Chapter 23

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Me and Matt had a very silent walk to a park where we both then sat on a bench next to an old oak tree. "Why?" I asked. He looked down at his lap as if he was struggling to get the words out. He looked up and his lips parted for a second as he thought of what to say.

"It started in 6th grade when we started middle school, I'd never seen you before and I noticed you in history class. I thought you were so beautiful and honestly I did have a crush on you. But you never acknowledged me and that really hurt. I started talking to Cameron and Nash and they told me that they didn't like you and that you were horrible to them when you were younger. I was arguing saying you weren't mean at all but then they said if I liked you then I couldn't hang out with them anymore and it all spiralled from there. I just wanted to fit in I didn't want to be an outcast and I was just so annoyed that you didn't even try to talk to me so I agreed. I didn't want to hurt you but I had to to stay in the group I couldn't have no friends." He said his voice was becoming shaky. "So your telling me you decided to make me the outcast and the centre off all jokes because of some stupid middle school crush!" I said I was furious beyond recognition. "I don't think a stupid middle school crush would have lasted 6 years." He said now not making eye contact at all. "Wh-what?" I stuttered
"you heard me don't make me say it again"
"If you still like me then how is it that you became the worst one out of the group?! Your the one that would tell everyone what they'd do to me that day! Your the one that caused me so much pain I didn't even want to be alive." I began to cry
"Look I'm so sorry and I don't know whether you want to forgive me or not but I need to let you know that I really am so so sorry i mean it from the bottom of my heart. The last apology was true too but when you rejected it it just made me angry like how I felt back in middle school too"
"I believe your being true and I forgive you but  I need time I can't just go round acting like we're best friends all of a sudden"
"I understand, but can we hug it out?" He asked opening his arms. I hugged him and he held me tight I was still crying (thank god for waterproof mascara) I couldn't stop these past 6 years have really been a hard time for me and it's hard to overcome all of that at once.

We arrived back at the hotel and Kian and JC were waiting in the lobby looking anxious. "Where the hell where you?!" Kian asked running up to me and hugging me "and what the hell were you doing with him?" JC snarled. "we went for a walk and we went to set things straight he told me everything and why he bullied me but I won't go into that. But we've made up now I'm obviously not going to be all of a sudden best friends with him because I need time still but we've turned a new leaf" I explained to them. "Okay but just because you've made up with him doesn't mean that we have" Kian told me. We walked over to the stairs and walked up to my room where me Kian and JC just spoke and had fun for an hour before Matt and Cameron came in to go to sleep so Kian left. Tomorrows a new day and our show so let's hope it's going to go better than today.

I hope you all are enjoying the book. This is a short chapter I know but I didn't want to add too much detail as this chapter was specifically about Matthew and Avery and them finally becoming a closer bond so I didn't want to bring in too many other characters and develop this one as much as it would take away the meaning of the chapter.

As you can see from yesterday when I posted a chapter I finally found my book and I'm happy to be writing the book again. I hope you all enjoy reading it as I enjoy writing it. I notice in many books like mine (and there are many to be honest) you see that normally the girl and the bullies make up within the first 3 or 4 chapters but I really wanted to make their characters grow more and progress before I let them all make up and become friends as I think it adds a lot more detail and meaning to the book and how the characters really are. I didn't want this book to be like any others so that's also why I've done that. If you have any criticism on the book whether it's good or bad feel free to comment I like to know how I can improve and develop the book into something even better!

Beaten and BruisedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon