontrollably. Turning around, he glared at the redhead who smirked at him, making his glare darker.

Levitating her own feather, she noticed her brother was having some trouble with his own feather. The look on his face suggested that he didn't appreciate the advice Hermione was giving him. Before he could strangle her, Seamus' feather exploded.

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The sun was shining. The wind was a gentle breeze. The birds were singing. And, Hermione had burst into tears after hearing the harsh words Ron had said about her.
Running after her friend, Cassie made sure to kick her brother as she passed.

"C'mon, 'Mione. Just come out of the toilet. We're missing the feast." Cassie tried to coax her best friend out of the stall she had currently locked herself in.
"Don't let what Ronald said hurt you. He's a complete idiot, and he's wrong. You do have friends. I'm your friend." Cassie comforted.

Just as Hermione finally exited the stall, wiping her eyes, a troll walked into the bathroom. The two girls hurried back into the stall, clutching each other in fright. The troll raised his club, smashing the top of the stalls. Wood and dust rained down on the two of them as they fell to the floor.

"Move!" Harry yelled, as he and Ron rushed into the bathroom.
As the two girls crawled under the sinks, the troll followed their movements, smashing sinks as he went.

"Help!" They screamed, watching as the boys struggled to come up with a plan.

Somehow, Harry ended up atop the troll and when the troll started spinning, he jammed his wand up the troll's nose.
Eventually, the troll had the glasses-wearing wizard upside down, by the leg. The club barely missed his head as Harry gathered all his strength and managed to pull himself up.

"Do something!" Harry yelled at Ron.


"Anything!" Harry ducked another swing.

"Hurry up!"

Ron pulled his wand out of his robes and looked at Hermione, who gave him an encouraging smile, and telling him the correct pronunciation.

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

The club floated out of the troll's hand and hovered above his head. Coming down, the club struck him on the head, levitating up and dead. Staggering, the troll collapsed to the floor unconsciously.

"Is it.. Dead?" Hermione asked, as her and Cassie crawled out from under the safety of the sink.

"I don't think so." Cassie responded, poking the troll a couple of times. "Just knocked out."

Removing his wand from the nose of the troll, Harry grimaced at the snot hanging from it. Footsteps caused the four First Year's to stare at the door to the bathroom in alarm. In rushed Professor McGonagall, Snape and Quirrell.

"Explain yourselves, both of you!" McGonagall demanded, staring at the two boys in shock.

Trying to stammer their way through an excuse, Hermione saved the two awkward boys from embarrassment by taking the blame.

"It's my fault."

The other three students stared at Hermione as if she had grown three heads.

"I went looking for the troll. I had done my reading and thought I could handle it. Cassie tried stopping me. If Harry and Ron hadn't saved us, we'd probably be dead."

"I would have expected better behaviour from you, Miss Granger." Professor McGonagall frowned at the young girl. "5 points from Gryffindor. Now, you two boys, I hope you realise just how fortunate you are. 5 points.. Will be awarded for your dumb luck."

Turning her attention to the redhead, she noticed the small cut on her forehead that was causing blood to run down her brow. However, Cassie didn't notice it as she was too busy staring at Professor Quirrell who was staring at Harry with such intensity.

"Miss Weasley?"

"Yes, Professor McGonagall?"

"Please go the Hospital Wing." And then, under her breath, McGonagall muttered. "First Weasley this year to go. I can imagine there will be many more."

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