Chapter 26

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The meet and greet had just finished and it was just amazing. I love seeing all of my fans, the people who take time out of their day to watch my YouTube videos or my vines it just make me feel amazing. But earlier on in the meet and greet I saw that Avery left the meet and greet due to "health issues" but I knew it was more than that I knew it had something to do with one of the other boys and that made me feel angry beyond words could describe she walked out and I saw a tear fall down her face and it made my heart sink. I told the boys to stop all of this, to stop bullying her. I know I did so wrong by breaking her trust with me so long ago when I began bullying her but at first it wasn't bullying I was trying to get her to notice me. Yeah we talked but I wanted to get a reaction out of her so that she would maybe realise I liked her. Later on when I met the boys they just copied what I was doing and it spiralled out of control part of me knew I was doing wrong but the other half just begged for attention and begged that she would realise my feelings for her. It angers me that I pushed her so far for her to become suicidal and I will never ever forgive myself for that. My mother didn't bring me up to treat women with such disrespect but I disregarded her teaching and caused this girl such grief and upset. I know she's forgiven me but I know she'll never be able to forget everything that I have put her through and I understand that and every day for the rest of my life this guilt will live in me for hurting this beautiful girl.


All of the boys piled into the green room as I lay there with my eyes shut due to a pounding headache that felt like my head was being pierced with knives. I opened my eyes and saw Kian enter the room I sat up and painfully brought myself up to stand on my feet when I suddenly felt extremely faint. Everything seemed to be going 10x slower than usual. My head was spinning and I felt extremely nauseous I felt my eyelids forcing my eyes shut until I was no longer conscious.

I began regaining consciousness not long after as I saw Kian run over to me. "Ave, Avie can you hear me?" He asked while elevating my legs by propping them on the sofa and fanning my face with his hand. He must have learned how to deal with people who have fainted before. "I don't feel good" I said opening my eyes slightly. I felt extremely dehydrated even though I'd been non stop drinking water for the past few hours but no matter how much I drank I just felt extremely thirsty. "What's happened to her?!" Cameron asked looking scared and concerned "why don't you ask Nash why she's in so much pain? Because due to the state he's put her in she could be in serious harm and I have to now rush her to hospital" He spoke while hatred seethed through every word as he glared at Nash. Kian picked me up and brought me outside and put me in a car and told them to drive us to the hospital.

When we arrived he told them that I needed to see someone urgently. The whole car ride here I kept slipping in and out of sleep Kian kept trying to keep me awake but it wouldn't last more than 30 to 60 seconds before my eyelids regained heaviness again. She saw Kian was holding me and I was still dipping in and out of sleep trying to stay awake as Kian had ordered. The woman spoke into a microphone and in less than a minute was a gurney being wheeled into the reception area by two doctors and I was placed on it and as soon as my head hit the pillow on the gurney it went dark.

I followed the doctors who was pushing the gurney as very fast speed down the narrow corridors until we reached a room with the number 128 on the door. I followed them in and a doctor came up to me "can you please fill out this form for me. Fill in the blank spaces as follows writing her name, age, date of birth, emergency contacts please" I took the sheet of paper and a pen and used the wall to lean on. I filled in necessary boxes and put down me and JC as emergency contacts. I then explained to the doctor that she told me she was punched in the stomach this morning and has fainted twice since the incident and told him she was in a lot of pain and was very faint an nauseous. He then thanked me for the information and then told me I needed to wait in the waiting room while he ran tests and would find me when he has found anything out. Now for the worst part. Waiting.

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