Chapter 15

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I woke up to Kian yelling while hitting a pan with a wooden spoon. "Wake up!" Kian was yelling. I can get annoyed normally but at 7am I can be like a dragon "KIAN SHUT THE HELL UP BEFORE I HIT YOU OVER THE HEAD WITH THAT PAN" I yelled at him "no get up!" Kian whined "why?" I groaned yawning Jc sitting up too. "Causeeee we have an adventure to go on we're in Nevada I've never been here before lets just go out and see what there is here before we have to see everyone later. We might as well enjoy our time while we can right?" Kian said and I agreed with him "Rick said that he will meet us here with MAGCON later were at a service station at the moment, tonight we will travel to a hotel and then tomorrow is a free day and the day after we have a show and meet and greet and then travel again" Jc explained looking at his phone screen. Rick is our manager and Bart is MAGCONS manager but they have joined together to make one big management company so now we're stuck with my bullies. I went into the small bathroom which contained a toilet, sink and then a shower head because basically the whole rooms a shower and the drain is in the floor it's not the best but we deal with it. I took a quick shower washing my self and shaving and then I changed and put my makeup on. It consisted of concealer, foundation, mascara, and a small amount of lip gloss. My outfit was dark green high wasted shorts, a black and white "enjoy coca cola" belly top but it was big enough to only show a tiny bit of belly under my belly button. (It's boring writing about outfits but I feel like a fanfic is incomplete without doing so).

Once all of us were finished getting ready we left the RV and went to find a McDonald's so we could have a McDonald's breakfast. I ordered a hash brown and ate the majority of it whereas Kian and Jc had the full breakfast. After we ate we walked around and found some shops we all went into one jewellery shop and all brought the same ring it had an infinity sign on meaning we will all be best friends for infinity cheesy but igaf. They were gold and cost $60 each. To get money I have been designing tshirts and merchandise for a website I'd base it on TV shows and Kian and Jc then the people who own the website make and sell the shirts and I get 50% of the profit. It's pretty good because I have loads of designs on the website so I earn nearly $100 a week which is good to save some and spend some but I also have my life savings which I took before I left to stay at Kian and Jc's. "I was thinking what are we gonna call ourselves?" Kian asked "I don't know do you have any ideas?" I said looking at Jc "nope" he said as we carried on walking ahead down a busy high street and grabbed some smoothies from a little shop on the same street. "What about infinity" Kian said laughing while gesturing his hands apart. Me and Jc just looked at him as if we were saying no. "What about RV Life? Road Tour Infinity? Jianva?" Jc said with a small laugh. "J.A.K. ? Pretty simple but sounds okay" Kian said " or we could have like Infinity3?" Kian then also suggested "that sounds good" I said "infinity3 it shall be, we should make a YouTube account for it!" Jc said "yeah that sounds good we could post like every Wednesday starting in a few weeks" I said "sounds good!" Kian said.

We arrived back at the RV at 4:30 in the afternoon and Rick was there and so was another bus with big red writing that read "MAGCON" and underneath was "Shawn Mendes, Nash Grier, Taylor Caniff, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Cameron Dallas, Aaron Carpenter, Carter Reynolds, Matthew Espinosa, and DJ Mahogany Lox" and on the back and other side was a picture of all their faces. Our RV was black and half the size of it but I didn't mind because ours was homely. "Ahh! Kian, Jc, Avery your here I can't wait for you to meet the boys and Bart their manager. Follow me we're going to their bus; also have you decided on a name yet?" Rick asked "yeah we're infinity3" I informed Rick. He opened the door to the bus and we walked up the 3 steps to the first floor of the giant bus. A man approached us he looked like he was in his late 30s maybe early 40s he shook my hand and then Kian and Jc's "hi I'm Bart the manager of MAGCON I'm very excited for you three to be touring with us!" Bart said to us "yeah we couldn't be more excited" Kian said with a fake smile obviously all 3 of us didn't want this but it's too late now. "Okay well let me take you to meet all of the boys" Bart spoke turning on his heels and then motioned for us to walk through a door ahead of him that he was holding open. "Boys! I have a surprise Avery, Kian and Jc will now be touring with you and be your support act for your shows they have their own RV and are touring all around the states with you too!" Bart said all of the boys looked up and the majority of the boys faces dropped all apart from Jack, Jack and Shawn. "Avery! Why didn't you tell me you were touring with us!" he said his face lighting up and running over and hugging me "I only found out myself last night" I told him as we moved away from each other. "Oh I see you clearly know Gilinsky then!" Bart said smiling "yeah, he's my cousin" I said smiling. "Great well let me introduce you to everyone else, here is Jack Johnson, Shawn Mendes, Taylor Caniff, Aaron Carpenter, Nash Grier, Carter Reynolds, Cameron Dallas, Matthew Espinosa, Jacob Whitesides and Mahogany Lox" Bart said pointing them out but I knew too well who they were and so did Kian, Jc vaguely knew them from mine and Kian's stories but we all had to fake a smile and then we said hi to them and left to go back to our RV.

