Chapter 22

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We were now in Houston, Texas the show was tomorrow so after the travelling I just wanted to chill and find somewhere to eat because I'm hungry. First we had to check into our hotel we were staying in for the next 2 weeks and 3 days as we were staying in Houston over the break. We gathered in the lobby and sat down as Bart sorted out rooms. Bart told us there are 3 rooms of 4: "in room 134 there will be Shawn, Taylor, Aaron and Carter. In room 135 will be Avery, JC, Matt and Cameron and in 136 will be Kian, Nash and the Jacks. Here are your room keys you may now leave. And if any of you decided to leave the hotel please text me so I know the whereabouts incase I need one of you" he said and we all got up. I walked over to Kian "you'll be okay don't worry JC is in your room and he'll protect you and it's only to sleep anyways" he said and hugged me "I need to get to my room and sort out my luggage so I'll text you when I'm finished" I told him and entered the elevator. I got to my room and tried to open the door but it wasn't working. Cam had already left the room and gone to room 134 and JC went to Kians room. I saw them go in as I walked down the hallway meaning that it was Matt in there clearly blocking me from getting in. "Let me in right now." I spoke sternly. "Sorry I don't allow freaks into my room" he replied.
"Move whatever is behind that door now and let. Me. In."
"No" he replied
"You better move it because in case you haven't realised its not just your room and soon Cam and JC will want to get in and you'll have to move whatever is there so I'll get in either way"
I heard a lot of shifting until I was able to edge the door open enough to get into the room. I placed my suitcase onto one of the four single beds and sat down plugging my phone charger into one of the outlets. I ordered pizza to the hotel as its late so I won't have time to go out and eat. "Listen here you little bitch" Matthew spoke grabbing my face "if you ever think about telling me what to do again you'll have it coming for you. You hear me? Don't ever tell me what to do" and with that he pushed me away and walked out.

This is going to be a great 2 and a half weeks.

I got a call from the pizza delivery man telling me he was waiting in the lobby for me to collect my pizza. I retrieved it and went back into my room and sat down. I only ordered a small one as I still didn't like to eat too much. I picked up a slice of pizza and Matt came back into the room. He looked at the pizza lying next to me on my bed. He walked over and picked up the box. "What do you think your doing give me back my food!" I demanded. He took a bite out of one of the slices and smirked at me. "give me the pizza now!" I said becoming more angry. Then he picked up all of the margarita pizza and threw it at me. "I told you not to tell me what to do ever again." And with that he walked out. My hair and makeup was ruined and so was my favourite pastel yellow shirt. I was annoyed beyond what words could express. I rinsed my hair, reapplied a small amount of makeup because I'm not letting the boys see me without so they can make fun of my acne and threw on a black band T-shirt.

I stormed out and banged on the door of Taylor's room. The door opened and I was not so kindly greeted by Carter "what the fuck do you want?" He asked rolling his eyes. "Where's Matt?" I asked. Matt heard me and walked to the door "what's wrong Avery? Crying over the pizza you were probably not going to eat anyways because you pretend your so broken and just can't eat" Matthew taunted as he left the room shutting the door and leaving me and him alone in the hall way "what the hell is your problem with me?" I asked "my problem is that your a bitch" he replied "how am I?! I've done nothing wrong to you in the 6 years I've known you. I barely even spoke a word to you before you started bullying me so I want to know why you think I'm a bitch". I stared at him as he was looking around at his surroundings. "You just are." He replied "that's not a good enough answer! Why are you bullying me? I don't get it! Did one of the others tell you to? Even though I barely spoke to most them before you all decided to bully me to!" I asked "FINE YES THATS WHY AVERY! THAT IS WHY! ITS BECAUSE TAYLOR AND CAMERON TOLD ME TOO!" He yelled stepping towards me. I stepped backward and my back pressed against the wall. "Why? Why have you bullied me for 5 years just because they told you too?" I asked trying to stay calmer because I was afraid he'd hit me. "Come with me." He said and walked off towards the elevator. I stood frozen. "Do you want answers or not?" He turned towards me from around 10 feet ahead by the doors of the elevator. I gathered my thoughts and walked over towards him. I had no idea where he was going to take me but for some reason that I completely don't know why but I trusted him and that was one of the scariest things ever.

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