Chapter 21

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April 25th 2015

It's now nearly been a month since we started the tour. We have visited Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and we're now on our way to Texas. In Colorado we went sandboarding on our free day and in Arizona on our free day we went to the Grand Canyon it was fun! After the four days here we have a 2 week holiday. After a certain amount of time we will get 2 week breaks and then in the middle of being to all the states we have just over a 2 month break and then we start tour again. We will soon be in Texas and it will be fun.

This past month since we were in Nevada I haven't been bullied as much. I still get verbally bullied and sometimes I get a hit or elbowed in the side but the boys don't want fans to find out about it so I don't get why they can't just stop bullying me instead of being discreet about it.

I walked into the kitchen of mine, Kian and Jc's RV. We were parked up now at a service station for a quick break and I saw Cameron and Matt come into our RV and sit down through the door. Matt saw me look over and came into the kitchen. "What the hell are you looking at?" He asked trying to intimidate me "I was just seeing who came into the RV no need to get all arsey with me" I told him while going back to staring at a nearly empty fridge. Suddenly the door slammed in front of me and Matthews tall appearance towered over me. "Don't you dare speak to me like that. You know what will come for you if you speak to me like that. "I am done. And I mean DONE being walked over by you and your stupid pathetic gang of bullies. You do not intimidate me I will not let you push me around now get the hell out of my way so I can get something to eat!" I spoke with anger seeping through my words. "What, your actually eating now? Did you give up on your stupid act to get attention off people?" He spat back. "Your one of the reasons why I stopped eating you made me feel like shit calling me fat I wanted to be skinnier so you would stop tormenting me" I yelled back. Suddenly I heard someone run into the kitchen. Kian and JC stood there their faces furious seeing Matthew there still towering over me. "What the fuck do you think your doing?" JC said clearly angry "it's fine you two I got this you can go in there me and Matthew need to talk" I said shooting them a not so reassuring look but I tried. They both hesitantly turned around and left the kitchen shutting the door. "Look I don't care if you continue spitting insults at me because they don't affect me anymore!" I said still mad. "Well they did affect you when you nearly jumped off that bridge. And you know sometimes I wish Cameron wasn't at that park so you could've just jumped" he spat. I stood there still not saying a word. I'm not going to cry, I can't otherwise I would prove that everything I've just said is a complete lie because their words do hurt really bad actually but I can't let him know that. "Are you gonna say something or am I gonna have to hit you to get some words out because you look pathetic stood there looking like your gonna cry" he threatened. "Just get the hell out okay!" I said raising my voice "no what if I don't want to go what if I just sit here and happen go accidentally miss the chance to get back to my bus before we have another hour drive to the hotel?" He taunted "we both know you don't really want that though" I said clearly frustrated "I don't mind if it means annoying you some more" he said and ended the sentence with a wink. "Just leave okay! Or I'll.." I was cut off by Matt "or what you'll get Kian or JC to chuck me out because your incapable of actually sorting out a problem for yourself" Matthew continued to taunt me. "JUST LEAVE" I yelled loosing my temper. "Fine" he spoke nonchalantly and then left the RV.

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