"I don't think I'm going to last months on end with all of them" I said starting to hyperventilate as I sat down on the beanbag chair in the RV "Ava, calm down, it will be fine you have me and Jc, just breath slowly follow my breaths" Kian spoke softly as he guided me to breath properly again. "Did you see the looks Nash and Carter were giving me what if they keep hurting me Kian?" I asked terror seeping through my words worry evident in my eyes. "Ava were here for you they won't hurt you please don't worry about this nothing will happen to you" Kian assured me "okay" I said quietly. Jc brought over a glass of water and gave me a hug I thanked him and we all sat down and turned the TV on and began watching 'keeping up with the Kardashians' because E! Was on from last night when I was catching up on it. I heard a knock on the door and it was the driver telling us we had arrived at the hotel. We grabbed our overnight bags and went into the hotel with Rick who met us in the parking lot.

We walked in and I saw the 9 boys, Mahogany and Bart. "Okay I have the rooms here when I call your name grab your room key and go! Room 436 is Nash, Carter and Taylor Room 440 is Shawn, Johnson and Gilinsky, Room 441 is Cameron, Aaron and Matt, Room 443 is Jacob and Mahogany, Room 446 is Kian and Jc and finally in room 450 is Avery." I grabbed my key and got the lift to the 8th floor because you get 50 rooms on 1 floor. I walked to the very end of the corridor to my single room. I swiped the card to get in and as I opened the door I was very happy. In my room was a king sized bed, big window to see the pretty city, a large coffee table with a sofa and two arm chairs and a massive flat screen TV. I dumped my bag on the floor and belly flopped onto the bed. It was extremely comfortable I felt like I was on a cloud. The door knocked and I opened it to reveal Nash and Taylor stood there and fear fled through my veins "w-what do you want" I said terrified "we're here to let you know that even though we're working together doesn't mean we hate you any less, neither does any of the other boys so before you start bouncing around like everything is going to be okay think again" Nash said before punching me hard in the stomach, Taylor then kicked me in the same spot and I curled up in pain on the carpeted floor. I then heard the door slam and the boys were gone.

I got off of the floor after a few minutes and went into the ensuite bathroom. I looked in the mirror and lifted my shirt to reveal a big red mark and a slight bruise already forming in its place. I broke down in tears on the cold tiled floor and rocked myself back and forth trying to calm myself. I heard another knock on the door and dried my eyes and tried to get rid of the red circles that had formed under my eyes as I opened the door to reveal Kian.

"Oh my gosh Ava what's happened" Kian spoke concerned bringing me inside, shutting the door and sitting us both on the sofa "Nash and Taylor c-came in and punch-" I tried to speak without crying but i couldn't stop myself I felt like crap I came on this trip so I didn't have to be anywhere near them and that's all gone wrong and now I'm with them for at least 12 hours a day instead of 7 like at school and I don't think I will last I've gone 4 days clean but I know that isn't going to last long my arms itching for the feeling of that small piece of metal cutting across it again but I know I can't give in. Not right now.

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