Chapter 7

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***just over 1 week after Kian arrived***


"Hey Kian, Hey Rae" I said as I hopped in the back seat of Kian's car. He had been picking me and Rae up every morning for school and dropping us every afternoon from school. I need to get a car. We all made small talk through the ride to school and played some music.

We arrived at school or as I call it hell thank goodness it's Friday and all went to our lockers. Kian's was right inbetween mine and Rae's it made life so much easier and I had them by me in the morning so nothing too bad can happen like the finger in the locker incident. That still hasn't healed properly. The most that happens in the morning is a shove or a hit over the head with a book. "Do you two want to come over tonight?" I asked them because my parents don't mind having friends over whenever except these past few years I haven't had friends to have over. "yeah sure!" Kian and Rae said "jinx" they both said at the same time. I just laughed at their nonsense. The bell then rung and me and Kian said goodbye to Rae because she wasn't in our first lesson.

It was lunch time and we all sat down at the table. Kian has really been helping me with my eating disorder. In front of me I had my smoothie and a small fruit pot. I didn't think I would be able to over come my anorexia but Kian really is helping me through this he is such a great friend. Every day he has been giving me support and little bits of food to try every day only little bits and today was a fruit pot. Inside was a few strawberries and rasberries I ate some of it but couldn't finish the rest "thanks Kian" I said "its my pleasure I'm just so happy your eating more now" he said with a huge smile plastered across his face which made me smile. I can't believe 3 weeks ago I had no friends whatsoever and now I have 2 amazing friends that are like my family. "Ava they're sat behind you again" Rae said and I rolled my eyes. As Cameron walked past he elbowed me in my back which made me jolt forward a bit "please could you not do that!" I yelled at him I was so annoyed I couldn't take this crap anymore. "could I not do what?" He asked innocently "you know exactly what you did" I told him "what? This?" He said as he tipped his tray up on top of me covering me with his food "oh sorry i thought you was a trash can you look as manky as one" he said and turned around the whole lunch room was laughing at me. I stormed out slamming the door into the wall Kian and Rae followed me "Oh look she's running off to finally kill herself!" I heard Carter yell so I flipped him off and walked to my locker while Kian and Rae were picking food out of my hair. I grabbed a pair of leggings and a hoodie from my locker because this happens a lot and went into the girls bathrooms. I got changed in a cubicle and came out and reunited with Kian and Rae. I then put my dirty clothes in my locker and faced them. "are you okay?" Kian asked "yeah for now" I replied "secret place?" He asked me "secret place" I replied and smiled "what? What's the secret place? Guys someone tell me what your on about please?" Rae was questioning and whining behind us "you will see just follow us" I said taking the lead and walking through the exit. We reached the shelter "how did you find this place?" She asked me "I used to sit here all through lunch because I had no one to sit in the lunch hall with without being tormented" I said "oh" was all she replied with. We sat there for the last half an hour of lunch before it was 4th lesson. We all had the same lesson so we walked there together.

It was the end of the day and I was exhausted. We all got into Kian's car and I text my mom (my step mom is like my mom because she has been there ever since my mom died so she is like a real mom to me) and drove to my house. I turned the key in the door and walked into my home "welcome to my humble abode" I said "nice house" Kian said looking around "thanks" I replied. We walked into the kitchen to see my stepmom and sister Grace in there. My stepmom was making dinner and Grace was doing her homework on the island. "Hey Andrea" I said to my mom I don't call her mom to her face "hey hun I'm making dinner for you all" she said "okay" I replied "are you going to try some or are you not feeling up to it today?" She asked me "no I will try" I said happily I always pass on my meals but I wanted to atleast try Kian really has helped me to get past this. She turned around and gave me a massive smile. Do you two wanna come up to my room? I asked them and they nodded. We went upstairs and entered my big room I had the master bedroom when we moved into this house I pleaded for it and wouldn't give up until I got it in the end my parents gave up and let me have it not my brother. "What do you guys wanna do?" I asked them "NETFLIX" Kian yelled "okay okay what do you wanna watch?" I asked him "well my friend Ricky has got me hooked on pretty little liars I'm only half way through season 1 but it is amazing!" He said excitedly "okay i guess we could watch that" I said Rae agreeing. "it's getting so warm in here Imma open a window" Rae said "sure open the big one its boiling" I said it is May and in LA it gets really warm around now since it's getting into summer. We then turned on my tv and I put Netflix on because I can get it on my tv we then started watching pretty little liars and it is actually really good!

We were on the 4th episode when something flew through my window and landed on my floor. I crawled off the bed and looked on the floor it was a rock with paper tied around it. I picked the rock up and brought it to my bed. I pulled the sheet of paper off which turned out to be an envelope it read 'no one wants you here why are you still alive why can't you die already?!' Then I opened the envelope to see a blade and a note attached 'cut a little deeper next time and maybe you will succeed' it read tears were flowing out of my eyes like a waterfall. I immediately hugged Kian and he calmed me down by saying soothing things into my ear I couldn't take this anymore I now feel unsafe in my own bedroom especially knowing that those boys know which one my room is they could throw something through the window that could kill me. "I don't feel safe here anymore" I sobbed Rae joined in on the hug and we were all hugging for around 10 minutes. "Shh it's okay you will be okay don't worry about them don't listen to them you are the complete opposite of what they say you are" Kian told me "thank you Kian and you Rae you two have helped me so much and I've only known you over a week I love you guys" I said "I love you too" they both said. It felt nice to know I was loved. "Dinner!" My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs "we'll be down in a minute!" I called I ran to the bathroom and splashed my face with water and dried it off so I didn't look like I had been crying. "leggo" Kian said. We walked downstairs and sat at the dining table the food was layed out so we could choose what we wanted to eat there was meat, vedgetables, sauces and other food like potatoes I just grabbed some broccoli and carrots and placed it on my plate. I grabbed a fork and moved the food around my plate a bit not taking a bite "Avie why aren't you eating" Grace asked she's only 6 so she doesn't understand "I'm not feeling too hungry" I told her and she just went back to eating her dinner. I stabbed a carrot with my fork and lifted it to my mouth and chewing on it. I then ate a few more slices of carrot and a piece of broccoli and felt full i couldn't eat any more. I sat at the table and waited for the others to finish. Once Rae and Kian were finished we were excused and went back up to my room the rest of the night consisted of a lot of Netflix and Pretty Little Liars. It was 11pm so I just told them that they could stay the night because of how late it was and they could stop so Rae changed into some of my clothes and Kian changed into some of Nathan's. After that we stayed up until around 3am just talking and then we fell asleep all in my double bed I was sandwiched inbetween Kian and Rae.

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