Chapter 11

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It was 2 days after the incident and I woke up to Kian yelling through my door telling me to get up because we had school. I didn't go to school yesterday but I'm going in today. I got changed into some light blue high wasted jeans, my plain white tank top but because I was wearing high wasted jeans none of my stomach was showing and also i wore my light pink vans pumps and a long light pink cardigan. I left my hair natural and applied concealer to my cuts and scars and applied some on my red marks, I then applied some mascara lightly on my top lashes and went downstairs. I grabbed an apple and sat at the island munching on it waiting for Kian. "ready?" He asked as he walked down the stairs "yup" I said as I grabbed a smoothie and a salad out of the fridge for lunch. We got into Kian's car and drove to Rae's but as we got there we saw her being picked up by someone else I looked into the other car and saw she was getting picked up my Mackenzie! "Why the hell is Mackenzie giving her a ride to school?" I asked Kian "I honestly don't know" he replied "lets just get to school" I said. We drove off to school and Kian parked the car.

We walked over to our locker and put our books in and took some out. Rae then walked over to her locker. I walked up to her "hey, why where you being picked up by Mackenzie this morning "ew don't talk to me you suicidal freak" she told me "excuse me?" I asked "you heard me now move you ugly piece of trash" she told me. A tear slipped from my eye and Kian walked in front of me. "what's happened to you Rae you were fine last week and now all of a sudden you've changed" Kian said "I am not going to be seen with a suicidal weirdo, you could completely ruin my reputation it's disgusting really to be near you right now" she told me "I can't believe what your saying, you bitch" Kian said. Raeanne walked off and left me gobsmacked Kian turned around and hugged me "I don't know what the hell just happened but it will be okay you don't need her if she is going to be like that" Kian told me. We pulled apart from each other and I smiled at him.

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