Chapter 10

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I would suggest playing stay strong by Bars And Melody for this chapter


I got into Nathan's car with my letter for Kian and drove to his house. I posted it through the letter box and then drove back home. I dropped the car off and went to this old park I used to go to but no one goes there anymore. I wanted to go here before I died because I had so many memories here from when I was a little girl and my mom was still alive. My mom and dad used to take me and my siblings here when we were younger and we had so much fun. I walked around and sat on a bench. I noticed the really high bridge that me and my brother would always walk across really carefully because we were scared incase it collapsed. I want to die where I had my greatest memories. My greatest memories were here in this park. I looked towards the bridge and realised I could jump its high enough. I walked up the high stairs to get to the top of the bridge. I put my legs over the rails and leaned forward a bit I looked down and where I will be laying pretty soon. "I'm so sorry Kian, but I have to go" I whispered. I went to push off the edge when someone grabbed my arm, I was hanging off the edge of the bridge. I looked up it was Cameron.

"Let me go!" I yelled at him. "no I'm not going to let you die" he told me "well you wanted me to earlier so make up your mind!" I yelled at him. He pulled me up and over the rails. " I never meant anything I said" he told me "if you didn't mean it why would you say it?" I yelled as I started to cry. "look I'm so sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen I don't know why I said what I said but I regret it" he told me "what did you mean to happen then?! your only saying this because you don't want to be the person known for causing a girl to commit suicide. Don't ever come near me again!" I spat and walked off.

I walked back to my house and opened the door. I walked past the living room and looked in along the way in there was my step mom, dad, Nathan and Kian who was crying. I walked in and they all looked at me. Kian ran over to me and engulfed me in a massive hug "Avery I'm so glad your safe where were you I got your note" Kian spoke softly into my ear "I just couldn't take it anymore" I said as a tear slipped down my cheek still hugging Kian. "I would feel upset and pained if you left me. You've impacted my life a lot too" Kian told me we let go of each other and he kissed my cheek. "Avery Pearsons, what were you going to do?" My dad said "can we please just no talk about this" I said "no, do you know how stupid you have been?! Do you not realise the causes of your actions?! Your being such a self conceited bitch these days the disrespect you have by not eating meals your stepmother has made for you, and you don't even come out of your room!" My dad yelled at me. Ouch, that felt like a dagger getting stabbed through my heart and twisted around. My own dad saying that about me. "That's enough Steven!" Andrea said "no it isn't enough Andrea she was just about to go and kill herself are you seriously going to sit here and defend her?" He yelled at my stepmom "I DID THAT BECAUSE I GET BULLIED VERBALLY AND PHYSICALLY IF YOU WERE ME YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND BUT YOUR NOT SO YOU DONT! You don't have to dread going to school every morning incase you get hit, punched, get your fingers slammed in lockers! You don't know what they have done to me, you don't understand" I said barely speaking the last words because of my uncontrollable crying. "They do what?" Nathan said. "i don't think she needs to explain it again" Kian told him "well what the hell did you do because it doesn't seem like much you go to school with her!" Nathan yelled getting in Kian's face. I stood in front of Kian getting in Nathan's face "he's the only person that has made me smile a real smile in years, he was the one that made me remember how to even laugh and he's the one that has helped me to eat again" I said pushing Nathan back. "Do you want to know why I don't eat or come down to talk to people dad? if I should even call you that. It's because I'm anorexic and depressed and that's because I'm constantly being bullied, being called fat and ugly that's why" I said still crying. Kian pulled me into another much needed hug "shh it's okay, you will be okay." Kian whispered in my ear. We pulled away from the hug and I held onto Kians arm and brought him upstairs. "can I stay at yours for a while?" I asked him "you can stay for as long as you want" he told me.

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