Chapter 19

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I got out of the car with Kian in front of me and Cameron behind me. We all ran into the venue because fans were pushing past the security guards and we couldn't let the fans get hurt or us for that matter. We were first doing an hour show and then a meet and greet. We walked through the massive hall with a big stage at the end of it. We went through the back doors and down a corridor to the "green room" which wasn't even green I never understand that. Anyways we all put our stuff down and went to the stage for sound check. After that we had half an hour left so we all went into the green room and chilled on our phones. Me and Cameron made a few vines which gave us a few bad looks off of Taylor, Nash, Carter and Matt.

"Guys get ready your on in 5" Bart called. We all got up and lined up in the order we were going on stage. There was 14 of us and we all went out in pairs and I was with Shawn, I have barely spoken to Shawn. I haven't since I've got here though only muttering a few words to him in school. "Don't worry, you'll do fine I know this is your first time going onstage in front of everyone." Shawn whispered to me "thanks" I replied to him. "Hello Everybody! Welcome to Magcon Nevada, we have a line up for you tonight especially with our special guests joining us for this tour infinity 3! I'd like to introduce to the stage Our DJ Mahogany Lox and Jacob Whitesides!... Nash Grier and Cameron Dallas!... Aaron Carpenter and Taylor Caniff!... Matthew Espinosa and Carter Reynolds!... Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson!... Shawn Mendes and Avery Pearsons!... And finally Jc Caylen and Kian Lawley!" Me and Shawn went up on stage and then Jc and Kian came out behind us. We all looked into the crowd and there were around 400 screaming girls with banners with the Magcon boys names on. If only they knew how horrible the boys really were. I even saw a few infinity3 banners in the crowd which was amazing. "Hello Nevada! I'm Nash"
"I'm Cameron"
"I'm Aaron"
"I'm Taylor"
"Im Matthew"
"I'm Carter"
"I'm Jack"
"I'm Jack"
"I'm Shawn"
"And we're Magcon" the boys introduced.
"Hello everyone, I'm Kian"
"I'm Jc"
"And I'm Avery and were infinity3"
We then introduced.

First Mahogany played some music and the boys did a dance battle. Some fans were pulled on stage and they joined in too. Shawn and Jacob sang, their voices may I add are amazing! Me Kian and Jc did some stuff like fans had to shout stuff to us and we'd have to do it so basically dares. At one point Kian had to lick Jc's toe. No one should ever have to do that.

Everyone was back onstage and we were all now sat on stools "now it's time for a Q and A so a security guard down there will come round and choose some people to ask us questions" Cameron said. "Are any of you dating or have a crush?" A girl who was quite short but skinny asked she had long blonde hair and hazel coloured eyes. Jack and Jack who were sat either side of Cameron turned to the side and looked at him and he then went a crimson red "none of us are dating but I think Cammy has a crush" Gilinsky said poking Cameron's still red cheek "shut up Gilinsky" Cameron said clearly embarrassed. I felt a bit bad for Cameron cause it's no one else's business if he likes someone unless he tells them but he laughed a bit too. Next a guy who was quite tall and *cough* good looking may I add was picked and he asked Nash if he was wearing contact lenses to make his eyes so blue. "Loads of people ask that but I don't I swear!" Nash replied.

After that boy was picked the security guard walked further down the back to give other people a chance "this ones for Avery" a familiar voice spoke but I couldn't see her as she was in the darkness at the back of the hall. The spotlight then went onto her and it was Rae. My palms became sweaty as I grew extremely nervous for this question. "What's it like being a suicidal freak? Can you please tell everyone what those marks are on your wrist? Why don't you tell them what you were going to do on that bridge?" She spoke loudly and clearly down the microphone. I looked down at my lap as my eyes began to fill with water but I wouldn't let the tears slip. I then looked to my right at Kian and Jc and they were furious. "Can someone get her out of here please?" Gilinsky yelled. "Someone pass me a microphone" I spoke to anyone near me on the stage. Shawn who sat to my right handed me his. "Ava you don't need to do this" Kian said to me "yes I do otherwise I'll be tormented about it by all of these people and that will be even worse" I spoke back to him and he nodded.

I sat up straight in my stool and looked at the crowd and my heart raced. "Okay, since you guys will now be wondering what that girl was on about I will tell you, I don't care if you give me hate for this because I've had enough of that now that I just don't care anymore. I'm also not saying this for attention before you all go saying that too. Okay, a few years ago my mom died and I felt like my world crashed around me. No one knew this though everyone just thought my mom had ran off and left me behind. I had such friends back then and I told them that my mom had died but suddenly they changed and became popular and began to pick on me. They would say 'your a let down and a freak no wonder your mom left you' causing rumours around the school that my mom left me because I was worthless and stupid. I had no one after that, no one wanted to be my friend I was verbally abused by almost everyone in my school and the other people just wouldn't even talk to me. That carried on going on until I came into school at the beginning of senior year. I was then physically bullied by 6 people I would be punched, kicked, slapped and even have my fingers trapped in lockers when I'm trying to get books out for my next lesson. The whole school hated me and no one cared about me. Because of the insults and the amount of hate I had towards me I became anorexic because I thought maybe people wouldn't think I was fat anymore, maybe I wouldn't think i was fat anymore. I became depressed, I had no one with me in this world only my step mom Andrea who would try and help me get back to eating and stuff but it didn't work much. I still felt like crap I was still being bullied this led me to self harming for months and months. As I walked past people in school they told me to kill myself and I was close to. Until a girl called Rae joined my school and then so did Kian. Kian helped me the most out of everyone but one day I just couldn't cope anymore and I went to a bridge at an old park that no one goes to. I climbed over the rail and leaned forward I nearly jumped until one of my bullies pulled me back over the rails and apologised. I didn't forgive him at first I didn't believe he was truly sorry. I went home after that and I was kicked out of my home for being "suicidal" my dad said. So I stayed with Kian and Jc. 2 days later I went back to school and I was tormented even worse for being "a suicidal freak" they would say and what hurt most was that Rae then turned against me too and called me names. She is the girl who just asked me those questions and after the day she turned on me I did cut but that was nearly a month ago and I haven't since. Yeah I've wanted to I'm still having to deal with people tormenting me 5 in particular and it hurts so bad but, I have to stay strong I can't let myself break anymore and if any of you guys in the audience have experienced bullying or are being bullied I hope you stay strong because we can get through it in the end and don't let yourself break like I did because your worth so much more than what people are telling you. Thanks for hearing me out" I said and then handed the mic back to Shawn. "Well everyone we've come to the end of the show but before we do Shawn will be singing his original song, Something Big we hope you've enjoyed the show!" Taylor said. After that we all left the stage as we heard Shawn begin his song.

We all left and went to the green room. We had to wait here for a bit because Shawn hadn't finished singing yet and also because our cars were going to be here in an hour so we can't really go anywhere else. "I'm going for a walk" I announced quietly just so a few people near me like Kian, Jc, Cameron and Johnson could probably hear. I picked up my phone and walked down the corridor and pushed down the bar to open the big grey door at the end of the corridor to get outside. I walked down the back so non of the fans leaving would be able to see me and then I walked down a road. My eyes began to fill with tears as I started to think about everything I just said in that hall to everyone. I just carried on walking to where my feet took me as my lip began to tremble and tears started to flow out of my eyes. I really can't take being here with all of my bullies. I couldn't breathe properly due to me crying so hard. I sat down on the side of the pavement and brought my knees up to my chest and rested my head on them. I then cried and cried.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and then saw in the corner of my eye, a male figure sit down next to me.

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