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Sat between Fred and George, Cassie had put up with their teasing and fussing all throughout breakfast

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Sat between Fred and George, Cassie had put up with their teasing and fussing all throughout breakfast. One moment they were making jokes about her and a troll, the next they were telling her off for putting herself in danger.

"Will you shut up? You've done worse." Cassie growled at them, batting away Fred's hand, who was inspecting the small cut.

"Don't take that tone with us, young lady." George sniggered, imitating their mother. "And, for the record, we have never battled a troll."

"You can imitate Mum all you like but you should know that you are actually acting like her."

Cassie took great pleasure as George and Fred turned a dark shade of red and started spluttering on their breakfast in an effort to protest. Despite taunting them, Cassie couldn't help but smile at the concern of her older brothers. Not that she would ever admit it out loud, she was probably closer to the twins than her other siblings, and she most certainly spent the most time with them.

"It's not that we care." Fred stated. "It's just, if you died horribly, we wouldn't have our favourite little prankster."

George nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We don't care about your wellbeing whatsoever. We only care about us."

"Mhm. Sure." Cassie pretended to believe them, shaking her head at the pranksters.

Stealing some bacon off of George's plate, Cassie noticed her twin and her friends entering the Great Hall, laughing at each other. Ever since the boys had saved the girls from that troll, the four of them had become close friends. And now, Ron was no longer teasing Hermione for having no friends.

"Morning." Ron greeted, before shovelling food into his mouth, offering the sausages to Hermione before piling five onto his plate.

"Got to run, Squirt. Meet us in the common room after dinner. We've got an idea." The older twins kissed their little sister on the cheek before darting off with Lee Jordan.

"Morning, you three. Sleep well?" Cassie asked, sipping her hot chocolate.

Both Harry and Hermione answered her with tired nods of their heads whilst Ron completely ignored his twin, eyes drooping slightly.

"You okay, Harry? You don't look well." Cassie noticed, seeing the green tinge to her dark haired friend's facial features.

"Harry, you must eat something. To get your strength up." Hermione advised, her knowledge on various topics coming in handy.

Many passing Gryffindor's stopped to wish Harry good luck in the game today but as Snape hobbled by, all he did was glare at the Quartet.

"That explains the blood." Harry said. "Last night, Snape must have let the troll in as a diversion so he could get past the dog."

As Harry started coming up with theories, a lone owl swooped through the window and dropped a parcel in front of Harry. Opening the wrappings, all polished and shiny, was a Nimbus 2000.

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As the teams began to pour out onto the field, Cassie let out a roar for her brothers and friend. However, Harry looked far from excited; he looked like he was about to pass out right on the grass.

"Welcome to the first Quidditch game of the season. Gryffindor versus Slytherin!"

Cheers echoed throughout the grounds of Hogwarts as almost every student had turned up to watch who would win between the houses with the biggest rivalry. The whistle sounded and the players took to the air; Gryffindor scored the first point and Cassie and Ron were chanting in joy whilst Hermione just stood next to them clapping. If Harry wasn't playing (and Cassie hadn't dragged her), Hermione probably would've spent the morning in the library.

"Mione, what's going on with Harry's broom?" Cassie asked her bushy haired friend, who was holding the binoculars.

Instead of racing for the Snitch, the Boy Who Lived was jerking around as his broom started to fly uncontrollably.

"It's Snape!" Hermione gasped. "He's jinxing the broom."

Grabbing the twins by the arms, Hermione dashed down the Gryffindor stands and towards the box where the teacher's were seated. Pulling out her Blackthorn wand with basilisk horn core, Cassie whispered the first flame charm that popped into her head. Once Snape's robes had caught fire, the trio of Gryffindor's rushed back to the stand of Lions before anyone noticed they were gone, and just in time to see Harry catch (spit out) the Golden Snitch.

"Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the Snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Lee Jordan's voice boomed around the arena, and everyone but the Slytherin's burst into screams and shouts. Gryffindor had won the first game of the season.

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Whilst the other three had gone to visit Hagrid, Cassie remembered that she had to finish writing a letter to her mother, before she had a fit and sent a panicked Howler. Rushing across the grounds, Cassie had almost reached the main staircase when a platinum blond stood in her way.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Draco Malfoy drawled, looking at the fiery redhead. "A blood traitor."

"Get out of my way, Malfoy." Cassie rolled her eyes, not in the mood to be dealing with the pompous ass.

Looking around, she noticed they were the only two in the corridor, his usual lackeys were nowhere to be found.

"Now that's no way to speak to your superior's."

"Good thing you're not my superior then." Cassie spat, trying to walk past him, but he blocked her way once more. "If you don't move out my way, you will lose your legs."

"Keep talking to me like that and you will lose your tongue, Weasley."

Malfoy said her name with so much venom that Cassie could see the snake within him. Patience wearing thin, the ginger haired girl tried one more attempt at sneaking past him before she smashed him in the shin with her foot.

"Dead leg!" She yelled, using the manoeuvre she used on her brothers all the time, before sprinting away from the Slytherin Prince.

"My father will hear about this!" Malfoy fumed, clutching his leg on the floor.

However, he couldn't help but stare at her long locks until she disappeared from view. No one had had the balls to do that to him before, and some minor part of him admired her for that. The rest of him hated her with a burning fury.

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