Chapter 24

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"What do you mean the tours been cut short?" Carter questioned. "I mean the tour was once longer and now several dates have been taken out of it" Bart said.
"So how long is the tour now"
"Well it's April now and all of the shows should be over by mid July including breaks so 2 months."
"You've reduced the tour from overall nearly a year to 3 months?!"
"Look we didn't want to but a lot of the shows haven't sold well and venues have cancelled and you all can't be touring for a year yes in the near future we will put more shows on but we can't spend so long touring at once I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news and all but your going to have to deal with it we'll tour again anyways. But now you all need to get to bed because meet and greets are tomorrow. Great show today guys!"  And with that we all left to go to our rooms.
"I think we should all go to the pool!" Taylor yelled as we were all walking up the stairs. No no no no I'm not going I can't they will see my body I don't want that. My body is fat and full of cuts and bruises I can't let them see that never will I ever let them see that. It's just a recipe for disaster all I will have off the boys is body shaming all day and that will probably continue forever after they see me. All of the group was cheering and we're excited to go to the pool however I remained silent. I turned my key in the handle of the door and lay down on my bed it was just me and Cameron in the room. "Are you not getting ready to go to the pool?" Cameron asked. "I'm not feeling well I'm gonna skip going today" I replied I hope he doesn't realise why I'm really not going. "Ah come on only for an hour when your enjoying yourself you won't even notice" he pressured "I said I'm not going!" I yelled losing my temper and with that I stormed out of the room I walked down the stairs accidentally bumping into a girl and apologising and made my way out of the hotel. Yeah I may have overreacted but I'm not ready for that I don't want them to see me in a bathing suit I'm ugly and I don't need them making me feel even more that way about myself. I decided to busy myself by walking down to a cafe on the corner by the hotel. I had sat down with my latte when suddenly my twitter began to blow up.
Updatesonmagcon tweeted: earlier today @CameronDallas and @AveryPearsons98 seen to be having an argument in their hotel room
Someone had caught me shouting at Cameron in the hotel room on video and had posted it on Twitter questions were flooding in to me and Cameron wondering what it was about drama and gossip pages had also got ahold of the video posting it on their accounts meaning more people have seen it and more questions were firing at me. What the hell am I meant to say?
@AveryPearsons98: all a big misunderstanding everything is fine between us there's nothing to worry about!
Im hoping that tweet would clear everything up now with the fans and stop them from bombarding me with questions. Obviously that tweet is far from the truth but if I say anything my manager the boys manager and the boys will probably kill me.

*2 hours later*
I was in my room and then Matt came in. "Is it just you back?" I asked "yeah I came back early me and Taylor got into a bit of an argument so I decided to leave before I punched him in the face. Anyways why didn't you decide to come?" He asked
"I didn't feel well"
"Don't say that I know it's not true if you really felt ill you wouldn't have flipped out at Cameron that bad earlier"
"Well I was feeling ill and it's frustrating having people ask me questions and not believing my answer"
"Well I would believe you if you weren't lying so tell me what's wrong it's just me here no one else needs to know"
"You don't need to know either."
"I know but if you tell me I could help you I want to be there for you Avery after all I've done to you I want to be there for you now to prove I'm not who I made myself out to be. Why didn't you go swimming?"
"Because I'm scared Matt. I'm scared of being told I'm fat, I'm scared to be bullied even more especially when I'm more vulnerable and I don't want everyone to see my stomach full of cuts and bruises and scars that you all created. I don't want the boys to see me like that I don't want them to see what they've done to me so they can be proud of it."
"Can I?" He asked gesturing to see my stomach. My heart raced as I picked up the corner of my jumper not showing too much however revealing an almost faded bruise and a scar from when Taylor kicked me after he came back from football practice and the stud of his boot cut my side. "I-I don't know what to say. I'm just so sorry" Matt said as his eyes welled up with tears. My eyes then began to get blurry due to the tears flooding my eyes. "I'm so sorry." He said again. I nodded and wiped away my tears and then got up and walked out of the room. I couldn't just stay there I'm opening up too much I need to build my wall back up. I can't just let people in anymore because when they do they hurt me. Raeanne hurt me when I let her in, my fathers hurt me, I let Cameron in he was one of my closest friends  and then he began to bully me. I'm not letting anyone in ever again.

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