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For the few days that followed, the halls of Hogwarts were filled with non-stop gossip about Mrs Norris and the horrible fate that had befallen her

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For the few days that followed, the halls of Hogwarts were filled with non-stop gossip about Mrs Norris and the horrible fate that had befallen her. By the end of the school week, Cassie felt ready to pull her eyeballs out just for a change in the routine. As all pieces of information, tales of the evening had been exaggerated, the story becoming more and more eccentric with each person that retold it. To make matters worse, Cassie's last lesson on that Friday afternoon was History of Magic. Listening to Professor Binns droning on for hours was quite possibly the worst end to the week.

Head resting on her hand and red hair spilling onto the wooden desk she shared with Seamus Finnigan, she tried her hardest to ignore the continuous tapping of his fingers. However, it was becoming tedious and Cassie could feel her irritation growing. Glancing sideways at him, she willed for his hand to stop its motions but unsurprisingly, that didn't work. As a last peaceful resort (instead of hitting him), she opted for outright glaring and thankfully, he got the message and his fingers stilled.

Begging time to pass faster, she could've cheered when Hermione piped up and questioned Binns about the Chamber of Secrets. Due to her persistent nature, he reluctantly agreed to tell his Second Year class about the legend of Slytherin's Chamber. Instantly, the whole class was alert. Even Malfoy learned forward eagerly, anxious to hear the story.

"For the first few years, the Founders of Hogwarts worked together in peace. But, disagreements sprang up between them.  A rift began to grow between Slytherin and the other three: Slytherin wished be more selective when picking the students to attend Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should remain within all-magical families. He believed students of Muggle parentage were untrustworthy. Slytherin and Gryffindor had a serious argument about the subject, and so Slytherin left Hogwarts. The story goes that Slytherin had built a hidden chamber beneath the school and hadn't told the other Founders. He sealed it so that none, but his heir, would be able to open it and unleash the horror within. The heir would then use it to purge the school of all who were unworthy to study magic."

Muttering behind her had Cassie glaring as Malfoy muttered the unspeakable, prejudice word used for children born into non-magical families. Glancing down, she noticed that Seamus' own hands were clenched in anger upon hearing the slur. At that moment, Cassie decided she had gained a little more respect for her fellow Gryffindor and even more hatred for the Slytherin ass.

Unfortunately, Binns soon become irritated with the pestering questions of his Second Year students as they became more interested in the Chamber after hearing the story, not less. After hearing one question too many, Binns snapped at the class before returning to his monotone lecture. All the students slumped back down in their seats.

Tuning out the mind-numbing History lesson, Cassie and Seamus began entertaining themselves with a game of Hangman on the piece of parchment Seamus was supposed to be writing notes on. Attempting to muffle their laughter become progressively harder as the words took a less appropriate turn. 

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