Chapter 13

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"Well I'm going bed, night guys" I told the boys it was 10:00 pm and we had an early start tomorrow so Trudged up the stairway and turned left into my room. I went into my walk in wardrobe and pulled out a pair of sweats and a oversized tee that I think was Kians but I stole it oh well. I then went back into my bedroom and then fell asleep in my very comfortable bed.
"Your a worthless piece of trash you should just jump off of the bridge next time" a voice spoke to me in darkness "ew don't talk to me you suicidal bitch" another voice spoke "just die already no body wants you here" another voice spoke "please just leave me alone!"

I woke up to Kian shaking me. "Ava are you okay? I heard you talking" Kian asked "oh uh yeah I just had a bad dream" I told him "oh okay, are you sure your okay? Is there anything you need?" He asked me "could you stay with me please?" I asked him as I checked the time on my phone quickly it was 2am. "anything for you" he said with a smile and covered himself in the blanket laying beside me "sorry for waking you" I told him "it's fine I wasn't asleep" he told me "oh well in that case get some sleep mister we have a big trip ahead of us" i instructed him "yes ma'am" he said jokingly. He rested his head on the pillow and I turned around and faced him. I slowly drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

My eyes overcame with light as I opened them. It was 5:30am but it was May so it's light early. I woke up with Kians arm resting around me and my head in his chest. I released myself from his grip and got myself up off of the bed. I went to the bathroom and had a shower and then changed into some while sweats with the '100' emoji on it and then out on my white and blue 'TRXYE' jumper, I put white socks on and my light blue Vans. It was now 10 to 6 so I woke Kian up "Ki Ki wake upppppp" I said as I shook his shoulder lightly "don't call me that" he replied "what? Ki Ki?" I challenged "yeah that" he said "no I'm fine with calling you Ki Ki, Ki Ki" I said cheekily "fine, Avey Poo" he said "fine Ki Ki" I replied "go wake Jc up or something" he told me "fine but I need your help, get the camera up on your phone and creep into Jc's room I'm gonna go get the whipped cream" I told Kian. I went downstairs and walked to the kitchen and went to the fridge. I opened the door but there wasn't any so I went back upstairs "never mind there isn't any Jc probably ate it all" I told Kian. "okay" he said. "I'm just gonna wake him up" I told Kian and walked to Jc's room across the landing I walked to his bed but he wasn't there. Slap! "Was you looking for this" he said holding the bottle of whipped cream in his hand as I wiped the rest of it off of my face "HOW DID YOU KNOW?!" I asked him "I was already awake and heard you talking to Kian so I went down the back stairs that lead to the kitchen and took it before you got down and I then got Kian to record it. I asked when you were downstairs." he said laughing. I turned around to see Kian with his phone recording everything. "this is war." I declared. "but we need to get ready so I will get you guys back during the trip" I said while walking out the room and went to my bathroom. I just applied a bit of concealer to my scars and a tiny bit of mascara and nothing else because we were just traveling. I went don't stairs and grabbed a bowl of cereal while Kian was in the living room watching TV. Once I had finished I washed my bowl and put it away then entered the living room. *beep* *beep* Jc sounded the horn of the RV and me and Kian grabbed our bags and put them inside. We then installed all of the electronics and equipped the RV with food and supplies. The time was now 8:30am so we got in the RV as Jc got in the driver seat at the front and we started out journey to Nevada. Me and Kian were on call of duty in the seating area on the 2 pod chairs I'm quite a rage gamer so when Kian beat me I got a little bit frustrated to say the least. "haha I won looser" Kian teased "that's so unfair you were closer to the TV so you could see who to shoot easier" I complained "yeah, yeah that's what a looser says your just jealous that I'm better that you" he teased again "well that's not true cause I'm the queen and your a peasant" I spoke nonchalantly. "whatever helps you sleep at night" he jokingly muttered. I threw a pillow at his face "oh this is war!" He yelled he grabbed a cushion and I grabbed one to and we hit each other with the pillows it's times like these where I just forget all of the pain and misery and think about before my mom died when I was never picked on and I was actually quite popular but that never really mattered to me I was just glad to have friends but they left but now Kian and Jc are better than all of those combined. We sat down and continued to laugh after a short while and the RV had stopped "GUYS GUESS WHAT!" Jc yelled running in the back of the van where we were sat "WHAT" me and Kian yelled at the same time "I just got off of the phone with Road Tour Management and they've asked if we want to keep doing this but get payed and meet fans! What do you think?" He spoke excitedly "I think that's great but we came on this trip to get away" Kian said "I don't mind but I have no fans of any sort" I informed them both "I'm your fan!" Kian yelled "alright Mr Cheesy I mean like I don't do youtube or anything like what your doing" I said "that doesn't matter when people do get to know you they will love you" Kian said "this will be fun I'm just scared" i told them "don't worry about anything you'll be fine people will love you" Jc told me "We also have a driver so we can all hang back here" Jc added "yay!" Kian said sarcastically but meaning it as a joke "hey!" Jc punched Kian's arm "were stopping off at a pit stop in around 30 minutes where RTM will meet us and we will have to sign a few things and then sort little bits out and then we will have our driver and just look around for a few days before tour starts in 2 weeks in Arizona." Jc then informed us "this is going to be amazing" I squealed "me and Jc are going to film a video soon so you should be in it it would help build you a fan base" Kian then said "that would be great"

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