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"Whilst he may be awful, you can't go around accusing Malfoy of being the Heir of Slytherin

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"Whilst he may be awful, you can't go around accusing Malfoy of being the Heir of Slytherin." Cassie said in shock, keeping her voice low due to the four of them being sat in the Common Room. "Yes, his family are notorious for being Slytherins but I don't recall seeing Salazar himself on their family tree."

Essay lying abandoned on the table, Ron busied himself glowering at Percy who was seated across the cosy room and promptly ignoring his younger brother. After being caught emerging from the girls bathroom, Ron had distracted Percy from why they were in there by insulting him and subsequently losing five House points. Whilst losing points was frustrating, having them deducted by his own Gryffindor-placed brother was infuriating. It was all purely because Percy was a prefect prat.

Zoning back into the conversation, he glanced at his twin sister in disgust. "You've researched his family tree?"

"I get bored." Cassie justified, opting to keep the connection between Draco's mother and renowned Death Eaters, Bellatrix Lestrange and Sirius Black, to herself.

It definitely wouldn't help the point she was attempting to make.

Opening his mouth to argue that Cassie's extracurricular activities were abnormal, Ron remained silent when Hermione went off on a tangent about a way that could potentially prove if Malfoy was the heir or not, thus settling the debate between Cassie and Harry. Muttering about the dangers and complexity of the potion, Hermione contemplated the most practical way to obtain the ingredients.

Confusion flitted across the boy's faces but Cassie, knowing the potion that Hermione was suggesting, shook her head furiously in disagreement. Not only was it above their learning level and so probably forbidden, it involved stealing from Snape and there were other numerous practical dangers. For one, Malfoy could doubt them. None of them had yet proved they were convincing actors when caught in a lie.

Questioning how they would get the book from the Restricted section of the library, Cassie knew there was only one person moronic enough to allow four twelve year olds to access Restricted books. Disagreeing that he was idiotic, Hermione agreed that the only way to the permission slip was to ask their Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher. 

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Having received their permission slip from Lockhart, the Quartet headed towards the Library, discussing the intellect of their latest DADA professor.

Three of them were correctly guessing that he had the brains of an adolescent who had barely learnt to read whilst Hermione vehemently argued that his bravery and brains were unparalleled. This led to Cassie making a snide comment about it being unmatched due to the lack of bravery and brains and no one else was that idiotic. Whacking her friend on the arm, the girls kept their voices hushed as they entered the colossal room stacked with books.

Instinctively Cassie wandered off to peruse the section filled with fictional books. Anytime she entered a bookstore, she gravitated towards the books of made-up worlds and legends. Unfortunately, the Hogwarts library was void of Muggle reading material and the lack of fantasy books meant the wonderful room was usually only used by Cassie when she needed to complete homework.

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