Chapter 12

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3rd lesson had just finished and after I heard what Rae had to say it really put me down. Kian really helped me out and tried to make me smile but nothing could lift my mood now. Me and Kian were walking down the corridor when people were throwing insults at me left right and centre "shall we go to the secret place instead?" Kian whispered in my ear "yeah" I replied and we turned around, Kian grabbed my arm and we ran down the corridor and down the back of the school. We barged the doors open and creeped down tithe small woodland and entered the wooden shelter and sat across from each other on the 2 parallel benches. I leaned my elbows on the table and tugged my fingers through my hair with frustration "why would Raeanne do this?" I asked in confusion "I honestly couldn't tell you" he told me "at least the boys haven't done anything so far today" I said "yeah" he replied. "We better head back because 4th lessons gonna start soon" Kian informed me. I nodded and we both got up and went to our 4th lesson. I sat down next to Kian and because near the start of the year we chose where to sit and then had to stay in those seats I'm stuck next to Rae too. Great. I sat down at my seat in between Kian and Raeanne. "don't worry about her just focus on the lesson or me don't listen to a word she says" Kian told me and I nodded clearly fear showed on my face. "ew is the suicidal bitch why didn't you just fall off that bridge why did you turn around?" She provoked me "you have no idea what happened to me that day and I really have no idea what happened to you and why your being a bitch all of a sudden" I told her and turned to focus on Mr. Grant.

It was the end of school and me and Kian walked to his car. We got in and drove back to his house. "honey I'm homeeeeee" Kian yelled as he entered the house. We dumped our bags on the floor and went into the living room where we was Jc sat on the grey sofa with his feet up eating a bag of chips watching spongebob "waddup" he said "nothing much" I replied throwing myself down on the sofa next to him Kian doing the same next to me. "hows school been today?" Jc asked concerned "no better than it could have been" I replied with a sigh "what happened?" He asked me "Rae turned to the dark side" I told him "oh." was all he said "I have an idea!" Jc yelled and jumped up off the sofa letting chips fall out of the bag onto me. I brushed them off and he then spoke "I could use my cousins RV and we can all just go on a road trip I think it's the best right now to get away from all of the drama and we should just go and have fun" Jc said "what about school?" Kian asked "There's a thing called online schooling ya know" he said "sorry" Kian said sarcastically putting his hands up in the air and making a funny face. "I'm getting the RV right now you two pack" he instructed us so we went upstairs and I went into my room to the walk in closet and pulled out all of my clothes I didn't know what to bring and how much to bring Jc didn't tell us how long we will be going for. I packed the majority of my clothes and left some because there was no room. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my toiletries and grabbed other essentials and dragged all my stuff down the stairs and left it all in the hall. I then looked up to see Kian dragging all of his stuff down aswell. "hey we need to go to the store then and stock up the RV" I told Kian "okay I will text Jc and tell him were going" Kian responded as we walked out of the house. We got to the store and got 2 big shopping carts Jc told us we will be gone for 2 months minimum so we need all sorts to keep us entertained and to keep us alive since there's just 3 beds a mini kitchen with no supplies and a sofa and table. We ended up buying lots of food to last us a few weeks and then we would stock up at one of our stops and then we went to target. We splashed out over $1000 on electronics to keep us entertained we got 2 massive flat screen TVs one for the bedroom another for the front part where the kitchen and seating area is. We also got a ps4 and an Xbox and also a sound system so we can all listen to music loud through the RV not quietly from our phones what would be the fun in that? We also got bed sheets cleaning stuff and other little essentials needed. Me and Kian separated to find some other items with our own big shopping carts filled with gadgets and random things. I turned the corner while looking at items beside me and accidentally crashed the cart into someone. I looked over to see Cameron "oh uh sorry" I said quietly nearly a whisper "its fine." he said and I began to push the cart around him "Ava please wait" he said "Avery to you" I said with a little sass "look I'm so sorry for what I have done to you" he said "whatever Cameron I know your only saying that because you don't want to be known as the leader of the group the almost caused a girl to commit suicide and I know I've told you this before but I'm saying it twice cause I know it's the truth so can you please just move out of my way so I can get what I need and leave?" I said raising my tone a little but I didn't want to cause a scene in the middle of target. "what's with all the stuff?" He asked "what's with all the questions?" I challenged back "just wondering" he said a bit defensively "well don't it won't get you anywhere in life so if you do want to wonder do it far away from me so I can carry on doing what I gotta do. Understand?" I asked hatred seeping through every word I still hate this guy so much for what he has put me through "got it" he replied "good now excuse me" I said and he stepped out the middle of the aisle. I grabbed everything else that I needed and payed meeting Kian at the checkout on the way. All of the shopping filled up Kians boot and all of the backseat of the car. We brought a lot of stuff. We drove back to the house and pimped up the RV ready for our journey all around the USA we were going to stop in every state we decided and we will stay for 2 or 3 days in each state so we will be gone way more than 2 months now oh well we can buy stuff while we travel. We decided that we were going to leave around 8 in the morning and start the drive to Nevada.

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