Chapter 20

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"I didn't realise how much we hurt you" I heard Matthew say "please leave me alone, I'm done with all of your crap" I said to him it came out muffled due to the sobs "I'm so sorry Avery, I had no idea that your mom had died, I was only told she walked off on you" Matthew then spoke. I lifted my head up and looked at him "and that still gives you the right to bully me?!" I yelled furious. "I have had to put up with that for years and if you knew my mom had died you wouldn't have bullied me? You only bullied me because you thought I was a letdown to my mother without even knowing a single thing about my life!" I then continued. "No, that's not what I'm trying to say. I'm just trying to say I'm sorry for everything, all of the pain I've caused you Avery. I'm so sorry" Matt said loudly but then got quieter near the end. "Leave me alone Matt" I spoke still furious "Why will you forgive Cameron and not me! Your pathetic!" He yelled and slapped me round the face "that's why, I actually knew he was sincere and wouldn't hurt me again" I said quietly and walked off as another tear escaped my eye.

I ran back to the venue and to the toilets. I went into the cubicle and took some tissue to dry my eyes. I then looked in the mirror and saw a red handprint on my face. I walked out to the parking lot and saw our car there. I got in and sat by a window so no one would see my cheek and I then waited for everyone else to come out to the car. After 5 minutes I saw a few people walking from the side entrance of the building. It was Kian, Jc, Shawn and both Jacks. They approached the car and got in I had Kian next to me and Jc was next to Kian and then in the back there was Jack, Jack and Shawn. Because everyone who was meant to be in this car was we left before the others and got back to the hotel.

I walked up to my room not wanting to get in the lift with everyone else and have them see my face. I went inside and just sat on the couch with my phone scrolling through Twitter. I saw I had loads of notifications and there was a #weloveyouAva trending, some of them read:

'MagconSlays: @AvaPearsons you are such an amazing and inspirational person, you will get through this #weloveyouAva'

'Jianforlife: @AvaPearsons you are so strong and beautiful don't let anyone tell you otherwise! #weloveyouAva'

'Mxgconbae: @AvaPearsons that girl had no right to do that to you at the show but you were so strong about it #weloveyouAva'

But then there would be other ones that weren't so nice:

'@AvaPearsons Ew why are you trending your ugly af and only said all of that for attention. Why are you even at Magcon when you have no talent?"

'@AvaPearsons I bet she's only at Magcon because she wanted to get in all of the boys pants. Slut.'

'@AvaPearsons how the hell do you have fans you talentless freak! No wonder you get bullied'

I then decided to send out a tweet because i haven't in a while and I wanted to give a mention to those who are so kind to me.

'AvaPearsons: thank you to all of you lovely people who have got a # trending for me I love all of the support ❤️😘'

I haven't had fans for long but I love all of those who do support me dearly. After another half an hour of scrolling through Twitter I heard a knock on my door. I swung the door open to be greeted by Cameron "Hey me, Johnson and Shawn are hanging out in my room if you want to come down I thought you'd be lonely here by yourself" Cameron offered "uh I might come down later on" I replied "okay well bye" Cameron said as I went to turn and shut the door "Ava, wait" Cameron then said and seemed alarmed "is that a bruise on your cheek?" He asked. Damn I forgot about that "what? No i must have rubbed mascara onto my cheek by accident" I said trying not to sound like I was lying "I don't think you wear purple mascara, who did this?" he asked me. "It doesn't matter" I said turning away from him "yes it does, who hit you Ava?" Cameron interrogated "please don't do anything, but it was Matt" I said looking at my feet. Cameron stormed off furious. I left my door open and followed him down the hallway.

"Cameron what are you doing" I said to the furious boy storming towards the direction of his and Matts room. He barged through the door me following him. "Cameron calm down!" I told him. I looked towards the TV and saw Gilinsky, Johnson and Shawn sat over there watching us utterly confused and Matt lying on his bed on his phone. "What the hell Matt!" Cameron yelled "what?" He asked as if he didn't know something had happened "why the hell did you hit Ava?!" Cameron yelled in anger. Matt got up off his bed " that bitch is ly-" Matt started his sentence to be cut off by Jack "You did what to Ava!" Gilinsky approached Matt fuming with anger and punched him square in the face. Matt then quickly recovered stood back up again and punched Jack. Matt dove on top of Gilinsky while he was on the floor and began to punch him "both of you stop!" I yelled and tried to push Matt off of Jack but they wouldn't and then Cameron and the boys ran over to the fight and pulled Matt off of Gilinsky. Jack got up off of the floor "don't you ever even think about laying another hand on my cousin." He said and then punched Matt in the stomach. "Stop, all of you!" I yelled "just stop, there was no need to get in a fight I know you meant well Jack and I know you were trying to stick up for me Cam but he's not worth it, he doesn't deserve any of the attention he gets after he does what he does because even by hurting me he knows that if someone try's to stand up to him, he's got attention. It's a waste of time" I told them. "Jack come with me I'll clean your cuts up" I said and grabbed his arm and pulled him along with me to my room.

I told him to sit on the chair by the coffee table while I got tissues and water. Gotta make do with out a first aid kit. I dipped the tissue in the cup of water and cleaned the dry blood from his face from underneath his lip and nose. I then cleaned up his cut lip and applied pressure to it to stop it from bleeding "ow!" He winced "sorry, but it's not going to clean itself up" I told him "I know and thanks for helping me" he told me "well you've helped me enough these past 2 days" I told him. "Anyways your all cleaned up now I'll walk back up to Cameron's room with you" I told him.

Beaten and BruisedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