Chapter 16

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After I talked to Ava and cheered her up a bit I left her room because she wanted to have a rest. I got Jc from our room and told him what had happened. We stormed down the corridor to Nash, Taylor and Carters room and banged on the door. Carter swung the door open "what do you want?" Carter asked rudely "where's Nash and Taylor?" Jc asked "In here watching TV why?" Carter questioned. We pushed him out the way and I grabbed Nash by the collar and pushed him up against the wall as Jc did to Taylor "if you two think you can go around hurting Avery you have another thing coming for you. Just remember I am twice as big and twice as strong as you both so if you dare lay a hand on Avery you will wish I don't lay a hand on you! understood?" Jc spoke angrily to both of them. We released their collars and marched out of their room and down the hall to ours.


Me, Nash and Carter were watching TV and I was thinking about how much I hate Avery. I can't even believe she is on tour with us I don't want to be near her for more than 5 minutes never mind having to spend months with her so me and Nash sorted her out earlier and gave her a beating she deserved. There was a loud bang on the door and we made Carter get it because he was the closest to the door. I heard a voice ask where me and Nash were and we looked at each other with confusion. I turned my head around to see Kian and Jc storming towards us Jc dragged me up off the couch and pushed me against the wall as Kian did the same to Nash. "if you two think you can go around hurting Avery you have another thing coming for you. Just remember I am twice as big and twice as strong as you both so if you dare lay a hand on Avery you will wish I don't lay a hand on you! understood?" Jc spoke in an angry tone looking between me and Nash. We nodded and he released me and Kian released Nash. They then pushed past Carter and stormed out of the door. Jc can say what he wants and act as tough as he wants but he can't tell me what to do.


After Kian left I lay in my extremely comfortable bed and fell asleep I woke up half an hour later to a knock on the door. I only opened it slightly scared incase one of the boys came in and beat me up. "You have to come down for dinner" Cameron said in a small voice he seemed quite scared for some reason. "I'll be down in a minute" I said and slammed the door shut in his face. I don't care if he apologised I'm allowed to hold grudges if I want to especially since I can't tell if his apology is sincere. I put my black high top vans on and grabbed my phone. I opened the door and saw Cameron sat on the floor with his knees brought up to his chest and his head leaning on them. I then heard quiet whimpers escape his mouth. "Cameron?" I asked concerned "I really fucked up didn't I?" He asked "what do you mean?" I questioned him as I slid down the wall sitting next to him "I mean, I've bullied and hurt you for so many years and I don't even know why, I broke you Avery and even if you ever decided to forgive me I will never be able to forgive myself for the years of pain and hurt I've put you through. Please just know my apology was real I am so so sorry for everything Avery" Cameron said still crying heavily looking at me when he said sorry. I pulled him into a strong hug and he wrapped his arm around me and cried into my shoulder "I forgive you Cameron" I said softly. I could tell his apology was true so I forgave him. " thank you so much" he said his loud sobs turning into a quiet whimper "no, thank you" I said as a single tear cascaded down my cheek "for what?" He asked and looked at me "for saving me that day I was going to jump off of the bridge" I said as another few tears then fell from my blurry eyes. We pulled apart from each other and he wiped under his eyes and I did the same for myself. We sat there for a minute and then got up and walked to the elevator I pressed the button with a G on it meaning ground floor and after around 30 seconds the doors opened and we walked out no longer looking like we had both cried. Cameron looked down and smiled at me as we walked to the restaurant and I smiled back up at him.

I sat down at the large circular table next to Kian and Cameron. The order went: Me, Cameron, Gilinsky, Shawn, Johnson, Nash, Taylor, Carter, Matthew, Aaron, Jacob, Mahogany, Jc, Kian. We were all served our food I ordered a salad and some water. I picked at a few of the lettuce leafs that were drizzled in some sort of salad dressing with my fork and only ate a small bit of one leaf. I had no appetite whatsoever. I then heard Taylor speak from across the table "why aren't you eating then Avery?" Taylor asked noticing me barely touching the small amount of food that was in front of me "I'm just not hungry" I said plainly and looked down at my plate trying to act as if this was a one time thing "why don't you quit the whole anorexia bullshit just so you get a bit of attention cause no one cares or ever will care about your crappy life" Taylor said and Nash, Carter and Matt laughed "Excuse me? Who gave you the right to talk about my cousin like that the only one trying to get attention here is you by picking on someone just so your the centre of attention!" Gilinsky said glaring at Taylor. Taylor put his hands up in surrender with a smirk playing on the edge of his lips.

Jack G looked at me telling me he wanted to talk to me. I got up from my seat and followed Jack. "Why was Taylor acting up at you just then?" Jack asked me. "It doesn't matter" I said looking everywhere around the lobby but at him "Avery look at me" he said upset and I turned my head towards him "I have a right to know I'm your cousin" Jack pronounced concerned. We both sat down on a 2 seater in the lobby and I began to speak "Fine, for a few years now Taylor, Nash, Matthew, Carter, Aaron and Cameron have been bullying me verbally and physically. It wasn't bad at first just a few comments and then it got more verbal and then started the hitting and the punching. It drove me to become depressed, anorexic and a self harmer. A few weeks ago I was drove to the point that I tried to commit suicide. I was going to jump off a bridge but Cameron pulled me back over the rails he apologised to me then but I didn't believe him. And then before we came down for dinner he apologised to me then he felt so bad he broke down on the floor in tears and I forgave him. But the rest of them they don't care about me, earlier Nash and Taylor came into my room I was punched and kicked and then left on the floor on my own. I can only trust you Kian, Jc, Johnson, Shawn and slightly Cameron the rest of them make me cry myself to sleep that's if I do get sleep and I'm not up all night worrying if I'm going to be beaten up or even killed. That's why me Kian and Jc went on a road trip, to get away from them but we signed a contract saying we will go on tour cause Kian and Jc are famous and because of that contract we have to now go on tour with all of them which wasn't what we were going to do at first and I don't know what do do anymore" my voice cracking at the end because I was about to cry. Jack pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back "I'm so stupid to have not known all the pain my own cousin was going through" Jack said in disappointment "you wouldn't have known we don't talk that often it's fine" I said "it's not though I could have been there for you with all your going through" he said shaking his head "that doesn't matter anymore because your here now" I said and we smiled at each other.

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