Chapter 4

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It was the same morning routine as usual get up, shower, change blah blah blah. I went downstairs and grabbed a smoothie from the fridge. I then went outside my house and I was getting picked up by Rae this morning since she has a car. I went outside and saw a box by the mailbox it was addressed to me. I opened the box and inside there was piles of food and a note 'why don't you just eat it you fat pig' it said. I nearly broke into tears but I wouldn't let myself I threw the box into the big metal bin down the side of my house and then sat on my steps but didn't have to wait long for Rae to come. "hey girl" she said "hey" I replied as I got into the passenger seat and bucked up. "what's the matter?" She asked me "ugh, someone left a box of food on my lawn and addressed t to me" I told her. "That's just sick" She said with a disgusted face. She knew about my anorexia I have only known Rae a day but we are already best friends and trust each other were like sisters.

We arrived at school and got out of the car. People were giving me death glared as we walked through to where our lockers were hers was only 2 down from mine so it was easy to talk to her and to get to lessons. Today me and Rae have 1st 3rd 4th and 5th lesson together so we only have 2nd lesson apart. I went to my first lesson and sat down on the second row from the back because all of the back row was taken up. During the lesson a ball of paper was thrown at my desk. 'go kill yourself already no one likes you and no one wants you here so no one understands what the hell your doing by still being here' ouch. that stung a bit. I just put my head down and continued on with my work while Matt was kicking the back of my seat. I whipped my head around "stop kicking my seat" i said to him "and what are you gonna do about it?" he challenged "could you please just stop" I asked and turned back around to do my work. The bell rang and I left the classroom to be pulled backward "you shouldn't have given me cheek in that class cause you have it coming for you now" Matt said and he hit me hard around the face. I held my cheek and it was burning and my eyes welled up because of the pain but I didn't let the tears fall.

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